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Book suggestions at the end do leave you comments because i love reading them and they give me strength to continue this story.


Manik and Nandini parted away woth slow breathes and their eyes still closed. It was definitely a moment. No one wanted to break that moment but what could they actually talk about now. Manik was the first one who got out of his trance and stared at Nandini with calm eyes, watching her chest rise and fall mapping her whole face inside his head. His gaze moved from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes when his gaze got locked nandini's who was watching him with equal comfort and something more.

Both wanted to say something , something that would make that moment perfect but instead Manik inched his face closer again moving his lips towards her when they heard a shout from the bottom of the stairs.

" Bro is your room like a maze where the hell are you both lost? " it was Mukti searching for them. Hence, both came out of their sexual trance and Nandini traced her foot behind walking down the stairs with a small smile on her face.

"Oh my god!! what the fuck did i do. shit how can i do this after... holy crap and she just went away. What will she be thinking about me? I am such an idiot. Should i say sorry or-" Manik ran his hand through his hair in stress.

" Bro we are gonna have food without you okayyy? " Mukti called out to him to which he evntually repling a "i am coming"

Manik came down and found Nandini already seated beside Mukti while the elders having a hard conversation between them. Manik walked to the farthest end of the table trying to get away from Nandini until Mukti caught hold of him.

" where do you think you are going sir? " Mukti asked.

" people like me needs food to survive sister." Manik gave a sarcastic reply pulling back his hand.

"Exactly so go and sit beside your fiance. this is not the 90's where you are sitting away. Go." Mukti shushed him away as Manik tried to deny her order, "Mukti listen-"

" Manik come sit beside Nandini ." Neyonika insisted, hence, Manik with slower and scary steps walked and sat beside Nandini. Both gave each other a small smile and then it all just went AWKWARD. ( what do you expect for a first kiss)  

" bro pass me the salad " Mukti said.

" huh?" Manik had been zoned out.

"I asked for salad duh where are you?" Mukti scoffed at him as Manik passed her the salad with an awkward smile.

Manik held out the plate for Mukti but it started to slip a little but gladly Nandini held it brisking her fingers over his that sent electricity through both their spines as Mukti gave them a mischiveous smile.

" thank me later." she winked at the duo as they blushed in embarressment.

" sure only if i survive the day." said Manik under his breath.

" huh you said something.?" Nandini asked.

" water.. i said water please." trying not to get caught, he said a lie.

And soon enough an awakward silence prevailed between them that was broken by Manik's dad this time, "So how is the office working for both you kids?" he asked.

" it's going amazing dad.", "and it feels really good to work together." came there replies together in one go.

"Oh don't bore them with your stupid office talk Malhotra. Manik you tell me, is there anything apart from office that you are interested in? Any hobby?" Mr Singhania asked.

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