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The car journey started where Alya got busy in her cell phone faking to be as devoted to it as much as she could. Nandini too wasn't interested in any conversation with her so Nandini's dad decided to break the ice

"So Alya what do you do?" he asked addressing Alya.
"as in uncle?"
"I mean do you work somewhere?" he eased his question a little.
"work and me? oh no no uncle actually my dad has his own business so i don't have to work." Alya replied scrolling through her instagram handle.
"Never thought to help him in his business." Mr Singhania looked her through the mirror.
"Not interested uncle and i am happy in my life." Alya rolled her eyes.
"Please the day she works in a company, it would be it's last day for sure." Nandini murmured under her breath.
"Oh but you mst have completed your studies. " 
"Yes uncle i have a degree in Fashion designing." now that was something ALya found great about the conversation.
"Oh even Nandini liked fashion designing. Right Nandini?" Mr Singhania's eyes twinkled.
"yes dad i did." Nandini smiled focusing back on her driving.
"Oh is it Nandini so whose your favourite Chanel or Victoria Secret?" Alya asked with enthusiasm.
"Excume me." her enthusiasm caught Nandini offguard.
"Oh come on don't tell me you haven't heard their names.' Alya rolled her eyes.
"Oops sorry to break your boasting bubble but i have and i have even worked with them." Nandini gave a sarcastic smile.
"Nandini be polite." her father scolded.
"Sorry dad."Nandini apologized in a small voice.
"Look we are here so i'll leave you two and Nandini drive safely and drop alya home." Mr Singhania walked to the lane of his house while Nandini backed the car in order to drop Alya.

"By the way i must say Nandini you can be a nice driver." Alya smirked.

"Oh can i? Great." Nandini looked out of the window avoiding her.
"yeah i really liked your driving skills." Alya chipped her nails.
"Okay girl so now i'll show you what real driving is.' Nandini smirked thinking to herself as she accelerated the car to its full speed. Since it was late at night so the roads were deserved with a few other cars around. Alya felt a sudden push so she curled up on her seat all frightened like a kitten. Nandini knew she was just faking a mask over her face so she accelerated it more even before bringing her car back to a hault.

"what the hell i know you did it on purpose. didn't you/" Alya screamed.
"Ooh sorry i just love rash driving and hitting them with the highest speed. " nandini winked at her openeing the door.
"You are such a bi-" Before Alya could speak that word Nandini showed her index finger frightening her.

"Don't. I am quite that doesn't mean i won't do anything and remember one thing never ever hurt anyone related to me cause then i'll be your death for sure." Nandini warned her.
"Are you threatening me!" Alya widened her eyes.
"that's your choice take it as you want; a threat or a warning." Nandini replied seriously and gestured her to leave but Alya was adamant too. Later Nandini sat back on her seat comfortably as if nothing happened and drove again silently. Alya watched out of her window until the most idiotic idea came to her mind

"You scared me Nandini. Now you see what i'll do. You and Manik are really getting alonf as friends right.. What do you think i'll easily let you take Manik away from me. Now i'll tell you who he actually belongs to. He is mine and will always be." Alya spoke to herself as she took out her phone and called Manik who picked it up on the first ring.

"Hey baby." she greeted him with a sugar coated voice.
"Did you get back home safely?" Manik asked walking to his balcony.
"Ofcourse baby. why are you always soo concerned about me. I know you love me alot." Alya cocooed her way into the conversation.
"was it all fine?" Manik asked with concern
"Manik i am fine and safe you don't need to worry just relax."
"Did anything happen or did uncle say anything?" But Manik continued to interrogate her.
"I love you too. Okay listen i know you wanted to drop me cause you don't risk me with anyone but i promise next time we'll be together." she eyes Nandini who was engrossed in her driving.
"What the hell are you even answering?" Manik asked clearly being annoyed.
"Oh shut up Manik! Stop being a kid, you won't get any kiss." she giggled.
"kiss?" Manik was confused as hell.
"Ohkay wait" Alya scooted a little closer behind Nandini's car seat as she made an annoying sound as if she is really kissing Manik while on the other side a confused Manik cancelled the call

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now