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"It's completely fine but what happened? why are you here?" she asked.
"Uhh just wanted to ask, will you marry me?" and that's when the whole world spinned around for Nandini.


"No." came her shocking reply.
"uhh what?" Manik was confused of her sudden reply. Wasn't she the one who was ready for this wedding if he came to her and now that he's here she says no!
"You heard me right, i said no." Nandini stood her ground walking inside her room.
"This is some sort of joke right! I told you to wait or did you forget that." Manik came running after her not really understanding the situation.
"I am well aware of what we talked about Manik but as i have already said or you want me to say it again then i will, it's a no or would like me to say it in german, 'nein'." she replied grabbing her bottle of moisturizer.
"Wait you know german." Manik looked her through the mirror.
"Offcourse, i learnt it back in college for some extra credits but that's not the point. You got your answer now so can you please leave. I am sleepy." she spoke turning back to her bed.
"But why? Sudden change? I don't get it. Am i not your choice anymore?" he asked turning her by her elbow.
"No you are fine." she resisted.
"Then? What's the problem?" he insisted for an answer.
"The problem is i am your second choice!" she stated the fact right at his face pulling back her hand.
"No that's not true." Manik denied coming closer as she created more distance between them.
"Oh reallyy!  Then who did you went first to?" she asked folding her hands before her chest.
"Alya" he replied looking down.
"there you go and i don't prefer to be the second choice." she replied walking past him.
"Wait but i really wanna marry you. I went to Alya before you to just talk and settle the situation." he spoke with honesty.
"So you guys talked, settled and now can you please leave." she spoke pointing to the way he came from.
"What do you want me to do?" Manik asked throwing his hands in the air.
"I dont know. How am i supposed to know?" she replied exasperated.
"What do you mean you dont know? I can do anything like anything, just ask me." he walked closer to her.
"Know it yourself." she stated.
"Fine i can do that. Don't underestimate me." Manik spoke confidently.
"Oh then i guess i did." Nandini snickered looking at his expressions.
"So done i'll make you say a yes, you just wait and watch." he exclaimed.
"Cool good night." Nandini laughed making him even more annoyed.
"Fine" saying so Manik started moving out of the door when Nandini stopped him. Hearing her voice he smirked.

"Manik!" she stopped him, " You said you didn't wanted to create a scene." she stated his own statement.
"Sure sorry. I did remmeber that." he spoke as he turned to the window when Nandini called him again.
"See i knew you were joking." Manik smiled.
"Like what i just wanted to say please switch off the light before you leave." Nandini said trying to control her laughter with a straight face as she slipped inside her duvets.
"Sure ma'am huh typical girls." he murmured under his breath. Manik jumped back down and sprinted off to his home.

"Sorry Manik but i can never be someone's second choice." she apologized to his retreating figure as she thought to herself, " Great work Nandini, the first step to falling in love starts now. Goodnight Manik."

Manik came back home a bit angry and annoyed with the sudden change of events in his life. It was very wierd of Nandini to turn him down after their talk. He had worked so hard to come out of a the bubble and form a decision but she just threw it all away like a burnt toast.
"What does she even think of herself, stupid girl! I proposed her fine, it was just a bit shocking but still i did i am The Manik Malhotra, girls die to marry me and this girl is just-. Urgg" Manik was blabbering angrily when the lights to the hall switched on.

"Back so soon?" Mr Malhotra asked as he read a book.
"Woah1" Manik was surprised, " hey dad, you scared me. And why are you up so late?" he asked.
"Waiting for my son. Is that supposed to be a crime?" Mr Malhotra watched him through his glasses.
"I guess not." Manik shurgged his shoulders in reponse walking closer to him,"  Umm can i sit?" he asked pointing to the sofa.
"Ofcourse the house is all yours." his father agreed as Manik sat down infront of his dad.
"So what's wrong?" his father asked putting his book down.
"How do you know?" asked a surprised Manik.
"Just parenting skills." his father replied with a smile.
"yeah just some girl stuffs, they can be tough and stupid and-" Manik started to rant as his father snickered, "Complicated i know even your mom was, she refused to marry me." he told Manik.
"Woah but why?" Manik asked, " you guys loved each other right?" he was concerned now.
"Yes and we still do but it was just these girls want to feel important and not you know as an option." his father explained to him.
"I understand but what can i do?" Manik asked being dejected.
"Make her feel special." his father adviced.
"And how?"
"You have to figure that out yourself and i am already too sleepy. Goodnight." his father gave a small laugh walking away to his room as Manik ran after him, "Dad! Dad listen!" hespoke as the door closed on him, " uhhh why is everyone onto some 'figure it out yourself' mission but feeling important is the kye. I know what is to be done now." he smirked.

