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"Manik i know you have done so much for me today but i really want to do something for you now." Nandini spoke holding his hand between hers.

"No Nandini you don't have to. It's definitely not needed." Manik denied shooking his head in a negative.

"Manik please. Let me. If i ask you something, will you give me that?" Nandini kept a hand over his cheek.

"Ofcourse. Nandini you just have to name it." Manik replied.

"Can i have a day of yours?." she asked, "Please."

"A day? I can't understand what-"

"Just one day without any other segments of your daily life and specially not office." Nandini requested.

"But Nandini office? We have a project to complete and you want it by-" Manik tried to deny but Nandini was persistent.

"I know what i said and we will but Manik please. Just 24 hours of your life." she insisted.

"Fine. You want 24 hours. I'll give you those. Happy?" Manik smiled as Nandini's face lit up with happiness.

"Very! And thank you so much. I promise i won't disappoint you." Nandini beamed with joy.

"I know you will. so shall we leave now? Uncle must be waiting, it's getting late." Manik lead the way to the table so that they can gather their stuff.

"yeah. I'll just call Cabir." Nandini grabbed her phone to inform her friend when Manik stopped her.

"No need. I'll drop you home." he spoke instructing the valet to get his car.

"Okay as you say." They both left the hotel in Manik's car. Even though the car ride was usual, but something had changed all of a sudden. Manik tried texting Alya but her cell phone was still unreachable. Nandini couldn't believe what all had happened, all of a sudden in her life in a week. She was in true terms on cloud nine or somewhere in her safe haven.

The car haulted at the red light due to a lot of traffic at the junction. Even though it was closer to midnight, the nightlife of the city had just began. Hence people were in a jiffy to enjoy their time after a long tiring day at work.

"urgg I hate traffic." Manik groaned honking at the car ahead him.

"I know it's annoying but such things have their own fun." Nandini laughed at his expressions.

"Traffic and fun? Nandini you definitely need to visit a doctor." came his sarcastic remark.

"I swear Manik. It can be fun too." Nandini tried to make him agree.

"oh really? And how is that?" Manik asked to which Nandini turned on the radio and said, " Simply by turning this on. You know you can listen to songs for so long without even wanting to change it again and again. Just go with the flow and moreover the fun in listening to a radio is during car rides only." 

Manik chuckled on her cute behavior making Nandini eye him with suspicion, " And why are you laughing at me?" she folded her arms.

"You really need a doctor." said Manik before he bursted into a laughing riot.

They both sat in silence listening to the music while the traffic was on its peak when suddenly a song played that made Nandini jump up in excitement.

"This ones my favourite. Gosh took it long enough."  Manik and nandini at the same time extended their hands to increase the volume when their hands banged with each other. It was "Steal My Girl" by One direction.

" She's be my queen since we were sixteen. We want the same things. We dream the same dreams. Alright, alright." Nandini sang on top of her voice making Manik giggle at her childish behaviour. Nandini nudged him to tag along but he just shaked his head until he finally agreed to join her at the chorus.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now