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Manik turned to face Nandini only to realize that she was already gazing intently at him with confidence and a spark in her eyes. For a minute Manik shifted a little in nervousness under her gaze whihc was rather a new feeling for him but eventually decided to break the awkwardness around them.

"Have you thought of any ideas to increase the company's growth?" Manik initiated the conversation.

"We do have a lot of ideas in mind but i think there is some scope of further improvement to increase the revenue of our company." Nandini replied putting out a few graphical sheets infront of him to explain her point of view.

"But i think what we've laid up unti now is also great. It's always been for the betterment." Manik counteracted.

"I understand your opinion but it's always been better and not best. And our project needs to be the best in order to survive competition." Nandini held her hands infront of the table and laid her chin on it. 

"I know and i am sure that together we'll be able to achieve that and be the top most company in this country." Manik gave her a small smile as he buzzed for a servent to get some coffee.

"Ofcourse so now can we concentrate on the projet details?" Nandini asked taking the mug and sipping on the hot liquid.

"Yes and according to me it will be a  little better for us if we open our new branch, right here, in this building. It's like not a much crowded area and hence the renovations will be easier." Manik proposed.

"I think so too since the new place will require a bigger space. preferably an entire floor area depending on the number of people we'll be adding." Nandini grabbed a pen writing down some numbers on it.

"Exactly. The other places we've looked around are mainly market spaces that creates a lot of traffic." Manik projected a mapping plan on the big screen.

"Umm Mr Malhotra?" Nandini asked to which Manik hummed flipping the pages of a file.

" Can i get this old branch file? If that's fine by you." Nandini requested.

"Yeah sure but may i ask why you need that?" Manik gave a quizzled expression.

"Nothing much. Actually i just want to make sure that the mistakes we made last time don't get repeated again." Nandini replied as she slided the paper at him which had a few pointers noted down.

"Okay just give me a minute." Manik ringed the bell when the same old man entered his cabin.

"Uncle can you please get the old branch file from Mr Agastya." Manik requested giving a small smile to the old man mentally making a note to apologize on Alya's behalf later. The peon gave a slight nod and left the room.

"by the time we gte our file. Let me show you something." Manik faced Nandini as he grabbed the projector remote.
"So basically this is the intial concept of the design that i've thought for the infrastructure and interiors. The team of architects that i've gathered is one of the best and i think they've precisely done a brillaint job to use the space." he added explaining every detail.
"i get it but looking at the scale we're working. I think we need to make it's base a lot much stronger for emergency purposes. You know what i mean right?" Nandini suggested.

"Ofcourse. This is jsut the design Mis Singhania. The team is working on the loads and strength of the entire project." the peon knocked the door to which Manik let him in.

"Sir your file." the man pushed up a blue cover to him.

"Uncle it's not the blue one. Old works are in red." Manik replied.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now