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Okay so i just realized that i was such a bad writer long back so soon I'll be taking down "LOST LOVE" whoever wants to read it make it quick.

And don't get upset it's just a temporary take down for editing.
As soon as i make it readable again, I'll put it back.

Manik had utilized all his time since morning after having that conversation with Nandini. Did he regret that? NO. Did he regret talking to Mukti about how he felt? DEFINITELY A YES. She has been adamant of making his life hell since the moment she woke up again and met him at the breakfast table. To say that the family breakfast was normal would be an understatement it was far from being normal as all she did was make him uncomfortable by passing him some stupid ass remarks such as, " Hey bro you look like you were too busy fantasizing the entire night that you forgot to sleep. Is it so?"

Or the one where she said " looks like the thief got inside our house to rob all of our coffee supply" when Neyonika fussed about the missing coffee from their food pantry.

But all he did was, try to ignore her as much as he could, firstly because talking to his sibling was of no use and second of all he can not afford to have a bad mood and get late for a meetup with Nandini at 12.
It was exactly 11:30 and he was ready to leave managing his time of making a stop in the middle of his drive time to get her some flowers. Walking down the stairs he thought nobody was home when his happy bubble was burst into the thin air as soon as he heard his evil sibling shout out his name while sitting on his sofa , legs spread wide ahead on the coffee table.(To much coffee in a single chapter but all i care is that i am obssessed).

"Now what Mukti?" he was really on a thin line of patience with her.

"Looks like the baby brother is going somewhere?" her face held a sense of mischief.

"First of all i am not your baby brother and secondly, well it's none of your bussiness." he replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Okay cat claws, back off, all i was thinking was if we could carpool together and you could drop me for my spa appointment." she kept her hands up in surrender.

"Sorry i can't. Not you chauffer anymore." he replied.

"That's rude, i thought we were buddies." Mukti made a pout sitting back staright.

"Yes we were, until you embaressed me at the breakfast table today." Manik folded his hands infront of his chest.

"That was for fun okay and it does not happen everyday that my brother falls into the well of love." came her dramatic answer.

"I don't love Nandini and i have been in love before, remember Aliya, so i do know how it feels and this is definitely not that. Geez where did you lost your memory." he gave her a puzzled look.

"Nope that's what you thought." she popped a brownie in her mouth.

" meaning?" asked a confused Manik.

"Forget it. Are you willing to drop me or not?" she changed the subject.

"No i am not." Manik replied gazing at his watch as he further added, " and you already got me late so goodbye." Saying so Manik left his home in a jiffy checking the address that Nandini sent him once again before putting it on the GPS system, right now he had just 5 spare minutes to get her flowers. 

Pulling onto the road he met with his undying love who would never leave his life. TRAFFIC. That means now he had no time for being a goody good and buy flowers but hey god's always with the people that are meant to be. A boy in misfit clothes knocked at his car window while Manik waited for that freakin red light to go green and smiled at this young kid looking at him with big eyes having abig bouquet of flowers in his hand.

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