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Here we go with the last part!

Happy Reading :)

The day for the wedding arrived, a day that was going to change alot in the lives of both the souls who had somehow started this journey with different people in their life or by peer pressure but now were together because well they made it till the end. Nandini when first met Manik had no idea that this guy would be so difficult for her, from falling in love with him to wishing to have never when he chose someone else over her to walking down the stairs for one of her wedding ceremony today, she had never in her dreams thought that Manik would have her feel so many emotions.

As she saw her father today with tears in his eyes as he applied that turmeric on her hand bidding her a goodbye from being a princess to being a queen at a different household. Nobody can ever understand the emotions felt by each individual from the bride's side, the connection they have always had. Even if she was going far for mere 30 minutes or less, everyone felt sad having their happy bubble walk away from the threshold.

Talking about being close and still sad was, Cabir, even though he was stuffing food to stop the sadness, it was of no use as he looked at Nandini for once and the almost brother-sister duo cried their heart out.

On the other hand the groom side was fun but stressed of having a new member joined to their family. From making that person feel like home to keeping the whole household intact well it was a hustle as Manik's father ran from one place to other making various phone calls. As if to talk about the groom, well he was the centre of attraction, although it was nothing new for Manik since he had always had such an effect over girls. PLAYBOY MALHOTRA . But right now it felt wierd as the tingling feeling that he is gonna go from a bachelor to nah actually it was the fact that he was gonna share everything of his life with Nandini now. Strange isn't it how even the toughest ones fall off from the cliff scared and stressed.

The morning ceremony went fine and Nandini was later on dolled up for the big event. THE WEDDING. A TYPICAL THOUSAND PEOPLE WEDDING. The most exciting thing about weddings is that, the clothes and food you get to have, but the most wierdest thing is alot of people oogling at you for no rhyme or reason. I mean, hey we got you food have your attention to that. Make use of the money you spent on the wedding gift.
Manik reached the decked up place and was welcomed as a royalty, perks of being the groom. The family clustered as they welcomed him with the numerous rituals an Indian family does. Well all he wanted to do was watch Nandini walk down that aisle towards him and then he can have her all to himself. FOREVER.

As expected the bride took her own easy time making him sweat in his attire due to the people he had to meet and the amount of times he had to bow down and touch each and every elders feet. But the wait was finally over as Nandini walked down adorning a floral lehenga looking like a goddess of all the natural creations. As she made her way towards her prince charming the extra natural blush stayed while Manik popped his eyes out, just a metaphor not actually because that would be gross.

As soon as she reached the desired place, both were made to exchange flower garlands. They place the flowers around each others neck to symbolize their acceptance of the union. After the garlands are exchanged, the priest lights the sacred fire, or agni. The most important part of the wedding is the taking of vows by the bride and the groom, who go around the fire seven times, amidst chanting of mantras by the priests, in the presence of the guests who are witnesses of this union. And as they did they were binded in this relationship together till eternity.

Both Manik and Nandini got down the mandap area and touched the elders feet to take their blessings as Nandini left her house to embark a new journey at a new place.

Reaching to her new home, she was welcomed with warm smiles and laughter along with some happy tears as Mr and Mrs Malhotra adored their new daughter. Mukti was no less in her excitement while Cabir had just gotten here to drop off and now had left to check on the family she had to leave behind. 
Later that night in Manik's room, Nandini stood at the balcony as she talked to someone on her cell phone.

"you sure you wanna do this Nandini?" asked the person on the other side.

"Never been much sure about it." her reply was rather monotonous with no actual meotions oozing out of it.

"This could hurt so many people." the person reminded.

"Everything is fair in LOVE AND WAR" Nandini smiled as she cancelled the call looking at the hustle bustle infront of her at the lawn area. The sky twinkled as if smiling at her yet was dark similar to the aura that had formed around her.

While at the parallel time on the terrace stood two humans looking at the same sky as the person below them.

"I thought this was not gonna end. You made me wait too much today." Manik spoke.

"oh really is that so." said his companion.

"Yes I thought you ran away." Manik replied not understanding his own tone and words as he tried to look beyond the darkness.

"And I thought I lost you today." the companions voice was lower and desperate this time.

"And exactly how were you gonna loose me ALYA." Manik faced her as he rubbed his thumb ober her cheek.

"Because you married that idiot Nandini." Alya replied in a sad tone givign into his touch.

"Babe we both know why I married her." said Manik as he pulled her into a hug.

"Umhum but you are all mine." Alya hugged him back. A few seconds into the hug and Manik backed away from alya and stood closer to the terrace railing.

"It was fun wasn't it, to know who you are and what game you are planning. And to know that the other person known nothing. And have them get clean bowled." Manik said titling his neck towards the sky.

"You think we are safe?" asked alya standing beside him as she scooped her arm around his.

"ofcourse we are. Nandini doesn't even know what hit her and now the actual game begins. WELCOME THE VERY FIRST MUTUALLY MARRIED COUPLE" Manik spoke with a smrik on his face and darkness filled in his voice with a devil inside his eyes.



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