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Suggestion : Anna todd is a great writer and she has a series named "After" on wattpad with a billion views. If you are a harry styles fan you definitely should give it a try.

Also the first three parts of the series is a motion picture now as in a movie starring HERO TIFFINS and JOSEPHINE LANGFORD.

About next part read below.


Nandini was pulled onto to terrace by a strong force which she tried to wiggle with her best power but alas couldn't. She wanted to shout but no voice came out of her vocals.  Who was this guy exactly, trying to kidnap her off her own engagement and stupid enough to get her to the terrace. But the grip was smooth with no harshness. No strength and there she was it in the dim light. The eyes she had fallen for, came more clear as the light became brighter and brighter. It was Manik. Wait!  Manik! As in her fiance Manik ; why would he kidnap her only if she could ask right now.

The hand slipped off her mouth but still no voice came, she was too shocked to register when Manik clicked his finger's infront of her, getting Nandini back to senses only to yank him hard.
"Have you lost it? Who abducts his own fiance at the engagement." she asked him in a low yet angry voice in order to not grab any attention. But came no reply from the other side.
"Hello? Have you turned deaf or what?" she asked moving her fingers infront of his face but no reply again as Manik kept looking at her face. Great.
"Manik hello?" Nandini screamed louder this time but Manik kept a finger on her lips, shushing her up.

He pointed to her right and that's when she saw them. The fairy lights shining the whole terrace area and flower bouquets all over the place. To say she was speechless was true because this was all she has ever oh no no that's a secret.
"You've dreamt of." Manik completed her thought without even her saying it.
"How did you?" she asked truly mesmerised of the place.
"Telepathy." Manik joked as he turned her around but Nandini gave him a serious look.
"Okay! Okay! i stole your diary when i came in yesterday." he confessed genuinely scared of her gaze.
"When?" she asked in surprise.
"Before we met at the cafe. I would say i just got curious for a 12 year old Nandini's diary." Manik snickered as Nandini's expression went from surprise to shock and then anger.
"You stole it." she screamed in anger.  
"I just borrowed it. I wanted this to be your dream wedding which starts today." Manik replied with a smile pointing at his surroundings.
"This is soo beautiful. Thank you." Nandini beamed with happiness but turned to say, " Not that i am not angry at you for stealing but this is just soo perfect."
"Nope, it's still missing something." Manik clicked his tongue taking her forward.
"What?" she asked excited for the surprise. Manik went and clicked on his phone as a slow steady tune played.

"Oh no no" Nandini gave a small laugh.
"Oh yes yes." Manik stretched his hands to her which after a little pestering from him, she gladly took and together they started swaying to the symphony of the song.


(Playlist - A Thousand Years)

Heart beats fast... Colors and promises.. " the song began as she smiled and nodded as I took her hand and twirled her into my arms. We fell in step, letting the rhythm control our movements. All the scenery and people around us dissolved. It was her and I, alone. Her honeycomb eyes glistened, and a smile spread across her beautiful face.

Uncontrollable feelings surged through my body, and my fingers tingles in delight. My hand brushed across her cheek. My body was acting on its own, no chains to hold me back from this pure paradise. I drew her close to my chest, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her brown locks fell over her eyes, like a curtain blocking out the moonlight. I desired to see those eyes. Soon she began to withdraw her hand to brush away her hair, but my hand clutched onto hers. I carefully laid her thin hand on my shoulder. I delicately tucked her lock behind her ear, and her emerald eyes twinkled back at me in greeting.

Her lips went to my ear as she whispered ever so softly, "When did you plan all this?"

"When you were busy flirting with that jerk." i replied not caring is jealousy was dripping through my every word.
"Hey don't call him that and i wasn't flirting." she denied looking back into my eyes.
"Insecure.Okay." i said with a slight smirk.
"But someone's jealous." came her remark as her face experienced a grin.
"No i am not. Duhh. Ofcourse not if it's that guy." i tried to play cool but i knew she had caught me.
"Really." her eyes glistened with mischief as she tried to trap me from all corners.
"Let's not talk about him. Can we?" my voice was hoarse and urgesnt this time as i twirled her.

"I have died everyday, waiting for you.... Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years.... I'll love you for a thousand more."  before we could talk more, my phone pinged with Cabir's text.

"Where are you brother every body is looking for you. I told them Nandini went to the washroom be here soon." his text informed me.
"Unfortunately we have to leave." I addressed Nandini as she detached herself from me.
"Manik this was everything i had ever imagined thank you for making it real." her smile was soft and heart warming which only ended up making my heart do a summersault inside my chest.  
"That's my job right." i said showing off my ring. Nandini nodded as she gave me a small kiss on my cheek , leaving me with a slight blush. Ofcourse this was worth working for.


They met downstairs again for the pictures doing all the family portrait and idiotic couple poses. They were definitely idiotic for Manik yet he seems to enjoy having Nandini so close to him after the little stunt she did back up there. The photo session was tiring but what was also tiring was to watch Simon walk up to them by the end of it.
"I think i should leave now." he said.
"Sure." Manik got up immediated from his seat to big him a bye.
"But so soon?" clearly Nandini wasn't happy with his exit. She still had to help him.
"Nandini he must be busy with so much of work." Manik said.
"Yes and i just wanted you to meet her. This is Alice." Simon introduced them to a beautiful brunette.
"Oh yes. Hey Alice! You are soo much more beautiful than he described." Nandini greeted the girl with a heart warming hug.
"Oh no no you are the prettiest bride and congratulations to you two." Alice said.
"Thank you. But sorry you are?" Manik asked being confused.
"My girlfriend." Simon replied with a smirk as Manik face turned red in embarressment.
"Oh great! Thanks. I mean of course you have a girlfriend that's amazing." Manik grinned from ear to ear , happy to know that his thoughts were proven wrong.
"Yeah so Nandini we'll take your leave. I hope you'll remember your promise. Goodbye." Simon said addressing Nandini before him and Alice left the venue. Manik turned to Nandini who had a bright smile adorning her face as he asked, "What promise?"

"Are you hungry? I definitely am." she changed the topic before leaving a confused Manik on the stage figuring out if he is not well updated.

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