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Even though i got such less votes and especially comments on the previous one still here is your part.

It was 2 at night but all Manik could do was just toss and turn on the bed trying to catch some sleep but alas he couldn't. He even tried counting sheeps, stupid i know but what do you do if you have to keep your mind off from a particular thing. After what happened between him and Nandini on the terrace to say he was blowing his minds off would be an understatement, he just couldn't understand how could his heart be thumping so loud like a freakin speaker playing Chandelier by Sia. Though this wasn't the only thought to him but also that, 'Is it easy for a person to move on from loving one person a few days back to loving a completely different person the next moment' ( do comment if that is possible)

A few days back he was the Manik who could do anything for Aliya, a single tear from her eyes would break his heart into a million pieces and her one smile could make him go to heaven for god's sake but here he was comparing Nandini's eyes to those fern petals he used to see in his mom's garden. The way she closed it tight shutting them away from his gaze yet catching his every move, the way she gave those small smiles and made his heart flutter like damn this was what heaven would feel like deep within. Strange right. But this was happening to him and right now all he wanted to do was call Nandini up and talk to her but was it too late to do that, Will she be awake? Or what if she was too awkward to talk after everything that happened between them today? Ofcourse not or she would have never helped him downstairs and controlled him like his anchor.

Giving up his thoughts Manik decided on not calling nandini and waking her up from her slumber.

It was at 7 a.m when Mukti walked down the stairs to grab a glass of water and saw series of empty coffee cups on the dining table. She was confused over the dose of caffeiene this person had gone through when she heard further ratling of dishes from the kitchen. Peeking inside she saw Manik tapping his foot impatiently his eyes never leaving the sight of his phone while the coffe maker did his job. Coughing she tried to grab his attention but nonethless her brother was too busy in some plot of his own.

"Hello?", startled at a voice this early in the morning Manik looked up from his phone only to watch a sleepy Mukti oogling at him with her wide eyes.

"Mukti what are you doing here?" he asked almost getting a heart attack.

"It's my house too sir and forget that. What the hell are you doing here? At such an early time? " she asked.

"Oh shut up Mukti it's 5 a.m in the morning and not dawn." he dismissed her grabbing himself a bottle of water.

"Wel 5 am is the same as dawn genius but Manik Malhotra at 5 is a dream for many." she teased him grabbing the bottle from his hands.

"I was just having coffee." he said.

"Cups of coffee you mean?" Mukti taunted eyeing the cup mess he had created on the island area, " Care to explain why you haven't slept the entire night?" she asked raising her brow in question.

"Maybe i just like coffee. By the way do you know at what time Nandini wakes up?" he asked trying not to look desperate.

" excuse me what?" Mukti snickered.

"I mean i thought i'll call her at 4 but then i thought, idiot Manik who the hell wakes up at 4 so i thought that i'll call her at 7. Do you think she'll be up by then?" he was trying so hard to avoid that embarresment but Mukti was too fine to avoid that.

"Oh god Manik you were up all night waiting to call Nandini." she screamed as Manik covered her face in surprise, "Damn you are definitely whipped by her." he heard her muffle under his assault.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now