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Do comment!! Took a lot of time to write.
Also i have been a good updater 😁

The place was bustling with laughter and memories why not the four closest friends were finally together after years, without any complaints, anger or regrets re-mincing old college moments. All Nandini did was watch them with twinkle in her eyes, the way these guys were sharing their moments with her not aware of creating a new with her that she was gonna cherish for life.

"So matchmaker what are you looking at?" Cabir whispered shifting closer to her.

"I was just wishing that why had I not been with you guys in college it would have been so much fun." Nandini replied still adorning the small gang.

"Yeah i agree we would have been best buddies and you and Manik would have been dating rather than him dating that Alya." Mukti exclaimed a little louder than intended.

" Mukti shut up" Manik scolded her.

"This will keep going on but on a serious note, thank you very much Nandini." Dhruv appreciated her.

"Thanks for what?" Nandini asked.

"For giving us this friendship back, I mean I don't know why I actually agreed to do that plan of yours but i just did and i am so glad about it." Dhruv said with a huge smile on his face.

"You could say I am pretty convincing." she joked in return to remove the awkwardness of people constantly thanking her.

" since forever cause she's a spoilt brat." Cabir teased her.

"No I am not." Nandini snapped back.

"yes you are " Cabir mimicked her as he threw a piece of lettuce at her.

" heyy don't do that." Nandini warned him by her tiny finger.

" I will, you spoilt brat." Cabir was no less as he threw another shred.

"Okay guys relax stop behaving like kids." Manik tried to break them apart when both of them snapped at him together, "Do not intervene!" they said.

"Yes so what were you saying that I am a spoilt brat?" Nandini scrunched her nose in anger.

"Yes you are, I have known you since we were kids. Daddy's little girl." laughed Cabir.

" I'll show you what this daddy's little girl can do." Saying so Nandini poured the entire cup of cold coffee over Cabir's head making him shiver in surprise as well as the ice blocks falling over his face.

" what the hell" he stood up in anger while the others couldn't control their laughter

"How's the food cabir?" teased Mukti.

"Shut up Mukti." 

"Woah so the dialogues have changed now. Is it Cabir?" Dhruv teased him as Cabir gave a look to nandini and poured the chocolate syrup on her face.

" suits you well" Before Nandini could revert back Manik held her from behind or else she would have pounced on Cabir like a hungry cat.

" Manik Malhotra leave me. I am going to kill him today." Nandini screamed struggling hard to let go.

" try me." Cabir instigated her.

"Dhruv and Mukti, you guys handle Cabir and get him cleaned up we don't want a mess at this place or else we'll end up washing the dishes and get a forever ban." Manik ordered the lot as both of his soldiers replied with an ," Aye aye captain."

Dhruv quicly grabbing Cabir trying to calm him down, "Relax Cabir. Relax.". While Manik dragged Nandini towards the female restroom as he placed her beside the basin. Soon enough he locked the door from the inside before she could make an escape route.

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