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For the engagement this evening, the venue looked alive. The air was so thick with lights flickering, it could feel like a disney movie with aesthetics, if not for the murmur of the crowd and music that thrummed straight through the bodies surrounding around them and hitting their eardrums. Sweat flicked up into the air with the start of every dance move, and wet hair bounced back down with its compleition by all the excited kids around. It would have been beautiful - perfect even - if not for one thing. The jealousy being radiated. The venue,  outfits and most importantly the couple were ready to ring in the happy future. Were they or were they not?
It wasn't until 6 in the evening that Manik and his family left their home for the venue. The guest were pushed into cars. The arrangements were done perfectly, why wont it be, the bride's father always made sure her daughter had the best of the world.

The greetings and teasings were done as Manik had matched his blue suit perfectly with Nandini's outfit. But amidst the chaos, all eyes were on the door waiting for the princess to arrive and there she was, Nandini.  
Simple and elegant as always in her fittest and best outift, it was a strapless gown of a cerulean blue embroidered silk, with an asymmetrical overpanel revealing a less-heavily embroidered underskirt, as she walked down the engagement aisle towards the stage with Cabir along her side, both laughing and gushing over a few guest and ladies who had wishfully secured their place around the food tables.

"Doesn't she look eternal and breath taking." Manik heard Smon whisper to him.
"Adding to the points that she is mine." Manik answered back with a smirk playing on his lips. He could see every man in that room envy him at her every step.
"Of course dude, well just a thought that each guy present here dies with her each step towards you. You are actually very lucky. " Simon chuckled as he confirmed every thought playing inside Manik's mind. 
"Thank you." Manik replied with a smile as his eyes never left her. Nandini walked to the stage as she hugged her father who showered her with all the compliments one could think of, met Manik's family and started climbing the stairs when a hand came before her. She looked up, only to find Simon offering for help.

"May i?" he asked her.
"Always for you." Simon smiled at her as the photographer snapped alot of their pictures. Simon couldn't stop gushing to nNandini over the faces Manik was making since the time he helped her. Everything was going as per his plan, he said while Nandini was actually giving a thought to Manik being jealous, maybe because he has started falling for her. 

Was he changing his heart for her. Maybe.

In a while it was time for them to exchange their rings and bound themselves to each other. Manik was finally happy when Simon stepped down from the stage so that the family could accomodate around them but the looks he gave Nandini were not out of sight.

Soon enough the rings were exchanged and the audience broke into applause. Nandini side hugged her father who couldn't stop his happy tears falling down his cheeks. His little one was going to be someone else's princess now. A guy who would take care of her like he had done his entire life. Thankfully, Cabir took this opportunity to ease the situation like always, "So Manik since you are taking our little one with you soon. I hope i get a dance with her tonight. Can i?" he asked as Nandini gave him a wide smile. It reminded her of the dance they did on her graduation day in London.

"Ofcourse Cabir. That's always gonna be your right." Manik stepped back a little for Cabir to take the charge. Cabir got Nandini down from the stage and danced to the soft music as Manik stood adorning her from distance, the way she laughed at each comment Cabir made about any of the guest. He smiled at the way she felt safe with Cabir handling her, grinning ear to ear and thought if he could ever do that to her ; make her feel secure. The relationship was of course arranged but can he turn this into a lot more comfort and maybe love.

Alya was gone from his life for good for once. Even thought it wasn't easy to replace but he was determined to try this new phase and this new friendship in his life. Manik's adorning eyes welcomed rage when Cabir twirled Nandini to Simon and the way her face lit up at something he said.

Simon, the guy who made his blood boil, but why? Nandini had every right to befriend anybody she wanted. But why was he so grumpy whenever Simon was around her.  Why he wanted to snatch her and dance all night under the stars. Was he feeling something?

"Now your loverboy is definetly jealous, like he could fry me through his eyes." Simon joked explaining Nandini of all the look Manik had been giving them.
"Thank you Simon." Nandini said after a short pause.
"Thank me why?" Simon asked with softness in his eyes.
"I don't know, it just feels good to have someone lookout for me this way." she gave an honest answer making Simon smile.
"Well i am a person in love Nandini and i know those eyes, they just need direction. Also you and me had a deal remember?" he reminded her of the conversation they had in the coffee shop.
"I will help you for sure but i can't understand, why are you doing this for me? It does mean alot to me even if this is like a small thing." she said.
"I know that feel and look Nandini. I know you love him and in his own way, he does too." Simon explained to her. Suddenly the light went off and something fell on Nandini's dress jerking her away from Simon who was concerned.

"You good?" he asked looking out for her.

"Oh god i hope it's just water." answered a worried Nandini as she turned to leave.
"Need help?" offered Simon.
"No but when the light get back just tell them that i went to clean my dress okay? I don't want anyone worried for me." she said as Simon gave a slight nod helping her out of the dance floor, " Okay. Just be careful, don't fall cause it's dark here."
"I dont know how this light went off and where is the back up is but thanks i'll just go clean this." Nandini headed up the stairs to find a washroom to clean her dress when she was pulled through a door in a sudden attack.

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