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Manik parked his car in the parking lot and strode inside his home. It was the first time his father had called him so urgently and there had to be something really important that he was soo much impatient about the news.
He entered only to see his father and Neyonika already waiting for him. Though Manik adored his father very much but his serious mood was not his favorite. It always meant there was something huge and that's what he was scared of the most right now.
"Hey dad you called? Something urgent?" Manik came straight to the point.
"yeah there. Come sit." his father gestured him to take the seat opposite to them.
"Is everything okay? Is your health fine ?" sensing the aura of the house, Manik started panicking for the outconme.
"Yes Manik your dad is fine. Actually we wanted to ask you something." said Neyonika.
"Have i asked you? No. I am talking to my dad here." Manik snapped back, turning to his father he spoke in a soft voice, "Dad just say it cause now you've started to scare me a bit."
"Manik. My son i am all fine. There's nothing big for you to worry about. It's actually somethign else." his father addressed him.
"yes so say it. I am listening."
"Look i just want you to stay calm and reply to my questions." his father shifted a little in his seat.
"How's Nandini?" he asked.
"Why? Did something happen? Is she okay?" Manik panicked hearing her name. Didn't he just dropped her home safe. Damn he should have went inside, he thought.
"yes she is. Just answer the question." spoke his father.
"She is good. Quite funny and wierd to be honest. i mean one minute she is a professional and the other she behaves like a kid." Manik answered remembering how she had always surprised him with her personality.
"So do you like her?"
"Ofcourse as a friend. Yes i do. She is a really caring person." Manik spoke with a smile. ofcourse she was a very likeable person.
"So will you marry her?" his father caught his off-guard.
"What?" Manik was shocked. It was something he hadn't really expected to turn out of this conversation.
"yes. Anant, her father and I have discussed about it and we really think it is a good decision. Even Neyonika adores that lovely girl." his father came and sat beside him.
"But dad-" Manik was short on words.
"Look Manik we are not forcing you. Ofcourse the last decision is always yours. we're just asking you to give it a thought." the man kept a hand on his shoulder.
"Dad you're not understanding this in your excitement that she is a very soft hearted and innocent person and i can't destroy her life." Manik's eyes turned soft at the mention of her.
"But how will you destroy her life Manik? You both look perfect together." his dad exclaimed.
"dad! Okay have you even talked to her about this? I know she must have said a no. Dad she is an ambitious girl and we're too young to get married." Manik tried to make him understand.
"She said yes." his father informed him. Another blow of shock passed him.
"What? Are you sure? But how could she? I know you guys must have pressurized her." Manik threw his hands in astonishment.
"It's her decision. We did nothing." his dad spoke.
"Then i've made my own decision too that i won't marry her and i don't want any further discussion on this topic. I hope i am clear." Manik got up to leave.
"but Manik atleast think about it. She is such a nice girl." Neyonika stopped him.
"It's Manik for you and nobody's asking for your opinion in this matter." he snapped back
"Manik Neyo is right think about it. You have a day's time for that." his father spoke in a stern voice but before he could speak any further Manik left his house and rode his car at full speed on the road. While driving rashly his phone constantly buzzed with Alya's name but he decided to ignore it. he already had a lot on his plate and attending Alya would mess it up more. Alya tried calling him again and again but this time he remembered he had promised to meet her.

"Shit. Alya i am really sorry baby." he apologized as soon as picked the call.
"Where the hell are you Manik. I was waiting liek a fool for you." Alya shouted in anger.
"Sorry i was on my way but dad called me. It was important." Manik tried explaining.
"But now you can be here right? Then please hurry." she replied bubbling in her anger to not spoil the mood.
"I am not in a mood right now. I just really want to be alone for sometime." Manik rubbed his fingers over her temple that was throbbing.
"Anything happened?" alya asked with concern sensing his discomfort. "Did uncle say something? Or did Neyo aunty did something?" 
"No it's just that-" And Manik told her about his conversation at home. All this time Alya was listening to him carefully thinking about something.
"Alya you there? I know what you must be thinking but relax i wont say yes cause i love you." Manik spoke in a soft voice.
"Say yes Manik." came her voice.
"Have you lost it?" Manik exclaimed.
"Not me but that Nandini definitely has. How could she say a yes. I told you manik she is a such a bitch i knew she was behind you but then i thought maybe i am overthinking about it but no i was right. She is such a slut. I swear i-" Alya started her rant when Manik stopped her.
"Alya relax. Look i'll talk to you later."
"But Manik-"
"Later Alya." Manik cancelled the call and dialled Nandini who picked it up on the first ring.

