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It had been a long two day gap in everyone's life and finally the wedding rituals had began here. Manik was all decked up in his room since Mukti and Dhruv couldn't decide onto which outfit was better.

"Why does my outfit even matter" Manik asked.

"Because you are the groom dumbster" Mukti replied from under the big cloth pile she was digging into.

"I agree bro even we have some standard and we need to look the best" Dhruv said looking at the various shoe options available.

"I get that guys but it's Nandini who needs to have a good outfit and everything since she is going to be the centre of attraction today." Manik said.

"Nope definitely not, we as the groom side aren't gonna get behind. Specially when Cabir is there. Oh god how will I get you ready on time." Mukti whined moving around the room like a tornado.

"Mukti, Mukti my dear sister remember I am THE MANIK MALHOTRA and I am my own stylist now you both get out of here and let me do my magic." Manik said pushing the duo out of his room.

"you sure bro? " asked Dhruv still holding a pair of his shoes.

"A 100% sure. Now go and get dressed. I don't want you looking like crap at my own sangeet ceremony ( a musical night). " Manik said taking the pair from him.

"I never look crap and Mukti is the definition of hotness." both of them uplifted their imaginary collars as Manik closed the door on their faces.

"Okay okay now leave." Manik shouted through the door before the duo left. He picked his cell phone texting that one person he had been craving to since the past two days. On the other side, Nandini had been stuck between trying outifts over and over again.

"I don't get it why are you people being so choosy. This is not my wedding day." she cribbed jumping over the sofa.

"But it is one of the wedding ritual days right sis. You have to look the best." one of her little cousin pulled her back up.

"Granny atleast you say something to them"Nandini complained like a kid.

"They are right my angel. You need to look the best and can you show me the first dress again." Granny replied with a grin.

"urggg seriously you too" Nandini replied grumpily getting back in her closet again picking up the dress. She was about to get inside the bathroom for the 567th time when her cell beeped with a text.

"uhhuh you are not picking that. No work until your marriage remember?" said her cousin.

"What if it's important ?" Nandini said.

"Nothing is more important than today and you have just 20 minutes to pick your outfit until the MUA stylist arrives." informed another of her relative puttind down some of the required equipments.

"okay okay kids I am going."she surrended to them. Nandini got out wearing a sea green outfit and everyone just gasped at the angelic bride standing infront of them.

"My angel." Granny adored her.

"Oh my my! you look so perfect in this." everyone compliemented at once.

"Thank you." Nandini was blushing like a cherry tomato by now.

"By the way, the stylist is here we should leave now" Informed her cousin as everyone left Nandini's room and she finally got time to sit back and relax a bit and also to go through some mails of hers. Once a workaholic always a workaholic. That's when she came across a text from Manik, since their date two days back they haven't had time to properly converse or have any conversation at all. She had been so busy into working on her last days before her office vacation and then the wedding fiasco that it made her miss him so damn much.


MANIK: hello

MANIK: looks like you have time for everyone except me.

MANIK: don't tell me you are having second thoughts now. You are not right?

Nandini giggled at the last text from him. Recently he has been so paranoid of her canceling the wedding or anything going bizarre at the wedding. Not to have him more tensed she quickly replied.

NANDINI: that is all you have been thinking lately right. And for your question ofcourse not. Was just trying on some outfits.

MANIK: finally you replied busy bee. So what's up?

NANDINI: don't ask because the outfits are killing me. This is so not me.

MANIK: about that what color are you wearing?

NANDINI: seagreen why?

MANIK: nothing bye. Get ready soon. Can't wait.

The function began and Nandini was getting her hands filled with henna when the Malhotra's arrived and that is when she noticed Manik wearing the exact same color as her. He greeted her entire family like a good guy and quietly came and sat beside her with no words exchanged.

"Hello" Nandini initiated the conversation

No reply from the other side.

"Hello Manik. What's wrong?" she asked.

"shh we are not supposed to talk. The elder says it's wrong." Manik said keepign a finger over his lips.

"What Manik who told you that?" she asked with a small laugh.

"told you the elders. Now shut up and don't talk to me." he replied like a small baby.

"okay so even you don't look. Get that. Can't have you see your name on my hands." nandini replied turning her back a little to him.

"Ofcourse I won't. Not spoiling any ritual." he said to what she giggled.

The function up until now had been great. All the performances were going fine when everyone called out for Manik and Nandini to perform on the dance floor. They danced together standing up and close when Manik saw a shadow at the back near the curtain. It felt like someone was moving closer to him so he left Nandini alone on the dancefloor and went behind the shadow. Everyone felt it wierd but never questioned him.

The function ended on a good note and now all everyone waited was for the groom to arrive tomorrow and take his lady away with him. 

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