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This chapter might have some triggering content. You can skip if you want to that part. I'll be marking the place it starts and ends at.


Both Manik and Nandini were tired after running behind each other and hence to catch their breaths they both sat back on their respective seats still giggling.

"Oh god i am soo tired." Nandini exclaimed trying to breathe.
"Even i am. Look you made it soo difficult to even breathe." Manik laughed still holding his stomach.
"No i didn't. It was you who was running soo much." Nandini gave him a look.
"Oh was it? Well all i know is that i am super tired now so truce?" Manik asked.
"Agreed. By the way Manik?" Nandini turned to face him to which Manik just hummed.
"It looks like as if we are long lost best friends or something." Nandini spoke after alot of thinking.
"As in?" Manik looked on confused.
"Being soo much comfortable around each other that also after a single meeting." Nandini answered his query. 
"Definitely looks like it. By the way initially i though that you were a wierdo." Manik laughed remembering how soon he had judged her on that road.
"As in, a type of alien?" Nandini raised her brow.
"To be honest. Yes defnitely an alien but now i feel that i have known you for years."Manik spoke truthfully.
"Fair enough. I won't fight you on that." Nandini clicked her tongue as she gathered herself up and said, "Now let's get back to work, we still have to finalize the designs before we send them off to the team. And for that we have to work faster." 
"Why? You don't like working with me that you want to run away so soon." Manik exclaimed getting back to his chair.
"uhun. I just i want it done before dad's birthday." Nandini smiled.
"Aww must be a daddy's princess.' Manik joked.
"Yes i am he's been my mom and dad both since i was 3." Nandini gave him an honest look.
"Sorry. But you do are really close to your father right?" Manik handed her the work file he has been working on while she was running late.
"I am! But not just him, there's Cabir and Arya too." Nandini replied flipping through the pages.
"Cabir i do know. You have told a lot about him yesterday but who's Arya?." Manik asked being curious.
"Actually he is-" their conversation came to a halt when they heard a knock at their door.

"Come in" Manik said.
"Sir Mr Roy is here. The meeting shall begin in 10 minutes." Manik's PA , Aisha informed them.
"I'll be there." Manik replied as Aisha left leaving the two once again.
"You have a meeting?" Nandini asked.
"yeah actually Mr Roy has agreed to invest in my dream project." Manik replied gathering his required stuff.
"That's great! Congratulations and best of luck." Nandini hugged him, "I am sure your dream will come true soon." she added with a smile.

Manik reached the conference room and found Mr. Roy, a man of his same age waiting for him.
"Hello Mr. Roy." Manik greeted him as both the men shook hands.
"It's Avinash for you Manik. We are of the same age." Avinash hugged him. 
"Okay Avinash. Shall we begin?" 
The meeting began and both got busy in discussing about the investment details as Manik enthusiastically explained his progress into the designing.

On the other side Nandini was doing her work when Manik's intercom buzzed. Not realizing where she actually is, Nandini picked up the call.
"Hey Manik!" came the callers voice.
"Oh hi!" Nandini greeted the caller, " Actually i am Nandini and Manik is busy in an important meeting. May i know who it is?" she asked.
"It's Dhruv this side. Can i speak to Manik. It's really urgent." Dhruv said.
"Actually he is in a meeting currently. I don't think he's gonna be free anytime soon." Nandini informed him. 
"Please it's really very urgent. I insist." Dhruv requested.
"Fine i'll try." Nandini went to the conference room and knocked the door to which Manik soon replied with a 'come in' and she went inside.

"Manik?" she called.
"Nandini! Anything important?" Manik asked turning his focus at her.
"Yeah actually-"
"Oh by the way Nandini meet Mr. Avinash and Avinash she is-" Manik tnroduced the two.
"Nandini Singhania. Everyone knows the youngest business women of the year." Avinash greeted her.
"Nice to meet you." They both shook hands while Avinash held it for a little longer than anticipated.
"Nandini you came here for something important?" Manik broke the wierd vibe in the room.
"yes actually someone named Dhruv called." she informed him.
"Dhruv called? For what?" Manik spoke in a stern voice.
"No clue but he said it's urgent." she shrugged her shoulders.
" Sorry Avinash but i'll get back to you in a minute." Manik addressed Avinash and left the conference room. Even Nandini turned to leave for her share of work when Avinash stopped her.
"Nandini?" he called her to which she turned and gave a look.
"It's fine if i call you Nandini? Because all this Miss.Singhania and Mr Roy sounds so formal." he walked a little closer to her.
"I am fine with it Mr Roy." Nandini replied putting her hands inside her skirt pocket.
"See too formal. Please call me Avinash."
"Okay Avinash."
"So you're a london return?" Avinash asked.
"I am but i am still an Indian." Nandini gave a look.
"I must say. You sounds way too smart than what your face gives you credit for." Avinash leaned onto the table behind him.
"Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment." 
"And beautiful too." Avinash walked ahead and now he was infornt of Nandini who stood just an inch away.
"By the way if you don't mind some of us actually have some work to do." Nandini turned to leave when Avinash stopped her way.
"Oh Nandini stop being soo boring. You are amazing, i mean just look at you. Soo sexy and here you have a handsome guy standing infront of you but you are running away." Avinash chuckled looking into her eyes.
"Look Avinash i really have to work so please step aside." Nandini scuffed looking away.
"Oh god Nandini. Why are you being soo angry. Look even Manik is out and we have lot of time left so ourselves. I know you do like me." Avinash smirked blocking her to the wall.
"Just get lost." 


