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Nandini ran around kids, this was her idea of a perfect day and why not, she had promised them for a picnic today and Nandini Singhania always keeps up to her promises.

So let me introduce you to this bunch, that means so much to Nandini more than her life. Nandini was a kid when she lost her mother and as a normal kid the trauma hit her like a truck as she refused to walk off through her room door for ones but one day she did.

Her father Mr. Anant Singhania loved her daughter too much the same way he loved his wife and one day he decided it was enough. He held his little girl's hand and led her out of the darkness she was in to this beautiful bright light of kids.

Nandini always felt special around them, when they called her 'sis' , this was a family to her beyond those two most important people of her life. 

Nandini had it enough of chasing them , hence she announced, "Fine i loose now. Can we please eat something."

"Yaay we won. We won! " the kids rejoiced jumping around her.

"Yes yes , you guys won. Now can we all be civil and get to the food table." Nandini had always provided the kids with everything that she could ever do, from good food to love and care . Each kid was a part of her soul. She stood at the table passing each kid his share of food when she found a miss in her count.

"Wait someone's missing. Ahana? " Nandini asked looking around.

"Yes sis. I am here." the little girl came running to her.

"God you're here but where's Mike?" Nandini asked stroking her hair as she bent on the floor to reach her height.

"I don't know. Last i saw him running around with us here." Ahana replied pointing to the leftover bunch of kids.

"How many times i have told you guys, he is the youngest. You should always be by his side at all times. Now let's go search for him! " Nandini took Ahana's hand as they started looking around.

"Sis, we all will help you." the kids ran behind them as Nandini ordered them, " Fine but no one else goes missing now? Understood? We all will meet here beside the camp space after half an hour. Okay? "

Nandini and the others searched everywhere but Mike was nowhere to be found as if he just vanished. And this got Nandini worried and sweat in panic. The kids and she met at the camping place dejected for not having clue of the younger lad.

"Sis we couldn't find him anywhere. What if someone took him?" one of the kid exclaimed.

"Sis i feel scared for him now." Ahana hugged her tight as everyone too clubbed together.

"Don't be scared. Mike must be here somewhere. "Nandini assured them when she saw the littlest lad running off from a far off bridge at the garden area. He ran, ran and ran as fast as he could with those little legs and hugged Nandini with full force.

"I am here." the little one wrapped himself around her neck.

"Mike! You scared me. Where were you kiddo? Do you have any idea how much worried we were! " Nandini held him close.

"I was with monster uncle. " Mike's eyes brightened with excitement as he said.

"Monster uncle ? Did he do somthing to you?" the mention of a 'monster' someone scared Nandini in regards of the kid.

"No. No. He is a great guy. I got lost in the back somewhere but he saved me." answered Mike.

"Gosh Mike then he is good uncle not monster uncle." Nandini lightly slapped his forehead as she hugged him again.

"No he is monster uncle. He is soo big sis, like a monster." Mike muffled against her chest explaining her his point.

"Fine. I get that he is a monster uncle but where is he?" Nandini asked looking around for someone.

"Right there!!" Mike replied pointing at the brigde.

There stood a guy with a guitar in his hands and his back towards the group. Soft music swayed through his guitar making the flowers even dance. Humming a new song he turned around that's when Nandini noticed. It was him. It was - "Manik!!" Nandini exclaimed.

His vocals hit her eardrum as he sang , 'Always and Forever' by Canaan Smith.

Manik walked past Nandini and into the crowd of kids moving and dancing with them. Singing along, the kids started falling in love with him and his voice.

"I've been around the rock
Yes, I've seen a lot
And the only thing that hasn't changed
Is the way my heart beats faster
When you cross my mind. "  The kids along with Manik encircled around Nandini going in rounds as Nandini kept adoring them when she slipped and fell over Manik making him go down along with her. 

"Sis and uncle had a great fall!" the kids laughed but both of them were so lost that they didn't even acknoledged the others around them until Mike pinched Manik. As they got out of the trance they were into and stood up, Mike hugged Nandini in defense.

"Monster uncle you can't look at my sis like that." the little one tried to protect Nandini.

"You little devil! No i wasn't looking at your sister. Moreover i am not an uncle, Okay? I am your big brother." Manik rubbed the dirt off his clothes.

"No you're Monster uncle." Mike screamed at him as Nandini shushed him.

"I am not an uncle." Manik warned him while Nandini was having a hard time controlling her laugh but Manik's one angry glance and she shut herself up.

"Common kids. Enough of screaming and meet Manik Malhotra, my friend. "Nandini introduced him to everyone.

"oo Boyfriend." one of the girl said giggling.

"No. Who taught you that?" said a surprised Nandini.

" Josie, sis said that he's just her friend. Right big bro?" Mike scolded the girl.

"Very correct. So hi i am Manik your sis's friend." Manik introduced himself as the kids greeted him with a "hello."

"We've had enough of fun , now go and have your snacks." Nandini hushed the kids away as Manik turned to leave but Nandini stopped him

"Not you sir" she eyed him with an angry stare.

"Me?" Manik asked pointing at himself.

"Yes, you. How did you even get here? No one was supposed to know where i am?" she crossed her hands infront of her chest as Manik looked Nandini in the eye.


Manik had been moving around places where he could find Nandini doing her private stuff ; at the cafe , her home, cabir's home but none spoke up about her.

"What is so secretive about it?" he thought. Maybe luck was in his favour that he got a snap from his friend and that's when he realised.

"Shit Manik. You idiot, you could have used snapchat to get her location dumbhead." he scolded himself when a little detective and driving skills lead him to this garden space outside the city and there he met Mike who eventually led him to Nandini.


"You tracked me." Nandini was beyond angry after hearing his explanation.

"Technically yes but that's not important right now but what's important is that, why is nobody aware about you or any of this?" he said looking around but Nandini chose to leave. Unfortunately Manik was quick enough to block her way on time.

"Not until you tell me everything. Enough of secrets. " he said being serious this time.

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