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It was yet another day for everybody in their lives but for our lovely couple it was a new beginning from being friends to entering each other's life as a partner for the next seven lives. It was a chirpy and bright day both of them had their best smiles, eager to meet each other soon at the office. 

Manik was confused. He couldn't even decide which color to wear today. Normally everyday he would just grab out something and wear but don't know why it felt so happening today that he could not stop thinking about Nandini ; her favourite kind of outfit, her favorite color,  everything about her. It was his 5th shirt and still he couldn't decide which one to pick ; maybe yellow. No he might look like a bright sunflower in it. A general thought, maybe a pastel one,  yeah she likes subtle colors and this was the color that could make her look at him all day everyday.

Same was the case for Nandini she too couldn't decide on wearing comfortable or professional for today. Looking at the clock she realised that wearing anything from her wardrobe is probably a better choice than reaching late to her office, hence she quickly grabbed a beige high waste pants pairing it with a white shirt and dark beige heels. She decided to get her hair into beach wave curls with a sight parting.

All by the mercy of low traffic, Nandini reached office on time but this time Manik was late. Generally he would always be right on time which of course she thought can never change. As she entered her cabin, her heart dopped watching the pile of files clubbed onto one another. Please dont say it's such a busy day, she doesn't want it, atleast not today. She thought.

But her annoyance reached it's peak when the assistant informed her that the Mansons were probably on time but the meeting got scheduled at a restaurant due to their busy schedule. Idiots then why had she had to come all the way to office. Moreover it was her orphanage day. She had to reach the kids on time for their picnic.

Nandini left the office in a hurry on her car while at the same time Manik entered the premises in a jiffy. How could he be so late?  What impression will that put on Nandini now that her fiance has no value for time and office work. Fiance, that word had a nice ring to it.

The first thing Manik did as soon as he entered was to look for her in her cabin but she was not to be found. Aron, his manager entered his cabin to find him dialing Nandini's cell that was unfortunately unavailable.
"Good morning sir. You have a meeting with the Italian clients in half an hour." he informed him but Manik gave no reply. Somehow he had to see Nandini, in order for him to have it to be a bright day today.
"Sir" the young man called out to him.
"Yeah i am listening. But actually Aron have you seen Nandini ma'am?" he asked the fellow.
"Yes sir. She was here this morning but she left a while back." answered his assitant as the guy arranged the required presentations infront of his boss.
"She left? but where?" Manik asked being disappointed for not being able to catch even a glimpse of her.
"She had a meeting with the Manson's this morning in the office but that got scheduled to a restaurant. Hence she left a few minutes back in quite a jiffy." came his reply.
"Oh" Manik's voice was upsetting as he signed a few pages.

"So sir can i leave?" Aron asked picking up the signed files.

"Yeah sure! "Manik replied but stopped him the next second as he asked, " Aron wait, i wanted to ask the name?" 

"Yes sir actually i wanted to remind you that the Italian client meeting starts in 10 minutes at the conference room. Boss is expecting to see you there. " he informed him before sleeping.

"Dad is at the office? Okay the meeting-  you go i'll meet him up at the conference room." replied Manik.

"Why am i stressing so much? We still can meet after our meetings, can't we? It is not as if i can't start my day without looking at her. I am not a lovestruck puppy. I am Manik Malhotra." he thought grabbing his stuff to head towards the conference room.

10 minutes after his mind battle, there sat Manik with his hands itching to touch his cell phone in order to call her but it had just been over 5 minutes into the meeting. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't concentrate on any word the delegate was saying while his father payed the utmost attension. He would just nod his head in affirmation after every eye shot at him, trying to play it cool. Damn it was tough.

Nandini walked inside the office premises wishing everyone over and over again. Reaching inside her cabin she searched for her bracelet. She did remember keeping it in the drawer somewhere. After a minute or two of searching, she found it. Tere it was it was a gift from her mother for her 12th birthday. Eisha, an intern knocked at the door grabbing her attention from the good old memories.

"Come in!" Nandini replied to her request.

"Ma'am you asked for me?" Esha asked.

"Yes , actually all my meetings are over so i'll be taking a leave now. " Nandini informed wearing her bracelet around her wrist as she grabbed her phone.

"Sorry to interrupt you ma'am but may i ask you where we can reach you, in case anybody asks me?" Esha said.

"I can understand your concern Esha but i can't. I dont want any disturbance there, its actually kind of an important thing to me. It's a private affair. Also please give this package to Manik sir okay? " Nandini replied.

"Sure ma'am, he is in a meeting right now." Esha said taking the packcage from her boss.

"No problem i'll take your leave now. Goodbye." Nandini left the premises as Esha greeted her with a , "Have a nice day ma'am."


This was too much for anyone to take in. Manik felt like his brain could burst out at any moment. Why the hell was this guy speaking so much, this wasn't supposed to be a debate. Just submit your damn presentation, have a little chat and leave dumbass. Ofcourse he didn't say that out loud but his facial expressions definitely did. He kept on looking at the watch and also at the gate for just a glimpse of Nandini. Was her meeting that long? Damn she was a workaholic. In such time he would have strangled the man with a fork and shut him up.

And finally the torture was over. Manik stood up first and shaked his part of hands with everybody, as he replied them with a , "It was nice having you here. Thank you." . The people felt awkward while his father chuckled, but thankfully after a few "meet you again" talks, they left.

"This was so hard." Manik settled back finally able to breathe again as his father laughed.

"You'll have to do it everyday after me now. So better make it a habit." his father patted his back ordering for a coffee.

"I can't. I'll die." Manik rubbed his temples that were probably feeling like someone smatched his forehead on the wall.

"You won't. Moreover you now have Nandini to work along and she is the best in here for handling such things. "his father replied.

"Oh shoot Nandini !! Dad i gotta leave." Manik ran off from the board room to Nandinis cabin hoping to meet her but before he could open the door, he heard Esha's voice.

"Sir ma'am already left." Esha informed him making his heart drop.

"Now where?" Manik asked in a dejected voice,

"No idea. She said it's a private affair and she wants no disturbance but she did leave this for you." Esha replied handing the parcel to Manik before she left.

Manik opened the parcel to find his favourite sandwiches along with some cupcakes and a cute note sticking that read,


Thought this might send off your monday blues today. Have a great day. :)

Manik smiled holding the parcel in his hand as he thought to himself, "I will have a great day Nandini. Get ready to face your distraction. "


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