Nandini moved ahead to leave but this time Avinash pulled her and she got stuck between the table and him. It was high time and she started struggling but Avinash was strong enough. She even tried to shout but he just held his hand over her mouth restricting her from doing just that.
After lots of struggle Nandini was able to move out of his hold but to her bad luck he pushed her at the lone corner. Avinash came forward while she tried calling someone and the first name she thought was Manik. She quickly grabbed her cell from her pocket and dialed Manik's number but Avinash pulled her harshly makign her drop her phone to the ground.
Unfortunately the conference room had soundproof walls and nothing could be seen happening inside due to the translucent glass. 

Thankfully Manik picked up the call and heard Nandini shouting from the other side of it. Not wasting anymore time he ran to the conference room where he had left them. Kick opening the door he saw Avinash forcefully pulling Nandini when a punch landed on him as she struggled to fight him. In no time Manik too pulled the guy away from her and started beating the shit out of him. The whole office staff assembled hearing the commotion while Aisha stood beside Nandini to support her who was finding it hard to gather herself due to the physical and mental trauma. Watching her in that condition Manik dropped a bruised Avinash to the ground and walked towards Nandini while the guards pulled Avinash away calling the police.


Upon reaching towards Nandini, Manik hugged her tightly. Slowly and steadily he took her to their cabin and made her sit down checking for any bruises. She wasn't shivering  because she knew she fought back and that was the most important thing for her. All that hurt was the spots where she had been bruised due to the fall.
"Manik"she whispered his name.
"Nandini. It's fine i am here." Manik stroked her arm sitting infront of her.
"Can we get back to work?" she asked surprising Manik of her calmness.
"Nandini." He held her palms in his.
"What did you expect me to do? Shiver and cry? It's wasn't my fault. So now can we get back to work?" she spoke as if nothing happened.
She gave him a bright smile and he too smiled knowing what must be going inside her. She was a girl afterall.

They both were working silently and no ne spoke a word, so Nandini decided to break the ice by a question she wanted to ask him since so long.
"Manik?" she looked at him.
"yes?" Manik shut his file to give her all of his attention.
"what about your dream project? I know because of me-" she started to speak when Manik stopped her.
"Relax you said it's no one's fault right. I'll get someone soon." Manik assured her.
"Thank you"Nandini passed him a soft smile.
"helping me today. I appreciate that." Nandini spoke with sincerity. she was grateful for saving her back there.
"Nandini!" Manik exclaimed as he walked closer to her, "It was you who fought for yourself. If you hadn't called me on time then i wouldn't have been there on time." he smiled at her.

It was late when Manik dropped Nandini at her home. She entered inside and thought not to disturb anyone by telling about today's incident.
"Nandini. My child, you are back. Go fresh up and then we'll have dinner together." Her father who had been waiting for her as he read a book, kept his glasses on the stand.
"Sure dad." Nandini smiled at him.

Manik reached his home and directly went inside his room to clear his appearance.

Why? Why? It was mom's dream project and now we're back at nothing. Back to square one.
But if i hadn't saved Nandini then!! No! No! No! What would i answer dad but something had happened to her. Afterall it's all my mistake, i shouldn't have left her alone in that room with her.
God i am sorry mom. I know it was important and i promise you i'll find a better investor for our dream project but saving her was important to me too.


Nandini went down and found her dad waiting for her at the dinner table.
"great you're here. Come on. So how was your day?" Her father asked putting down a plate for her.
"Should i tell him the truth?" Nandini thought.
"Everything okay?" her father asked her moving the dishes to her.
"Nothing just tired. It was harsh day." Nandini spoke half of the truth not wanting to stress out the man to which her father hummed and they both had their dinner in silence.
"Nandini. I wanted to ask you something." her father spoke all of a sudden as Nandini brought in two coffee mugs.
"I am listening." Nandini settled down on the porch with him.
"I know it's too early but-"
"Dad. you know you can ask me anything." Nandini turned to face him.
"Will you marry Manik?" Her father asked all of a sudden surprising Nandini.

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