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There stood a car in front of an apartment complex. The windows had a black tint for the sense of privacy for the owner.

Soon enough the door flung open and a girl clad in a red sun dress walks out of the car while the other door opens and a guy with his sexy smile; wearing a tee clutching his well built physique too came out and leaned over his car's bonnet. As the girl walked upto him swaying her body in the most sexual way she could and hugged him, the guy couldn't stop but grin.

"Oh baby it was soo much fun and the date, it was all so beautiful. You know that you are the best." she spoke holding him by his forearm.

"But not more than my queen." The guy replied sneaking his arms around her petite waist.

"Manik!" she lightly slapped his forearm as she giggled detaching herself from him, "Okay i need to go now cause dad must be waiting for me." she added.

"Hmm i know" Manik hummed pulling her back and inhaling her scent.

"So Manik for that you need to leave me." Alya smiled at his antics.

"No. Please wait for sometime. You know i love it when i hug you." Manik whined like a kid.

"Okay please. Atleast now let me go. You know my dad won't eat without me ." Alya rubbed their noses together.

"Okay bye and yes i love you." Manik smiled detaching themselves.

"I know" Alya replied.

She walked away inside her building while Manik stood there watching her retreating figure. He was waiting for her to turn back and engulf him in a hug and promise to never ever leave him just like he doesn't want to leave her but nothing of that sort happened. So he went back inside his car , moving towards his mansion after a tiring day with his girlfriend ; Alya, the girl he's been in love with since college days. He loves to pamper her with everything she wants cause she's always been his first and last priority.

His thoughts along with his car came to a halt at the red light when it started raining all of a sudden. Manik sat in his car watching those tiny droplets touching his window pane. Generally such kind of views refreshes a person's mind but Manik never liked them. For him it was just a sticky weather that bounds a person to sit back home and cancel all their important works. While watching the outskirts of the city getting all wet, the people running with their busy schedule it was when his eyes stopped upon a view; a crazy view that was a little rare sight to watch in such a busy city.

There danced a girl clad in a maroon skirt and white crop top , playing and dancing like maniacs with the kids, who a little while ago were begging at his window. She seemed to not be tensed about her dress which by Manik's thought could looked very expensive. Not only the dress irked him but the way she was dancing, it looked as if she was a crazy women but obviously not to forget cute too.

Manik POV

Such an idiot, who dances like a maniac with beggers on a busy road. It's good that Alya isn't here right now or else i would had to listen to those bitching noises of her about the girl. Gosh she's dancing as if it's the world around her doesn't even exist. By the looks of her, she does look like somone from a wealthy family but i guess she must be one of them and someone might have lend her those clothes. Waht sort of humans you've made God? Urgg who cares.

Manik POV end

Manik's chain of thoughts were stopped by the voice of the cars honking behind him cause of the green signal. Hence he quickly shifted his mind back to reality and drove safely towards his mansion trying to forget about that girl but what he wasn't aware of was that she wasn't going to leave his mind and his life so early.

On the other hand a guy stood at the footpath with an umbrella in his hand screaming at the girl, "Nandini! Nandini what are you doing?"

"Oh My Cabiraaa. Stop being a spoiltsport. Come lets enjoy this rain." Nandini called out to him.

Yes it was Nandini who was playing with those street kids, care free,  not thinking about the people watching her as if she was a maniac.
" Nandini you'll fall sick and it's getting late now. You promised me for a little time. So now ;et's leave." Cabir threw his hands in complain.

"Gosh man. You're such a boring and monotonous person. I just can't believe that we're friends. God what a human you dropped into my life." Nandini dramatised her dialogues.

"Nanz stop your melodrama or should i call uncle to tell what you are doing and these body guards too are of no use! Idiots." Cabir exclaimed.

"Chill buddy , it's not their fault. I gave them strict warnings to not stop me so they were just trying to save their jobs duh." Nandini walked upto him grabbing a towel from the car.

"Ya right.Their duty is to stop you from doing any stupid things and also to protect you. But no here they arem lwtting you do silly stuff." Cabir scolded the poor line of men in black suits.

"Okay Okay. let's just leave that. Look cause of you i couldn't even enjoy mself and it stopped raining now. You'll have to repay for this." Nandini gave him a stern look rubbing her hair by the dry cloth.

"Fine drama queen, next time we'll drench together. I promise you but for now uncle called to let you know that you need to reach home fast cause he'll be waiting for you at the dinner table." cabir informed holding the car door for her.

"God dammit. I forgot that he never has his dinner without me. I am soo going to hell." nandini hurried up in panic.

"Idiot!" Cabir murmured getting inside the car.

"Okay fine. I wasn't the one making us late by constant whining." Nandini spoke in a sarcastic tone throwing her towel at him and getting inside too.

"You can never change. Now lets leave." cabir instructed the driver to start the car.

"Bye kids." Nandini waved at the little ones who waved back at her with huge smiles.

The car left the area and was followed by another one infront and other at the back with guards covering well. The car drove to Nandini's house, a house which was her reason to live where she had a small family. Even though they were rich but she still loved to lead a normal life but her father loved her alot, so for her safety the security was needed.

Only cabir other than her father knew how much was her life in danger due to work events. Nandini sat at the driving seat thinking different excuses to provide her father about her drenched clothes cause she knew she can't hide anything from him. It was one hell of a difficult task to lie and be saved from him. She knew only the man above us all could help her in her "Let's save ourselves from the father's wrath" mission.

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