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"Hello dad. I am ready for this wedding. It's a yes." he spoke as he could hear the congratulations from the other side.


"But Manik initially you said no but now suddenly it's a yes. Are you sure my son?" his dad spoke in a concerned voice. Even though he was happy, his son's sudden approval had taken him aback.
"Yes dad. I am sure about it. So please just call the Singhania's and tell them that it's a yes." Manik replied.
"Yes my son i'll just call them now and Manik you've made the right decision. I am proud of you my son." his father smiled, ready to inform his best friend.

Manik closed his eyes and thought was this really what he wanted to do. For some reason his mind said a 'no' but somewhere it kept flashing Alya's images but his heart in a way said yes, he opened his eyes and assured his father, "Okay dad. I'll talk to you when i'll get back home. Goodbye."
"Yes yes. I have asked Neyonika to prepare some sweets and we'll be waiting for you at the dinner table." his father was probably on cloud nine.

At the Singhania mansion, Mr. Singhania's cell phone rang and his face adored a smile, 'Yes Raj. I was actually going to call you."
"There is nothing left to say my friend." Mr Malhotra spoke in a serious tone.
"Is everything okay Raj?" Mr Singhania asked in concern.
"everything will be fine from here now!"
"I don't understand- what are you trying to say?" 
"I mean that now Nandini is going to be our daughter-in-law. Her aura is soon going to make everything okay in our house." Mr Malhotra beemed with happiness.
"Oh You scared me. so Manik said yes? This is great news Raj." Mr Singhania exclaimed.
"You got worried in such short time. What will happen to you when the actual wedding preperations begin." Mr Malhotra joked.
"Raj my buddy! You have no idea how long i've waited for this moment. My little one is going to be a part of your family. Our families are going to be one." 
"I agree to that "

"Dad dinner is ready. let's eat now." Nandini called from the kitchen.
"Raj i'll talk to you later. I just got an order from my house boss and if i get there late, i'll surely have to get a punishment." Mr Singhania joked as he waved at her daughter.
"Then go and take as many orders you can take for now cause your boss is soon gonna be the boss of my house." Mr Malhotra laughed.
"You really need to work on your humour my friend. See you soon. Goodbye"

Nandini's dad turned around to leave his room for the dining area when he saw his daughter at the doorstep cupping her waist holding a spatula in her hand and an aprin around her petite body.
"dad" she spoke in a stern voice.
"Sorry my little one. I was just coming." Mr Singhania apologized.
"good. Now get back to the table." They both went down at the dining area where Aryaman and Cabir were already seated.

"What uncle! You took way too long." Cabir nodded his head in disapproval.
"But i am here now. All these kids have become so big now that they're scolding me." Mr Singhania scowled sitting down.
"Scolding you because your daughter haven't even allowed us to touch any of these dishes because you weren't here." Aryaman tried to pick another of the salad piece when he got smacked by a spoon on his hand. 
"because my dad always eats first. Dad look today i cooked mom's special recipe. Tell me how is it?" Nandini fed her father as she stood looking hopefully at him. Mr Singhania adored his daughter with utmost love and care when his eyes welcomed happy tears.
"dad why are youu crying? Was it spicy?" Nandini asked being worried for her father's health. 
"No no my little one." her father nodded in a no wiping away the tears by his shirt sleeve.
"Just remembered that soon you'll be cooking all these lovely dishes at someone else's place. Nobody will wait for me at the dinner table anymore." her father spoke in a broken voice. Watching him hurt Nandini's eyes too welcomed some fresh tears while she hugged her dad.
"dad i'll never leave you.i promise." she cried. Even Aryaman and Cabir joined the group hug.
"And we won't even let you go anywhere away from us." Aryaman rubbed her back as he hugged her tight.
"I'll even make you cook there for me." cabir joked.

In Malhotra mansion the table was set up with all of Manik's favourite delicacies. Manik entered only to be welcomed by heart melting smell of the yummy food.
"Is it something special today?" Manik asked his father.
"Ofcourse it is. Come let's have dinner. You've made my one last wish come true today." his father hugged him in delight.
"dad!" Manik hugged him back feeling his father's warmth after such a long time.
"I know it must have been a difficult decision for you but i assure you that Nandini is the best girl for you. Now lets' leave these talks and have food. " his father pulled him to the table.
"no dad i am not hungry." Manik politely refused the offer.
"You can have this food. I haven't cooked any of it. All of these dishes are prepared by the cook." Neyonika informed him as she acoompanied the butler in setting up the table. Hence Manik sat down to eat his dinner.

"You mother must have been very happy today.' his father initiated the conversation to which Manik hummed.
"By the way. What about your schedule for the meetings?" his father asked. 
"It's all going better than we expected apart from the Australian clients but not to worry, i'll handle them." Manik informed him.
"That's like my son." The rest of the dinner went well with a little bit of personal and professional talks. Late that night both Manik and Nandini laid down on their respective beds thinking about the upcoming changes in their life's. 

Finally i have someone in my life apart from Aryaman, Cabir and dad to talk about my feelings to. How do i feel when i see people with both of their parents. Mom i just wish you could have been here with me today and i would have lais down on your lap. You must have taught me what's the role of a good wife as well as that of a good daughter-in-law. Must have made me as perfect as you and i would have been listening to your endless talks the entire night. With all your love you would have roamed your hand on my head telling me that you'll be always there even if i mess up anything while making dinner. How would i have called you to ask for help. I might have Neyonika aunty but she won'e be you.
I just wish mom for you to be here then i would have told you how nervous i am feeling about my new life and my future.

Have i done right? I hope i didn't make a mistake this time. Why is it that whenever i close my eyes i find Nandini's face flashing instead of Alya's.  Was my decision right? what if our lives get entangled because of all this? I wish mom you could have been here to guide me. to tell me if i am right or wrong? Trust i am not doing this to ruin Nandini's life or what i think mom but i am just making Alya's and my life. I love her mom and i know she does too. She's alwways been by my side whenever i needed her. After you left me in this world alone she held me when i needed a shoulder to cry on. She has always been there. I know i have neglected the people around me for her but trust me it was all worth it. Alya has actually made me realise what love is. I do know mayhe this decision ain't a 100% correct but for her and my future, it definitel is. And i promise i won't ever hurt Nandini in a way that it would bring tears in your eyes and you end up hating your own son. I just hope that you'll always stand by me to tell me where to lead.


Both Manik and Nandini slept thinking about their mother's, maybe their problems weren't same but their feelings and needs in some way were. Maybe that was the mutual connection between them to get into a mutual marriage.


The next morning Manik and Nandini had an off from their office the day being sunday. The breakfast was well on both the sides filled with laughter and happiness; talking about random topics. In the afternoon Manik was standing at his balcony working on his laptop when he saw an article on his social networking site portraying the feeling of love and how to make their better half feel loved. That's when an idea clicked in his mind and he quickly pulled out his phone typing a message unaware of what was saved in his near future.

There on the other side two phones beeped at the same time bringing a smile to both the faces and a sparkle of happiness in recievers eyes.
Was this going to be easy or Was it going to end here? Or maybe a new beginning to be started!

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