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Nandini entered the office premises while everyone on their way greeted her with a 'good morning' and a warm smile to which she too replied with a 'good morning to you to' and directly went to the reception area. The receptionist was busy glooming her nails when she saw her and quickly straightened herself and why not, who would not know the soon to be the holder of the Youngest Business Woman Of The Year award.

"Good morning ma'am. How may i help you?" the receptionist greeted her.

"Good morning actually i am here for a meeting with Mr. Malhotra." Nandini informed.

"Wait let me check ma'am." the receptionist excused herself as she ran her name through the schedule database.

"I should text dad and let him know i've reached." Nandini murmured pulling her phone out for the task.

Nandini messaged her father about her arrival at Malhotra office while on the other hand the receptionist contacted Manik's p.a. about the same.

"ma'am?" the receptionist called out to her.

"aah yess." Nandini kept her phone back in her pocket.

"Ma'am actually you're 15 minutes late so right now sir is in another meeting." the receptionist informed.

"But i am just 15 minutes late." Nandini requested.

"Actually ma'am sir is quite punctual about time and his meetings so he waited for you but since you came late he left for another meeting." the receptionist informed with an apologetic smile.

" Dammit. Okay fine! How long will it take him to get over with this meeting?" Nandini asked.

"Approximately half an hour ma'am." 

"Okay so i'll wait but do tell him about my arrival." Nandini replied pointing towards the waiting area.

"Sure ma'am. I'll let him know that you're waiting in the waiting area."

"Thank you" Nandini reached the waiting area which was quite a boring one for her without any sort of entertainment. Infront were some magazines and nothing else.

"Such a bore mahn. Oh god 5 minutes into the waiting and i am already bored. I don't know how will i pass my time here." she whined flipping through the magazines. Sometime later, she pulled out her phone to chat with any of her friends.

"Should i call someone? Maybe Navya?  Nopes she might be busy with Cabir. Dad might be in his meeting too. Aryaman? Nah he had a recording today. Gosh is their really no one." having no other option she took any random magazine and started turning the pages again. 

At the same time Alya too entered the office premises and went to the reception area. Since Nandini was getting bored so she looked around and saw Alya. Through her and the receptionist facial expression it was sure the women was shouting while the poor receptionist was scared of her.

Soon Alya too joined Nandini in the waiting room along with the receptionist coming behind her like a dog's tail.

"Ma'am sir's meeting will be open soon and till then you can wait here." the poor receptionist stammered.

"Listen you just inform Manik that i am waiting. He'll surely kick you out of this office." Alya rolled her eyes.

"Ma'am please just 10 minutes." the receptionist requested.

"Fine." Alya sat down beside Nandini who was up until now watching her keenly. It was sure she was a bossy kind of person with loads of attitude more than her make up. Since Nandini was getting bored she thought to interact with Alya atleast to pass her time but looked like Alya wasn't even looking at her, too engrossed on her cell phone that Nandini had to fake a cough to bring herself to notice.

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