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Manik and Nandini sat beside each other near the lake while the kids sat at a farther corner hearing stories after their lunch break. The surroundings were rather calm only the uneven breath and raging heartbeats of these two souls could be heard. Manik had questions, questions he wanted Nandini to answer him but by what rights do he ask her, it had just been a few weeks that they have known each other and a day since they were engaged. It was as if she could hear him that Nandini eventually spoke up, "Ask me what you want to? You can!" she said.

"Why so secretive?" he finally asked.

"about what?" Nandini still hasn't faced him.

"About everything happening here. Why hide it?" Manik said.

" Manik damn where do i even start from-" Nandini gave a small laugh looking at the beautiful sky.

"Firstly by telling me who the real Nandini is? Is she the one who is prefessional, the one who is stiff and strong or the one who is sitting right beside me, a happy go fun girl." Manik said glancing at her. The different shades of her has always been very a mystery to him.

"Let's just say that it hasn't been easy." came her reply.

"Nothing ever is. But it will be when you have that one person you could trust for a lifetime. Do you trust me? "Manik made her turn as he looked into her eyes forwarding her hand to take it which she did with a small smile as she began.

"I was young when i lost my mom, it was heartbreaking to watch her go away like that, people taking away the lifeless body and even though i was small, a kid to be precise, i wanted to cry but honestly i had no idea, how to. " she said truning away to face the lake. 

"I know how that feels." came his reply after a pause.

"I know you do, we are in some way or the other broken in a similar manner. And so i reacted how a kid would, sat there staring at the walls for the longest period of my life until one day dad took me out of the darkeness of my room to them. An orphanage where each kid had lost someone." she said pointing at the little kids playing around.

"A known circle. " Manik gave her a soft smile.

"Yes a known circle, that's the same place i met Cabir, he had lost his dad and had come here along with his mom to share his set of grief. I jelled up here pretty quickly, it was the perfect place for me, until dad decided that we moved out, mom's memories kept haunting us until we were here, so we drove away far far away and to London. But this place kept along with me, i studied hard to made dad proud. Did everything i could so i could get this place to myself. I was always in touch of Cabir and he told me everything happening here and also how they were gonna shut it off. But i just couldn't let that happen. With my first paycheck and savings i got this place. A memory of my mom. " she explained.

" This orphanage. But why name it Misha because the most i know of, it's not what your mom's name is-?" Manik asked.

"Yeah i know it's what we were gonna call my little sister. MISHA. My mom was pregnant when the accident happened, i was happy that i was gonna have a sister until it was all blown away. I have kept it a secret because dad and everybody wants me to move on, they think this place makes me frozen to the old memories. " she gave him a sad smile as a teardrop left her eye. 

" But they are wrong, this is the place where you are you, no filter, no masks." Manik exclaimed.

"Yes they make me feel alive and that i have a big family. "Nandini chuckled as she saw Mike run behind Ahana for his toy.

"I am glad you have yours, not everyone is that lucky. " Manik said.

"You do have one. A rather complete one." Nandini looked at him tilting her head.

"Oh trust me, it's only from the outside." Manik laughed.

"So tell me-" Nandini nudged him.

"Maybe some other time."

"Oh come on manik i told you my secret and you are hiding yours." she whined.

"I am not hiding. Just not saying it today because we'll get late." Manik stood up reayd to leave.

"No we are not." Nandini pulled him back.

"We still have kids to drop. " he said.

"That won't be an issue!" she replied shouting out for the care taker. 

"yes ma'am." came the young girl running.

"Kindly take the kidsa back by the bu before it gets late and text me when you reach." Nandini said.

"Okay ma'am" she replied before shouting out to the kids, ", Kids come on it's time to leave. Say your goodbyes." 

"Bye" she kids screamed back running to the bus as Nandini greeted them with a flying kiss.

"Shall we start?" she said turning to face Manik.

"Okay, as you say but promise me you wont laugh." Manik laughed at her excitement before settling him down beside her.

"Why would i?" asked a confused Nandini.

"Just promise." he requested.

"Fine i do promise." Nandini chuckled as Manik began.

"I hate business." Manik confessed.

"I know." Nandini laughed at him as Manik gave her a look

"What? You are really bad at it." Nandini shrugged trying to control her laughter.

"Very funny! It's just i wanted to be a singer, start my own music company." Manik replied sheepishly.

"Really so why didn't you inform uncle about it."

"You seriously think he would have understood." Manik's face turned cold. 

"Yeah i do. Because all parents are supportive no matter what, they just want their kids to be happy in their lives." Nandini shifted closer to him.

"Only if they are yours, after mom's death nothing's same between me and dad. And with Neyonika you already know-"

"I know but tell me something more, any friends? They must have supported you. " Nandini was excited to learn more about him.

"I had a gang in college though. It was me, Mukti, Cabir, Dhruv and Alya." he replied.

"You knew Cabir?" Nandini was surprised.

"I do and quite good. Fab 5 was well known in college, we all had a common love and that was music, to a depth we had our own band. We could have even died for each other." Manik said with a sad smile remembering good old days.

"What happened then? Why has Cabir never told me about you?" asked a confused Nandini.

"Because we drifted apart or i did that to them. Mukti might not be my real sister but before being siblings, we had always been friends. Cabir was my best friend and Dhruv he was my brother from another mother. Even me and Alya met in college." he told her.

"Then why don't you guys meet or talk now? I mean i can understand why i can't because all my friends are in London but you have an extended family here." Nandini asked.

"The reason is Alya. Always have been. I was so blindly in love with her that whatever she told me to do, i did. ANd in that way we never realised when our band fell apart. Until now i had no idea where the others are but then i met Cabir with you. I don't even know if they want to see my face ever again or not, especially Dhruv." Manik said.

" Manik i think-"

"Nandini i think it's getting dark now, we should leave. Come i'll drop you home. " Manik stood up as he changed the subject and left Nandini in thoughts.

"Manik i know what a family means and it's high time you get yours back." said a determined Nandini to herself.

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