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The next morning was not much of a normal one, it haven't been since so long because the wedding events had just begun onto full excitement and devotion. The invitations for the guests had already been sent out while the house into modelling up for the events that were supposed to be commencing after 2 days. 

Manik's grandmother was here and she was all busy reciting the typical "our old days" stories to the younger generation while Manik's father was always busy with calls in order to invite one of his best business delegates. Neyonika was moving from one place to another guiding the others for their work and why not it was the wedding of her son, even though they had a long way to go into their relationship. Everything needs to be at its best place from food to decorations to taking care of each guest and gifts.

Manik walked down the stairs being congratulated for his wedding by his relative to getting teasings from his cousins who were happy about the first young generation wedding of their family. Hence everyone had their own hopes and wishes.

"Manik where are you going?" Neyonika stopped Manik before he could leave the house, "All the guests have arrived and they've been waiting to meet you but you are leaving, that's not fair." she said.

"But i have work to do and moreover i know you can handle this so well. To be honest, these wedding festivities is not my thing." Manik replied clearly giving up on the attack of peoples.

"But isn't it your wedding?" her grandmother walked into the conversation.
"Granny i know but-"
"No no you ain't leaving. Now come here and sit beside me." came an order from the lady.
"Okay as you say." Manik smiled sitting beside her.
"I saw your bride and she is so beautiful." Granny compliemented Nandini.
"Yes she is. Inside and Out." Manik replied.
"but even my lovely boy here is not less than a hero." Granny ruffled his hair before turning to Neyonika, " Did you get all that stuff i asked you to get for any bad omen on him." she asked.

Neyonika nodded her head as she signalled for the butler to get the stuff in. A househelp brought in all the desired stuffs as Granny started removing any bad omen being into Manik's life! The typical Indian oldies stuff but also the purest one of care. As soon as Granny got done with her work, Manik's phone rang and he excused himself for work.

While on the other side Nandini had been fighting with her father over his health since he got back home. Oh common every daughter is concerned especially when according to her, her father had suffered a heart attack.
"No means no" Nandini refused to listen to any of the excuses.
"Even i said no." even her father was adamant on his ground.
"What is this war of no-no between the two of you. We have work to be done." Navya butted in trying to stop the drama. 
"Let it be Navya, they are busy in their own world war." Cabir joked as he munched on his apple.
"Navya, my beautiful girl. Now you tell me what girl in the right mind would go to her office for work right before 2 days of her wedding?" Mr Singhania turned to Navya for some help.
"No No No. Navya you tell me that what man right after his heart attack cribs to go to the office for work?" Nandini too asked Navya.
"Look Nandini ia m your father so i'll be the one who will attend the wedding while you should go and have fun with Navya. Visit the mall for some shopping or the salon for a makeover." Mr Singhania requested her.
"Umhum i am not listening to you today at all and you cannot give me the 'i am your father' order so it's final that i'll be the one attending work." Nandini grabbed her bag to leave but her father stopped her.
"Relax you two now!! " Navya shut the two adults, " Uncle i agree with Nandini on this. Your health over anything." she sided with her best friend.
"Thank You." Nandini beamed with joy when Navya butted in again, " But that doesn't mean that i don't agree with uncle's thought process too."
"See" Mr Singhania teased his daughter.
"So yes Nandini you can go to the meeting but after that we both are leaving for a makeover at the parlour because my girl, you look like a sleepless retard." Navya joked.

"Okay okay. So i'll pick you up after the meeting." nandini gave in to her demands.
"Please be home soon or else your uncle will porbably kill me for sending you out." Mr Singhania requested her to which Nandini replied in a nod. She did reach office on time, thankfully, wearing a pretty yellow and vibrant summer dress. She entered Manik's cabin and fund him fiddling through some data.

"Oh Hi" Manik greeted her when he sensed her presence.
"Hey so what is the status for the meeting?" she asked settling down on one of the chairs.
"Everything is set! My PA just informed me that they'll be here soon. Nandini if this gets an approval then everythng will be perfectly on track without any loss." Manik spoke being nervous.
"And we will. Please don't stress yourself out. Grab some water while i'll just get my file from my room. Okay?" Nandini turned to leave when Manik grabbed her and trapped her between the wall and him.

"Manik" came her small whisper in surprise.
"Shh" Manik shushed her up as he kept his index finger on her lips.
"Manik what are you doing? Have you lost it? The people will be here soon?" she asked in a low voice.
"I told you to shut right. If you wanna talk constantly than go talk to the wall." he said inching closer to her. Manik slowly and steadily zipped her dress that might have opened a bit after getting stuck in her hair while Nandini's breathe was hitched at one point. As if Manik was playing some statue game with her. No movement just breathes. Manik moved a bit more closer inches apart when they heard a knock on the door.

"Sir they are here." came the assistant's voice from the other side of the door.
"Coming." Manik replied to her, turning to Nandini he asked her, " Shall we leave?"
"Ofcourse. After you." came her reply who was actually trying hard to concentrate on her surroundings.

The things were steady and slow, maybe that's what makes a perfect relationship. Manik and Nandini or perfectly Manan were going slow on feel and love. Attraction was just one emotion for them while some others were yet to come.

Shower this with your reviews of the story up till now and i'll post the next part soon. Maybe the best is yet to come.

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