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Yes i've prepared a long speech today. Starting with thank you for :
1. A 3.4k family. I love each one of you and appreciate that you bear with my slow updates.
2. Lost love crossed 600K+ readers.
3. This story crosses 490k and i am actually truly blessed.

Now you can enjoy this part.

Manik reached back home restless. How the hell was he going to stop Nandini from going. He kept pacing from one corner of the room to other. The way Simon saw Nandini, it gave him those jealousy vibes that now he just can't stop thinking about them sitting together having their small chit chats.Dang can't let that happen. With no proof thought Manik quicly dialled Nandini's no and regretted the moment she picked it up. What in this living hell was he gonna tell her.
Right words " hey!  I am jealous of that guy so please don't go out with him" or be the understanding person and say " hey wear that pink silk cardigan with white top and blue denims  cause it looks the best on you".

Nandini kept shouting a hello in that reck wedding cleansing house while Manik couldn't even form a basic sentence.
"Are you going to say something?" she asked again grabbing his attention.

"Hi" Manik greeted her.
"So you called me to say hi." Nandini laughed at his voice before answering to her friend, " Be there in a minute, just give me a minute." , addressing back to Manik she said, " please speak fast this place is a complete mental asylum right now."
"Umm yaya i was just wondering-"
"I wanted to say, actually ask -" Manik fumbled with his sentences. 
"Speak up because i am getting late." she said completely engrossed in some work, "Coming! For God's sake can you guys please wait." she screamed at her cousins.
"You like red or blue?" it was the most quick question Manik could think of.
"I what?" Nandini was confused.
"It's our engagement tomorrow so i wanted to ask that should i wear blue or red." Manik asked her slapping his forehead for being so lame.
"wear anything Manik. Whatever you like." she replied clearly annoyed with everyone around her.
"Umm okay." Manik replied sheepishly.
"So Bye." Nandini said after a pause.
"Yeah bye." Manik was about to the cancel the call dejected when Nandini spoke up again, "wear the blue one, it will match with my light blue dress." she said.

Manik was left on with a small sincere smile which soon got replaced my worry as he remembered the actual intent of his call.
"Shit i forgot to talk about the actual thing. Damn why do i always end up having a zipped up mouth infront of this girl." he thought.

On the other hand Nandini got ready wearing exactly the same clothing that Manik had been thinking about, unknown to this coincidence.
White top
Blue denims
Pink cardigan
Coincident much.

She parked her car in the parking lot and moved straight up to the coffe shop where Simon sat in a complete different manner of how he had met her this morning. A simple pair of jeans with white t shirt on it.
"Woah hey i surely look under dressed right now." he greeted her with a smile and a compliment.
"Hi! To be honest i am actually a bit shocked to see you like this." Nandini smiled settling down opposite to him.
" Well the coat stuff is just for a meeting, this is a normal guy look you see." replied Simon, pointing at his appearance.
"You do look good in this." Nandini complimented him back.
"I should be saying that but actually you look good in all the outfits that you wear."
"Thank you!" Nandini blushed at his cute remarks before she got back to business, " so what do you wanted me to show?"

Simon slided a file of his designs and truly saying Nandini was mesmerised by his work.  He was surely the best in town in terms of designing and now watching them in her hands , on those sheet of paper. She was out of words.
"How is this?"Simon asked after a little while.
"This is perfect! You are soo talented." Nandini beamed, " I never knew you were soo good in this. I mean i knew , sort of through your works but on paper these look way more hypnotizing."
"And i never knew you had a stalker." Simon said with a laugh.
"I had a what?" Nandini asked looking up from the file being caught offguard.
"Your lover boy Mr Manik Malhotra." Simon specified.
"Manik? But where?" she asked trying to look around when Simon stopped her.
"Don't look he is just right there." answered Simon, pointing 3 tables far from them.
"Sorry i had no idea he was coming over." Nandini apologized in embarressment.
"He must be really possessive of you." Simon teased.
"I dont know we never talked like that it was all fixed by our parents." Nandini answered trying her best to take a look at her fiance.
"You wanna see?" asked Simon as he saw her struggling.
"But how? you told me not to turn."
"Wait lets take a picture of you." he suggested as he quickly snapped a picture of her when she made an adorable face while 3 tables far the cold coffee turned hot.

