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The darkness engulfed the sky by the time Nandini packed up her work and left for home. She grabbed her car keys, switched off the lights and left her cabin. On her way back home she stopped midway to smile and the large picture hanging before her on the white painted wall of the entire perfect family she had always had trying to have the brightest smiles they could.

She left the office in a hurry because every girl needs some time get ready for her date night. Isn't it? To be honest she was a bit taken aback when she received a text from her dad asking her to pick a dress for herself from the boutique so that his daughter looked her best, can't say he wasn't playing the role of a mother too! Nandini was on an Eiffel Tower today since she wanted to take this relationship to it's best phase, not only for her dad but also for the step Manik has taken towards their newly found relationship. Her car came at a halt at her friend Aranya's boutique who was to her surprise already waiting for her with a hell bunch of dresses. Guess her father really was at his best role.

On the other hand Manik was all suited up and ready to leave so as to watch out over the last check on the preparations when he felt a tap on the glass window of his car at a red light. A kid of a very young age was selling up a bunch of flowers in order to want something new sight in such big cities but at that moment Manik saw something different. Don't know what made him take up the whole bunch of flowers and pay the kid, double the amount of what he asked for. Maybe happiness!!

Nandini looked flawless in her cute and beautifully arranged knee length dress with minimal make up and perfect matching accessories. Cabir stood beside her gazing her face ready to fall anytime. He hugged her like an elder protective brother would do, hiding her sister from the preying eyes he escorted her to his car and drove her to the desired destination. He was happy watching the twinkling eyes through the rear view mirror with a kind of pinge of fear. What if the world turn out to be cruel. But speaking of Nandini she was in her own world singing to the lullaby of the romantic love songs playing in the background.

Alya had a foul mood after getting to know about the delaying of the flight. Now she couldn't wait to land in the hotel and sleep as soon as she reach. She hopped onto the bed not caring about changing or food. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for her. Not in this place but the place she left behind. Maybe she didn't knew that someone would fill the void she created. Unaware she dozed of wishing to be at the highest possible run, the other day.


Manik reached before time and looked out for all the arrangements when he was signalled about the arrival of the girl. His heart thumping at its best. He never felt this way even before Alya would walk to him. Was it just nervousness or-. The lights were dimmed. He was all ready to confess today.

Cabir dropped Nandini at the destination and gave her a quick check before she left. Nandini held her bag close when she walked inside the dimmed lighted section fo the hotel. The guard led her inside slowly walking on the petals underneath her shoes. Slowly and steadily she came in contact with the cool breeze blowing which led her to the open area facing the sea shore. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the surrounding decorated beautifully and ever so gracefully. She longed for the look of that one man she had been waiting for the whole damn day. He wasn't at her office either for work but all of this made sense of the effort he had put in.

The clicking of her heels made Manik aware of her arrival. He stopped her midway and spoke before she could ask something, "I dont know how to put this up. When you came in my life all i found was hope. A hope to be happy again to be who i am. I smile when i am around you, i cry when i am beside you, the touch, the feel everything looks so much like a dream. I never knew i could ever do this, be romantic because you know i suck at this. I never knew we will spend such great time that each second without you will feel like a dozen of years. But now all i know is i want you in my life now. Setting me upright telling me you are there telling me we are us. I dont expect anything from god anymore. Maybe this is what he wanted to give me after all the sacrifices i have made. I love you, i love you for the way you are and now i just want to ask you that , WILL YOU MARRY ME? WILL YOU COMPLETE US?" 

Nandini was stunned at what she heard. Manik was in love with her? Was this arrange marriage turning into a love one like a fairy tale. She never realized when those words left her mouth and she said "YES".

Manik was stunned with the voice he heard. This wasn't her! This wasn't her voice it was -  NANDINI.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now