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Have a happy and great reading
And just a reminder did you guys read my other stories the completed one like "cauz we don't " and "lost love".


The night will be longer than what she expected. Nandini suited off her self and controlled her inner turmoil, maybe she had someone else out there or maybe love wasn't her thing. She tucked herself to sleep, her dialogues all ready stacked inside her brain to be spoken out tomorrow.
On the other hand Manik was in a state of daze. It isn't like a normal thing that your current soon to be wife knows about all your secrets, like you having a current girlfriend. It isn't an every day thing , hence lot much was at stake.

His room looked a bit dark today just like his life had always been until Alya walked in and he fell in love the very first sight he saw her. He had always longed for that perfect care and love which she gave him but then there came up a timing when suddenly she changed and her career mattered the most to her, maybe love had taken a back seat.

But he still loved her, doesn't he. Or maybe not? Or maybe it is just what Nandini said. Talking about Nandini, she walked into his life and made it all possible that the point of light that Alya got had turned on turned out to be a huge bright sky that Nandini created. He smiled, he laughed, he cried, hell that was a lot more to just this. The story has both part A and B now. Part A had Alya while part B actually wasn't completely recorded but had Nandini.

He could have played any one of the sides for his lifetime but which one was the question?

I don't know what the hell i have gotten myself into, like seriously what the hell was i even thinking before saying a yes to Nandini. why hadn't i stopped her the day i wanted to propose Alya but Nandini showed up. What am i even doing? All i now see is Nandini around me. I feel her when she's not around. I am just so stupid and silly. Am i playing around with two girls at the same time?
Do people call me a player out there? No i am not.
I love alya i do and that's true love.
Love at first sight and I like Nandini but breaking her heart is like stabbing a knife through my own and then pulling it out, only to keep doing that shit again.
I can't!
I don't know what to do. I am just-


Manik was surrounded by his inner turmoil when he heard a knock on his room door
"It's open." he answered the visitor.
"Umm hey want some cold milk?" Nayonika asked.
"No i am fine. You can leave." he sounded disinterested.
"I know you wanna talk about something. maybe i can help." she gave him an offer to help.
"Nothing that should concern you so i don't need your help.' he denied getting ready for bed.
"Maybe it does because it concerns my son." she replied still standing by the door.
"I am not your son." Manik spoke in a cold voice.
"I believe you are because i know you are." she spoke standing her ground.
"Just leave and stop behaving like my mom because you cant take her place. I have always told you that." Manik snapped back in anger.
"I am not taking her place, no one can but i am making mine whether you like it or not." she got inside his room.
"Just leave i dont need you." Manik screamed in anger and frustration, frustration because he messed up his life that affected the people he care about.
"Maybe you do but you don't realise. Drink this, it might help you make some great and kind decisions." she spoke keeping the glass on the table.
"I dont need anything from you." Manik's stare was cold.
"umm ohkay anything i can do for you?" Neyonika asked folding her hands before her chest.
"Can you leave me alone?" his tone was softer this time.
"I will, just always remember me and your mom always have your back. Goodnight. " giving him a soft smile Neyonika turned to leave when Manik called her back.

"Can you do me a favour?" he asked.
"yes?" Neyonika asked being hopeful.
"Can you stay for a while, like for a minute or more." he dropped down on the bed as Neyonika walked towards him.
"I'll be happy to do that." she spoke sitting beside him and held his hand. For sometime Manik just took deep breaths amaong the silence.

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