"hey. that was quick." she greeted him with a laugh that surely calmed his nerves for a wierd reason.
"Free to meet?" Manik asked.
"Ofcourse. All good?" Nandini chirped settling down on the bed.
"yes it is. Meet me at the cafe in 20 minutes." Manik spoke.
"Okay but which one?" Nandini quickly stood up rummaging through her closet to find something appropriate to wear.
"The one on the beach side." Manik informed.

Nandini started shuffling to find that one good dress. The girl who earlier dressed for herself was now trying her best to look, atleast good infront of the person whom she actually adores now. Quickly wearing the best outfit of her wardrobe, she reached the cafe exactly in 20 minutes for the punctual Malhotra.

Entering she saw Manik at the most secluded corner. Since it was Christmas eve, the entire cafe was decorated with amazing goodies and a great vibe. Manik sat at a table near the glass window outside which a big Christmas tree waved along the wind. He was constantly stirring his coffee as if he was nervous about something. Nandini went upto him and coughed a little to gain his attention.

"hey" she greeted him with a smile.
"Hi" Manik stood up to talk to her. They both sat down and an awkward silence prevailed between them.
"Nandini" Manik spoke not able to hold it in anymore
"I know this awkward silence. I never knew i'll say a yes to this wedding but i guess i really want this. You know what Aryaman said that i should think about it again but i know you are just perfect for me.  I know it's way too early but Cabir, Aryaman and I have even decided on a venue for the wedding to take place. I hope a destination one is fine by you? " Nandini spoke in a jiffy as her cheek adored a light shade of blush.

"I thought you might have been pressurized Nandini but i was wrong. You know that i love Alya but still. Do you seriously don't know that i love Alya? Alya was right you are such a desperate person but i too have decided that i won't let your happy bubble blow" Manik thought unaware that his decision and perception was wrong since he was the one who lied.

"Gosh i am such an idiot. I am just blabbering myself but haven't let you say a word. I know i am too talkative. So what's your decision?" nandini asked in excitement.
"I'll tell you later." Manik answered after givign it another thought. He picked his car keys and left leaving Nandini alone sitting there with Manik's coffee mug cold in front of her.

It was around 2 at night when Alya's house bell rang. Since she was in the drawing room talking to someone she opened the door and found Manik all drunk standing or rather swinging at her doorstep.
"Manik" she rushed to grab him by his waist. She helped him get inside and made him sit on the sofa.
"Manik what are you doing here? At this time of the night that too drunk!" She asked handling him a class of water.
"You know what Alya? You werre... right.." Manik laughed finding hard to form sentences. "She is just a bitch. You know i called her to talk." he giggled flling over the sofa. "I thought she was being pressurized but no she was all so happy. Can't she see how much i love you." Manik looked up at the ceiling.
"manik relax." Alya smirked as she rubbed his thigh and helped him get up.
"Relax yeah right! After all the shit happening in my life i should relax. Ofcourse. That bloody Nandini made me risk my dream project just for her dignity but she-. Now it's my project that's shutting down. And she's dreaming od being my wife." Manik dropped the glass of water onto the floor.
"Manik what are you even saying?" Alya asked pulling his away from the broken glasses.
"I am going to be bankrupt!" Manik laughed shocking the wits out of Alya.
"Manik! Are you crazy? Manik listen to me you don't want to be bankrupt right?" she made him look at her by force, 'You want to fulfill your mom's project right?"
"yes" Manik nodded his head like a kid."
"then say yes to Nandini. Make her pay for it." Alya suggested him.
"What but you know -"Manik cribbed.
"I know you love me but its for us. You should marry Nandini just for her money. The money she took from you because of her stupidity by indulging with your investor." Alya gaslighted the situation.
"it's not right." Manik could feel the alchohol get drained off his body.
"Manik it is just for sometime. You marry her then after the project leave her. That's simple." alya explained it to him.
"Are you out of your mind? Do you even know what you are saying?" manik was pretty sober now.
"Just think about it Manik." she scooted closer to him.
"I am leaving. this is bullshit." Manik got up trying to gather himself.
"you have to do this Manik, for me. For us." Alya held his wrist stopping him but Manik left her home and sat back inside his car. Closing his eyes, he reminced the happenings of the day liek a flashback movie. His father's words. What Nandini and Alya said to him. He dialled his dad's number before he could change his mind.

"Hello dad. I am ready for this wedding. It's a yes." he spoke as he could hear the congratulations from the other side.

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