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The next morning arised and so did Nandini, fresh as a daisy. Getting ready wasn't the most exciting part of the day was but the text sender definitely was as she grabbed her phone on the first ring itself.

You know you don't have to do this.

Do what?

You know listening to dad about the party and then going out shopping with Alya.

Ohh so Mr Malhotra don't want me to go to the party. :0

No it's nothing like that. I was just saying if you don't want to then it's not important.

What if i say i want to because well you still don't truly know me. I am not so innocent as my face says.

Is it?
Then meet me in 15 minutes we are going shopping together. :)

Nandini smiled and started typing a reply when she heard a knock on her room door. Turning around she found Alya smiling at her as she said, " Can i come in?"
" Hey Alya sure i was just going to call you." Nandini greeted her in.
"Oh really no problem. I am always punctual as you can see." Alya seated herself on the edge of the bed.
"Shall we leave now?" Nandini gestured to the door.
"After you my friend." Alya smirked walking behind her.

Nandini moved ahead as they both started walking down the stairs. After a few steps of going down, Nandini tripped or was very innocently made trip portraying that as an accident.
Unfortunately she slipped down a few stairs stairs as everyone came running to rescue her. Manik who had just reached the spot ran to her rescue and picked her up in his arms making their way to the sofa.
"Nandini! My kid! Are you okay?" Mr Singhania was worried.
"Ouch that's hurts." Nandini shriked as she tried to move. 
"I'll call the doctor." Cabir spoke quickly dialling for some help.
"Cabby relax. I think it's just a sprain." Nandini tried stopping him.
"No Nandini i think you should call a doctor and have some rest." Alya spoke in her sugar coated fake concern voice.
"Alya is right. Nothing's fine okay. And what is wrong with you? Don't you see where you're walking or how?" Manik sat beside her inspecting her foot.
"Relax Manik. As i said i am fine." Nandini tried assuring him but to no vain.
"I have told you a billion times to not run and jump around the stairs like a kid but have you ever listened to me." her father scolded her but in a soft voice.
"Exactly! Uncle she's a kid. She never listens to anyone and is always hopping around." Manik covered her foot with an ice bag.
"I am hurt here and you both are busy scolding me." Nandini cribbed.
"You need to zip your mouth up. " Manik shushed her up as he massages her foot to remove the pain.
"Excuse me. you can't tell me that because you have no right on me." Nandini huffed faking anger.
"I do have a right. Forget it, the doctor will eventually ask you to rest so should start it already. " Manik ordered her.
"Aye aye captain." nandini laughed trying to play the pain cool.

The doctor soon arrive and checked Nandini. Thankfully it was just a sprain and she just needed  to rest her foot for a few days.
"See i told you guys not to worry." Nandini spoke as soon as the doctor left.
"Ofcourse because Nandini is so strong that she's not even scared of injections." Cabir teased.
"Injection." nandini stammered getting nervous of the needle.
"Damnn look at your face Nandini. Such a little chicken." Cabir laughed finally givign up on his control.
"Oh you're so dead Mr Cabir." Nandini threatened him trying to get off the couch to beat him up but the pain worked as a set back in her plan.
"If only you could get up from your bed." Cabir showed his tongue as everyone laughed along.
"Oh shut up Cabir! Can't you see the poor girl is already in pain and it's so sad that she can't even attend today's party now." Alya faked concern.
"The party is not important Alya. Nandini is." Manik spoke clearly being annoyed by even her presence.
"I know it is not but poor Jackson really wanted you to be there." Alya spoke with a smirk.
"Exactly Manik. It won't look good too. I think you should go." Nandini requested him.
"But Nandini-"
"Nandini is right Manik and about your partner, you shouldn't worry. I mean i am already going so we can now go together. Moreover i am always there for you, your one and only partner." Alya intervened.
"Alya listen-" Manik tried to deny.
"Not Alya but you listen Manik. You should go. ANd it's okay Alya is your friend, she can tag along. Right?" Nandini spoke trying to make him agree to which Manik finally nodded in a head making her smile.
"Yaay. By the way Alya please take care of Manik. I know he'll keep worrying about me instead of enjoying with everyone." Nandini addressed the devil in the room.
"Excuse me. I am not a child. Also i have every right to worry about you." Manik exclaimed.
"Yes you're sir. you're my little annoying kiddo." Nandini ruffled Manik's hairs while someone on the other side burned in jealousy.

Alya came back home with a spoilt mood after witnessing the blooming friendship between Manik and Nandini. But was somewhere happy that Manik would be going with her and only her because  he belonged to her and no one. He was her property. Later in the vening she had a long fresh bath and started drying her hairs when her cell ringed.
"Hey Rammy! What's up?" she chimed still drying her hair.
"Alya i just wanted to ask if you want to go with me to the party as a couple." Rammy asked.
"Sorry Rammy but i'll be going with Manik as always. I am his perfect match so better luck next time." she denied grinning about the thought of Manik being with her.
"Aahh then my bad but do call me if you change your mind or Manik ditches you." Rammy said.
"He won't because he loves me and it would be my pleasure if you'll let me get redy for my boyfriend." snapped back a really annoyed Alya.
"As you wish miss. But don't forget i warned you." Rammy cancelled the call as Alya threw her dryer in anger. After calming herself down she got ready in the nick of time and adorned herself in the mirror.

"Ofcourse Manik will be here. I am his love and i know he won't ditch me and specially for that Nandini. Never. Alya don't think upon those stupid Rammy's words and stop spoiling your mood. Tonight's gonna be special for me and Manik cause we'll be together again in a way that Nandini will never be able to tear us apart." she assured herself.

While back at Nandini's residence, she sat infront of her tv watching Teen wolf and adoring the oh so hot Tyler hoechlin. Unfortunately her father had to attend a business dinner party tonight while she had literally had to push Cabir to go on his blind date well specfically not a blind date since Nandini made sure that the girl was his first ever crush Navya, whom he never had a courage to ask out.

"You sure i should go. I can stay if you are not well." Cabir asked for the millionth time.
"Cabir relax. It's just a small sprain and i can take of myself." Nandini assured him.
"You sure?" but Cabir wasn't completely fine with the idea.
"Yes i am. Now go or you'll be late." she tried pushing him out but he turned back again.
"Where's the spray?" he asked.
"In the lower drawer of the lounge cabinet." Nandini answered rolling her eyes.
"mine and uncle's cell number?"
"right on my phone's speed dial."
"your dinner?"
"i'll order it Cabir and we do have a few butlers in the back area!" she was annoyed now, " Now go. finally you're getting a chance so don't spoil it.'
"okay okay. Don't be mad yet i am leaving." Cabir raised his hands and then kissed her forehead as he went out of the main door but finally came back.
"What is it now?" she asked in an angry tone.
"You sure, you'll be fine." he asked again.
"yes." Nandini shot daggers at him.

5 minutes later he came back again.
"I can stay if you want to."
"Cabir leave!" Nandini screamed turning her focus on the tv, "i really wanna watch tyler and Dylan."

A few minutes later there was a knock again that clearly annoyed Nandini to the last string as she screamed, " Cabir please go now."
"Umm hey!" Manik pulled his head inside as he greeted her.
"Manik! What are you doing here? You didn't go?" Nandini asked clearly being surprised.
"mm actually no. Up for a movie night?" he asked scratching his head as Nandini made some space beside her with a smile.

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