The next day Nandini woke up to a quite environment. No shouting or screaming? Was that even possible?  Is it her house?  Ofcourse it is. She freshened up and got down in her pajamas since it was a sunday and ofc a day off for her. Happily she hopped down and found her dad sitting across the kitchen slab as Manik cooked. Wait! What? She truned around to confirm it and there he was, Manik and Cabir cooking together. What the hell is wrong with universe today? She thought.
"Oh hey soon to be wifey." Manik greeted her with a smile.
"Uhh Manik?" she was confused.
"Yes. In flesh and blood." he introduced himself bowing down to her.
"Good morning princess. You know manik got here early and he is making-" her father greeted her with a small kiss on her head.
"- pancakes and smoothie just as you like." Manik completed his sentence flipping the pancakes.
"You know how to cook?" Nandini asked being surprised.
"Actually more of baking. I had done it alot a long back with my mom, when i was a kid." Manik replied with a smile putting a batch on a plate.
"And he is soo great at that it i am really shocked. I never knew he had such a skill." Cabir spoke putting a hand around his shoulder.
"Oh stop it." Manik shrugged his hand away putting down some maple syrup and pushing the plate for Nandini to taste. "Let it be Cabir she is just jealous" he added.
"No i am not." Nandini denied pushing the plate back to him.
"Maybe but can we have breakfast now." he asked pushing it back to her as he finished the smoothie with some topping.
"But i am not hungry." she refused again.
"Nandini" her dad remarked in a serious tone.
"Uncle she is already full of jealousy. So i'll eat." Cabir grabbed the plate walking to the dinner table.
"Oh shut up Cabby i am eating." she puffed grabbing the plate from him and indulging herself into the delicious delight as the others sat down to eat while Manik served.

'Actually this ones for you." he pushed away the old plate to Cabir who caught it with ease and kept another one for her.
"Okay" Nandini nodded as she looked at the plate which had pancakes with a 'will you marry me' written with chocolate syrup and some decoration of whipped cream.

"Everything fine Nandini?" her father asked watching her face go surprised all of a sudden.
"Yeah dad it's good." she replied rubbing off the the letter from her dish.
"Who made it?" Manik spoke pulling off his imaginary collar.
"My Talented brother - in - law." Cabir answered stuffing his face with food.
"Yaya whatever dad. I am going to my room." Nandini spoke getting up from her place.
"To change because you have a appointment at the parlour today." Manik informed her drinking on his coffee.
"No i don't." Nandini denied.
"Yes you do so get ready fast. I am waiting." Manik said winking at her.
"No need for that" came her reply.
"Ofcourse you need it. If you are attending a lunch with me and Navya today." Cabir butted in the conversation.
"Wait you guys are a thing?" asked a happy Nandini.
"kind of" Cabir neither confirmed nor denied.
"Great! I am just so happy for you." Nandini side hugged him with excitement.
"Even i am now could you please." Manik requested.
"Just give me 5 minutes and it's just for Cabir. Don't think it otherwise and i am not going with you. Dad i'll take the driver." she replied walking up the stairs to her room.
"As you wish my girl" her father replied.
"yeah as you wish." he murmured with a smile before he turned to face Mr Singhania, "Uncle your daughter is one hell of a person." he said.

"And you'll eventually learn how to handle." Mr Singhania laughed.
"May god save you." Cabir snickered outting a hand on his shoulder.

Nandini came back all dressed up and went to the car but already found Manik waiting for her all dressed.
"Your driver is at your service ma'am." he bowed down to her.

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