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Nandini was short on words when her dad asked her about her decision on this entire wedding situation. She never wanted to be the second option. The dilemma was big enough to eat her head up as half of her mind screamed, ' Oh My God, you love Manik you should definitely take this chance.' while the other half spoke ' look out for your own self respect' .  Damn why is love soo hard when you get your happy thing.

On the other hand Manik was ready to make things fine to look onto the bright side with her. If it was love or something else, he was ready to give it a chance which in its first step included apologies. Not big celebratory apologies but a simple location coffee apology. I mean coffe can fiz everything, right?

Manik picked up his phone to call Nandini but stopped. Was it right to call her maybe he should leave up a text, what if he fumbled on call, well a text was definitely a better option. Making up his mind he typed a quick text and made up his look the most casual he could because Nandini liked simple.  Simple likes simple. Fair enough.

Nandini went through the text a million times. Was it true or was it sympathy?  Was he normal or  with a mental disbalance?  He knew her father was in a hospital recovering and he wanted a coffee date with her. But maybe he wanted to clear things off before they walk into a new life.  Maybe this was her pit stop to stay and think. Nandini wore a plain top and jeans to make it as casual as possible. NO DATE policy.  Strictly not a date remember people.

She reached the venue and looked out for him. The first shock or maybe surprise, whatever people would like to call was that the place wasn't where The Manik Malhotra would like to go.  A small simple coffee shop not even a damn cafe. He was definitely not well. 
The second one came sooner than she expected when she saw him decked up into a normal jean and tee being as casual as possible. No blazor or hot look ,was he really Manik?

Nandini went up to Manik who was in return mesmerised of how pretty she could look even in a plain pink top and denim jeans. Bang on look. They greeted with an awkward 'hi how are you.' ,   'How's uncle?' ,  'oh fine.'  conversation when Manik got to the point.

"So Nandini i actually- , I think we actually-,  Well i wanted to." he stammered with his thoughts.
"-Talk i know i saw your text." she replied completing her sentence.
"Oh yeah the text so just order." he gulped down in a nervous voice.
"Why should i order you about anything?" asked a confused Nandini.
"No! no! no! i mean you, we should order something first. Waiter." Manik called out to the closest guy who couldn't stop his laughter watching the man before him sweat.
"It's a self service." Nandini pointed out to a board on the column.
"A what?" asked a confused Manik as the supposed guy he had called out to, ignore them.
"It's a self service place Manik." nandini controlled her laugh.
"Oh yeah i should probably get us something." Manik got up in embaressment leaving the place as fast as he could.
"Yeah" Nandini chuckled as she snickered at his retreating figure.

Dumb Malhotra, mom should have kept my name that instead of Manik. Thank God i didn't call.  Why am i fumbling so much? How can i be so stupid to not know that such places definitely have self service. But really thinking about too much of simple stuff made me literally narrow it down to this. Should have taken her to a walk in coffee stall. Perfect ground level achievement.

He is such an idiot. He can't even go off without servants then why is he even trying. I've never judged him before for his personaltiy but damn Manik you'll make me crazy one day. 


Manik soon came back with their orders trying to handle everything in once place. Evenually Nandini had to help him in order to settle down before they got back to their conversation.
"So?" asked Nandini.
"So?" Manik sipped on his coffee as Nandini gave him a baffled look.
"You said you wanted to talk right?" she said.
"Oh yeah i wanted to say-" Manik fumbled with his cup trying so hard to look at her.
"this man. Can't even say a simple sorry." she murmured under her breath trying to act cool.
"You said something?" he asked.
"Me? no no ofcourse not but you were saying something."
"Actually i wanted to say- Sorry." he finally said in pretty quick than intended.
"You what?" Nandini teased him even though she heard it the first time.
"I am sorry." he said again. A little ease this time.
"Sorry for what?" Nandini asked rather seriously.
"A long list of things." Manik gave a sad smile.
"Manik you dont have to-" Nandini said looking at his fallen face.
"Wait i haven't finished yet." he stopped her midsentence as he pulled out a paper from his pocket.

"First of all, sorry for shouting at you." he started, "Secondly, sorry for not understanding you.
Third, sorry for breaking your heart. Fourth, sorry for hiding the reality from you
Fifth on the list-" but Nandini stopped him.
"Manik! Manik stop. Relax. You dont have to say so much." she smiled at him as her eyes brimmed with tears.
"Umm i wanted to. But the list is too long, can you read it yourself like its of 2 pages. And i just realised that damn i have been such a jerk." he held her temple passing the list to her.
"I agree. that you are." Nandini said with a small laugh.
"And i am not proud of it cause i don't have you." he shurgged his shoulders in disappointment.
"Thank you for making me realise the truth, that i am not just some , The Manik Malhotra but i am Manik, a guy who could sit inside a small shop and have coffee with you,  sleep on a sofa for your dad and be a simple normal guy." he held her hand on the table.
"Your welcome and thank you to you too for making this work and being you." she rubbed her thumb over his hand when she suddenly got a call telling that her dad needs to be discharged today and she needs to take him up.

"Manik i think i need to go." she said packing her things.
"It's fine. Do you want me to come along?" he asked picking his car keys.
"No! No i will be fine, moreover, someone needs to go to the office since we both have been neglecting work." she politely refused.
"I'll take care of that." Manik replied with a nod.
"Goodbye" Nandini turned to leave when Manik called her, "You were never the second option you were always meant to be the first. I went that night to tell Alya that it was over. That we were never meant to be." he was honest this time, Nandini smiled and walked off as Manik looked at his phone smiling to himself, "I knew i could make this right."

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