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Rohan stood at the pharmacy to get all the medicines needed when Manik came and stood beside him giving him a look. Rohan gave Manik a slight smile in return and turned back to leave.

"The wedding's in a week." Manik spoke.
"I think it's a little early but if uncle wants it then this has to be done." replied Rohan.
"Yes because Nandini loves her father alot. Doesn't she?" Manik smriked.
"Always have, always will.Uncle has always been her first priority." Rohan smiled.
"So how do you feel about it?" Manik asked him taking the packet of medicines from his hand.
"about uncle? he'll be fine soon, always been a fighter." Rohan replied with a smirk.
"Yes he is but what do you feel about this marriage." Manik asked with a slight laugh.
"It's Nandini's decision and her choice." Rohan replied non-chalantly as he started to leave when Manik stopped him.
"Be honest rohan." he demanded.
"I am being honest." Rohan replied pushing his hand back.
"Okay so you are being honest that you don't love Nandini or maybe you do." Manik had a hard stare but Rohan smiles and faces him.
"That's my pretty little secret.' he replied with a smirk.
"Oh stop being a one sided lover. Just confess the truth i'll leave her for you." Manik said in a serious tone.
"Oh really! okay so here we are being honest then yes i love her. High School love you see never goes away." Rohan chuckled.  
"So why being sweet to me if i am your competition?" Manik asked.
"Because she has fallen in love with you. You idiot. She doesn't love me, she loves you. Do you get that and before being my first love she has been my best friend and i always have stood for her decisions and i'll always will. And for you Mr Malhotra i wanted to smash your face today at the very first when i saw her crying but I couldn't, i just couldn't because she is too good for you and others but people dont value her." Rohan warned him with a strong stare.
"But i don't deserve her." Manik's voice was low this time.
"Ofcourse you don't but then here you are, with the wedding in a week." Rohan gave a sad laugh.
"I should leave dad must be looking for me." Manik looked everywhere but the man infront of him.
"Manik i dont want to be impulsive or something but don't run away with your feelings and if you are really into this relationship then only say yes for this wedding. Please don't break her heart. She is a really innocent and pure person." Rohan requested him.
"Yaya i know brother, some bonding happening here but before being her love try being her friend because for Nandini her friends are above anything. I am late so i should leave." Rohan bid him a bye.
"Goodbye and i am sorry for getting you wrong." Manik apologized.
"It happens because some stupid person said that a girl and a guy can never be friend. Goobye. Rohan left when Manik turned around and saw Cabir standing.

"You can tell me that 'you told me so'." Manik looked down ashamed of himself.
"Nope. I think you've had enough of reality checks for today." Cabir replied as he went away laughing.

"Dumb Manik! Such an idiot you are. The place where you have to use your brain, you shut it off and open your mouth for speaking rubbish. How can i be so stupid? Now i'll have to apologize and ask for forgiveness for the second time in a row. I should be the last choice for Nandini instead of being the second, third or any in a single syllable." Manik scolded himself before he entered the ward and saw Nandini feeding apples to her father.

"Sorry i can't have anymore. I am already so full." Mr Singhania complained like a kid.
"Dad it's the last one please have it." Nandini requested him.
"Fine" he gave up when he saw Manik enter the room, "Manik you're back? where were you?" he asked.
"Uncle, actually i had gone to see off Dad at the exit." Manik replied walking to the duo.
"Your dad, he was concerned for nothing. I am fit and fine." 
"Nobody was concerned for nothing. You scared all of us soo muhc." Nandini scolded him.
"I agree with her. By the way Nandini, the doctor said that uncle needs to rest now." Manik informed her.
"Okay. Dad i'll just throw this and come back to you." Nandini got up when Cabir barged inside the room, " You're not coming back and going home." he ordered.
"No i am not leaving dad alone." Nandini denied.
"I totally agree with cabir on this. You should go home, have some rest and sleep off your worry." her father insisted.
"If i go home then who's gonna stay with you. We can't leave you alone so soon." Nandini folded her arms infront of her chest raising her eyebrow.
"Me. I'll take care of uncle." Manik offered to help.
"Great problem solved then. Now can we leave because Rohan is waiting for us." Cabir held her by her forearm dragging her away.
"But-" Nandini tried to protest only to be shut by her father, " Nandini go home. Even i am sleepy now."
"Come. By the way Manik i'll send your dinner and clothes through the driver. Okay?" Cabir informed.
"Okay" Manik laughed as Cabir dragged Nandini away with him not paying any heed to her protests. As soon as Nandini and Cabir were out of sight, Manik turns to face Nandini's dad as he asked, " So who was the director of this great show? You or my dad?" he asked with a smirk.

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