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This one's a little simple but important.

Nandini had left office early today as planned and was currently in a dilemma. Oh no not the manik and granny one but the one where she couldn't decide between tulips and daffodils. They both were pretty in their own way and for tonight's small family gathering she needed either of them for the table decoration. Another dilemma was handling Cabir over the phone call which was definitely a bad idea to put him up for the food purposes. Her granny wasn't a big fan of people so they hadn't actually invited anyone not even the Malhotra's which was now the reason that she hadn't told Manik about it in order for him or his family to not feel bad.

She was on her way when an old deary couple caught her eye sitting outside the park bench and now she clearly knew what would make her granny feel happy and loved again.

At the mansion Nandini came in with quite steps running straight to the kitchen in order to hide from her granny, the thing she wasn't aware of was that she was in for the big shock. The kitchen was a mess, all she had wanted was for her father to cook a nice dinner for granny like old times and all he did here was cook ofcourse, a nice dinner but along with all the veggies hanging everywhere. Worst of all was Cabir who sat eating largeful morsels of food doing nothing.

"Seriously guys" Nandini sighed.

"What look we cooked. Mission accomplished" Cabir spoke with a mouth full of food.

"Well duh , like this. This looks like a hurricane hit here." Nandini taunted.

"Well kiddo. I was here after a really long time so-" Nandini's dad tried reasoning

" and that is why I had Cabir look out for you. Now screw that I have all the preperations done on the terrace all we have to do is get granny there" she ordered.

" that's on me" Cabir budged in.

"obviously not. You go and get yourself cleaned up and dad why don't you go and get her". The terrace was nicely lit with a table in the centre and a small music system on one side. Nandini's dad got granny up who had a big smile on her face as soon as she saw the whole arrangement.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" everyone shouted.

" oh God? Thank you, you kids are so lovely" the old lay cried happy tears being over whelmed.

"Not me mom it was all Nandini who did this" his son pointed at his daughter.

" But dad cooked the food granny" Nandini said.

"And I tasted if that counts" Cabir butted in as everyone shouted, "Cabir"

" No my kid this is perfect , celebrating my anniversary after such a long time. I have always longed to see my kids on this day and here they are with me" Granny held Nandini's face between her palms.

"umhum grams not just us we have someone else." Nandini came forward and put a gajra (a hair accessorie made of flower) in her Granny's bun, " And now we have granpa too with you isn't it." she said showing her a mirror.

"oh my kid" Granny exclaimed as the tears fell down.

"i knew no tulips,roses or daffodils could match this and also this" Nandini clicked on the remote as the old song "UDE JAB JAB ZULFE TERI" started playing in the background.

"now it feels perfect, isn't it dad?" Nandini asked her father.

"your mom would be so proud of you and if she was here-"

"son she is always here inside our Nandini" Granny kissed her forehead as the family started enjoying their dinner with conversations filled with laughter and admiration when Nandini's phone rang again.

"I think you should take it Nandini, it's been ringing since a long time" Nandini's dad spoke.

"Dad it's just work I'll see it later" she replied turning to upside down.

"No Nandini don't keep anybody waiting go on" Granny encouraged her. So Nandini went on a secluded space and picked the call, "hey manik", she greeted him.

"Nandini where the hell have you been? You left office without informing me." came his panicky voice.

"i told you I'll leave early, some important work remember" Nandini reminded him.

"Is it the NGO work?" asked Manik

"yeah yeah it is. Sorry couldn't get your call or texts." Nandini hated lying to him but she knew that it was a touchy subject for her Granny as well as it won't look good that they hadn't called the Malhotra's.

" It's okay you just got me scared there. Thought you ditched our wedding." Manik joked.


"okay no jokes on this but you definitely ditched our date right." came his voice with a bit of disappointment that he probably tried not to show.

"No I did not" Nandini replied.

"yes you did it's 11 pm now the day's done" Manik said as she looked at the watch.

"umhum we still have an hour of today. Meet me in 15 minuted below my house." Nandini instructed him.

"Nandini I know you had something important and also the reservations I made they are a waste now so where will we even go. Forget that" Manik's voice had an understanding tone.

"No we won't and I promised you but I never said who the date was on." she said.

" what do you mean?"

"Meet me in 15 minutes okay. You're gonna have the best date of your life and that also today." nandini didn't wait for his reply as she cancelled the call smiling to herself. She knew she could handle it and she will.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now