"Why did she have to wear this outfit. Moreover why is that isiot clicking her picture. I am so gonna kill him." Manik spoke in anger.

"See" Simon showedNnandini the picture of her and a fuming manik in the back ground as she chuckled, "Oh Gosh this guy."
"Well someone looks jealous like a green monster." Simon tried controlling his laugh.
"Oh shut up you are just exaggerating it. I bet." Nandini spoke in astonishment.
"You don't believe me?" he asked.
"No i do but Manik and jealous for me doesnt fit properly in one sentence." she said looking down.
"Hey he does. Wait let me show you that. I bet till tomorrow you'll see the 'i am soo much in love with her so stay away from my girl' type Manik. And that's a challenge." he said with glint of mishcief in his eyes.
"We'll see but you'll probably loose." Nandini gave a small laugh.
"But if i win then you'll have to do whatever i say?" Simon put forth some conditions.
"To be clear, don't get me wrong. I do have a girlfriend." he said.
"you do?" Nandini asked with a grin.
"Do i look that bad?" Simon joked.
"No i am just-,  You are here and everything."
"No she is quite fine with me hanging out with others. She trusts me, completely. And that someway scares me so i always keep myself in check." answered an honest Simon.
"So how does she look?" asked a curious Nandini.
"Perfect. Let me show you her picture." Simon said forwarding his phone for Nandini to glance at his wallpaper.
"Wow she really is pretty. So any decisions for the future?" Nandini asked.
"We do have but you know the typical family problem. Family doesn't like her much thinking she is too modern for the family traditions. That she won't be able to carry the legacy forward while we are just trying the 'yes' to happen. Simon said with a sad smile.
"Okay then let me put this forward that if you win the bet I'll teach her to be an actual traditional girl." Nandini suggested.
"Deal." Simon agreed with a relief on his face.
" In that context, i should leave. I have to be somewhere." Nandini turned to leave when Simon held her hand as Manik fumed like anything and stood up to stop him. Nandini looked confusingly at Simon not being able to understand his intent when he smirked at her and said, " the first step done. Now walk with me and we'll show as if i am gonna drop you."  

"But i do have my car here." Nandini protested.

"Trust me you'll still need to call your driver to get your car home. You are either way not going to ride it." he said with a laugh.

Simon and Nandini stood up to leave when Manik intervened, "Hey guys"
"Oh hi Manik." Simon greeted back.
"What are you guys doing here, such a coincidence. I was here just for a coffee and while i was just leaving after grabbing one i saw you both." Manik said moving closer to nandini.
"But weren't you busy with your clothing?" Nandini asked.
"Yeah i was but then i got tired so i thought why not just get a coffee on my way." Manik made up a lie.
"So where is it?" Simon asked.
"Where is who?" Manik turned to him.
"Your coffee? You were here for that weren't you?" Simon smirked catching upon his excuse.
"My coffee yeah umm actuually they don't have the one i want. Bad luck." Manik faked a smile at him.
"Pretty strange." Simon snickered.
"Indeed it is, so you guys were leaving?" Manik asked.
"Yeah Simon was just dropping me home." Nandini replied looking between the guys.
"No need. I will. I mean he must really be having alot work to do." came Manik's sarcastic remark.
"No actually i was free so i thought-"
"You think alot Simon. Don't you? But relax i am her fiance, i can drop her. Safely." Manik interrupted him.
"Cool. See you tomorrow then." Simon bid them a bye.
"We wont be at our office cause our engagement is tomorrow." Manik informed him.
"I meant the engagement only." Simon smirked turning back.
"Yes ofcourse. I'll see you soon Goodbye." Nandini said as Manik lead the way while she turned back as Simon gave her a wink and all she could do was to roll her eyes to stop that blush.

I know this chapter was more of Nandini and Simon but this was important.

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