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The sun went back and it started getting dark when Manik and Nandini packed up their workings to leave while the whole office was vacant.

"Why is this office life soo tiring? Feels like my heart is punding in my head." Nandini spoke rubbing her temples as she drank the whole glass of water in one go.

"You're not used to working so much. Right?" Manik asked chuckling at her.

"Yeah i am not and moreover i've never liked this office life, for me." she replied giving him a low smile.

"So why did you choose it? I mean why do something you don't even like." Manik asked looking intently at her.

"Honest answer. It was because i had to. After mom, dad had been working so hard to keep himself intact and give me anything that it was now my time to be the son of this family. He had already been through enough and i just wanted to keep that load of his back." Nandini spoke with a glint in her eyes.

"Single child and a daughter. I get that." Manik gave her a soft smile.

"yeah maybe that. Well i think we should leave now because i am hungry now and i still have to cook the dinner." Nandini said grabbing her handbag. They got to the parking lot but Nandini realised that her car was missing.

"Where's my car?" she looked around worried.

"At your place." Manik replied walking towards her.

"My place? But why?" she asked.

"Because i received dad's text in the afternoon and your dinner is at our home today so they i asked the valet to get your car back home." Manik answered as he opened the passenger door of his car for her.

"Okay i guess." Nandini replied with a small laugh.

"Then come on get inside. If i remmeber you were extremely hungry a little while back." Manik pointed his head to the door to which Nandini came running. They both drove and reached home where the others were waiting for them.

"And finally the long lost couple of the hour are here." Cabir welcomed them in.

"Shut up Cabir." Nandini held his forearm as they all walked in. Cabir and Nandini side-hugged while Manik and Cabir shaked hands with an awkward smile.

"The food's all ready so you both go and get freshed. We all will meet you at the dining table." Neyonika informed hugging Nandini. Manik took Nandini to his room so she could freshen up.

"It still looks nice and cozy." she complimented.

"Thank You." Manik replied removing his watch and then bringing her some fresh towels.

"Alya is really special to you. Right?" Nandini asked out of the blue grabbing the towels from his hand. 

"What?" Manik got caught off-guard.

"Yeah because all your wall is mostly filled with either yours or with yours and her pictures, so i just asked. I think a relationship just like mine and cabir's" she smiled walking inside the bathroom as she started rinsings her face.

"You and Cabir are really close? Aren't you guys?" Manik asked standing by the door.

"Yeah. When mom left me i was just five that's when Cabir was the only person there to support me. He used to sit around the entire day waiting for me to say something. Scared that if i stat crying whne he isn't around then i might break down." she replied patting her face with a towel.

"Like a boyfriend care?" Manik asked confused and maybe a little jealous somewhere.

"Umhum like best friend care. It's not important for every caring and sweet relation to be that of a girlfriend and boyfriend." Nandini looked him through the mirror.

"Actually Nandini i really want to tell you something-" Manik spoke.

"yeha i am listening." Nandini worked on her earrings which had probably been a pain in the ass since so long. 

"I wanted to tell you that Alya and me- We-" Before Manik could tell the truth his father called them for dinner.

"Yes uncle. Will be there in a minute." Nandini replied back to the call.

"Yeah let's go." Manik said zoning out thinking about what he was just going to do.

Manik and Nandini reached down and found Alya sitting along with everyone. Finding no other option he sat beside her while Nandini had already seated herself beside Cabir.
"So kids how was work today?" Mr Malhotra asked as they all strated their dinner.
"It's going great uncle. We'll be visiting the land soon and then i think we'll be able to make a solid decision." 
"Sorry to interrupt but we have a no office talk rule at the dining table." Mr Singhania butted in.
"I agree Mr Singhania. This father-son duo is all about business talks at the table and nothing else." Neyonika spoke.
"Fine. Fine, i give up. No more business talks." Mr Malhotra surrendered.
"So let's talk about the wedding." Cabir changed the topic.
"the what?" Alya seemed surprised.
"Yes, Nandini and Manik's wedding. We have to call the priest too for a date." Cabir replied stuffing his face with food as Nandini tried hard to hide her blush.
"Shut up! Cabir it's better you concentrate on your food." Nandini nudged him with an elbow.
"What i was just trying to help?" he shrieked but before he could whine more Nandini had already stuffed a morsel of food inside his mouth.
"Not needed." Nandini gave a sarcastic smile. 
"Good one Nandini" Alya laughed, "By the way how was your day out with Manik?" she asked eyeing the man beside her.
"It was good." she replied while Manik started coughing badly due to the sudden question thrown up by Alya. Nandini quickly ran to Manik and rubbed his back while offering him water.

"Manik! Manik! Are you ok? Have some water. What were you even doing."she asked rubbing her back being concerned. Alya was jealous while others adorned this beautiful couple. Manik realised their state and answered her, "Nandini i am fine thank you."

Nandini went and sat on her place as Alya turned to Manik with a smrik, "Are you ok Manik?"
"yeah i am fine." he replied giving her a 'don't do it look'.
"yeah so i wanted to ask if you'll be going to Jackson's party?" she asked.
"Umm i dont think so." Manik replied focusing on his plate. 
"What party Alya?" Mr Malhotra asked.
"Uncle actually one of our old friend Jackson is back from London with his girlfriend so he invited all of his friends for dinner and it's basically a couple theme." Alya replied with a smirk.
"Then it's a great time for Nandini to meet your friend Manik. You should definitely take her." his father suggested.
"dad actually-"
"Uncle i don't think that it's a good-" Nandini tried to deny but Mr Malhotra was adamant.
"But Nandini it will be a great opportunity for you to get to know them and them kow you too." he spoke before turning to Manik, " anik i think you should take Nandini."
"Sure dad we'll go." Manik smiled and the leftover dinner went well and it was time for the goodbye.

"We all had such a great time today. I think we should do such dinners more often." Mr malhotra walked them out to the porch.
"I agree." Mr Singhania hugged his friend.
"Good bye uncle." Nandini big him a goodbye.
"Good night!" Mr Malhotra hugged her.
"Nandini tomorrow we can go for shopping together to prepare for the party." Alya suggested.
"Sure. We can." Nandini agreed as Alya bid her a goodbye with an evil grin playing on her lips.

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