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EDITED : We are a family of 492k now. Oh My God *screams*. Happy Reading :)

Manik opened the passenger seqat for Nandini to hop in as he stood waiting for her to stop rumbling inside her bag looking for her cell phone. As soon as she found it, she went and sat at the back seat while manik made a face settling himself at the driving seat.

"Typical Nandini Singhania." he murmured under his breathe as he rolled the car out of it's parking space.

"Driver drop me at my parlour appointment." she ordered, still engrossed in her phone.

"Yes ma'am." Manik glared her through the view mirror while the whole ride Nandini was busy on her phone. Even though Manik tried to start a conversation but unfortunately she was too busy to even hear him out, hence Manik did what was the best for him, he switched on the radio. The song 'Call You Mine' by The Chainsmokers played blaring the car with its loud and sweet volume. Nandini looked up from the phone while Manik acted being an innocent guy who just sang the lyrics. "You said, "Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life?"........ And I said, "I don't even know what I'm doing tonight". "

Nandini shuffled inside her bag and pulled out her earphones, putting them on as she focused back to her cell phone. A dejected Manik stopped the music and continued driving with a frown.

The parlour appointment went well for Nandini but for Manik, well he was hell bored fidling between his phone and magazines since the past 2 hours. By the time they moved out it was already lunch time so they quickly reached the desired venue and met Cabir who had already arrived with Navya.

"I am so sorry. This Manik as a driver is very late and slow." she apologized hugging them each.

"Excuse me it was you who took so long at the parlour." Manik passed a smile to Navya before he replied back to her. Cabir knew this wasn't the right answer so he kicked Manik under the table.

"Ouch" Manik shrieked glaring at Cabir who was already looking back at him with a 'don't do it' look.

"Let it be Cabir, you all guys are same. Girls are always the last on your priority list." Nandini gave a sarcastic smile as she they all settled down. The leftover lunch time went smooth but Nandini was still not talking directly to Manik hence Cabir tried to ease the situation.

"How about we all go and watch a movie?" he suggested.

"Nope. I have work." Nandini denied going back to her conversation with Navya.

"Ofcourse yes." Manik said eyeing her.

"Even i wanna go." Navya agreed too making Manik whisper a small 'thank you' to her.

"Ofcourse i can never go without you Navya." Cabir gave her a sweet smile before addressing you, "And you ma'am. It's Andrew Garfield as Spiderman. Come on. You love him." 

"Still a no." Nandini denied with a heavy heart. Well she really wanted to see Andrew but with Manik, no.

"But why? Look i promise i won't hold your hand in the dark." Manik teased.

"Excuse me! Look i have work to be done." she spoke , her mouth open by his audacity to even tease her.

"And exactly what work?" Cabir asked folding her arms in front of his chest. 

"Its- " Nandini stumbled to form an excuse but thankfully just in time her cell phone rang. 

"Yes. Its is. Yes i'll be right there." she replied the caller as she got up to leave, " See work. I'll meet you guys later. okay? Bye." she grabbed her stuff bidding them a goodbye.

"but Listen! Nandini" Manik tried to stop her but unfortunately she was long gone.

"She is a tough nut to crack by the way, are you joing us?" Cabir asked keeping a hand on his shoulder for support.

"You guys continue. I don't feel like it anymore." Manik gave a sad smile encouraging them to go on further with their plan.

"Should i give an idea?" Navya asked.

"Yeah sure. Please."

"Get her a sweet yet meaningful gift. we girls really like it when guys give us something that is very meaningful of our relationship." Navya adviced. 

"Great idea Navya!" Manik's face beamed with a smile, "You are really intelligent and helpfull. Thank you." 

"See my girl is so smart." cabir complimented her along with a side hug.

"Shall we leave now? I don't want to miss the start." she replied hiding her blush.

"Have an amazing movie date and please try to keep your hand to yourself. It's a kids movie too." Manik teased them as Cabir started hitting him lightly, "shut up manik"


Manik reached the closest mall to shop for Nandini but what he saw had him shook, Nandini stood with a guy, laughing and giggling after she ditched him on their movie date. So this was her important work, he thought while she was out with a guy.


No . No Manik, he must be a client or something and they might be here to discuss about the  structure or details for some project. I shouldn't be overthinking about it. No matter how much i tried to understand myself from working overtime i really couldn't stop thinking about them, the way they were hugging like long lost best friends as he held her hand, it made my blood boil. I had been working so hard the entire day for her to forgive me but looks like it wasn't worth it. Forget it! All this is just non-sense, i don't think i need a gift anymore. All girls are the same.


Manik left the mall with a disheartened look as he somewhere felt betrayed. Again!

Was his assumption and decision right?  Is it always the same for every girl in his life?

Another heartbreak.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now