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What is wrong with Dad! How can i even marry Manik. It's just been two days since we've actually met but-.
How can i marry him? This can't be happening at all.
I know i like Manik or is it more than liking. I don't know but what about him. He thinks of me just as a nice and friend and suddenly this topic of marrying each other. No No.
Am i even ready for this wedding or am i not?


The next morning Nandini walked down dressed in her office attire when she saw Aryaman, Cabir and her dad at the breakfast table waiting for her. Last night she hadn't provided any answer to her father and she knew she'll have to. Soon.
"Good Morning everyone." she greeted everyone taking her own seat.
"Good morning princess." her father smiled at her.
"Morning." Cabir garbbed a glass of juice for her.
"And the princess of this house is finally here." Aryaman joked grabbing an apple but Nandini was quicker than him.
"And you Mr Superstar finally got some time for us." Nandini taunted smirking at him as Aryaman made a face.
"Ofcourse i did. Afterall i am a busy person unlike you. By the way i haven't missed you at all." Aryaman spoke winking at her.
"Feelings are mutual my Hunk Monkey." Nandini gave a smile as they all started having their breakfast when Nandini's father dropped the bomb.

"So what have you thought?" Mr Singhania asked all of a sudden.
"For what dad?" Nandini asked focused on her breakfast.
"About yours and Manik's wedding?" he spoke.
Arya coughed hearing the question as Cabir helped him to drink water.
"Wedding of our pretty little Monkey?" Aryaman asked being surprised.
"Shut up." Nandini glared at him.
"Yes this little one is getting married. So what have you thought?" Cabir tried controlling his laughter.
"Yes i have thought alot about it and have a decision." Nandini had a serious tone this time.
"So what is your decision?" her father looked at her waiting.
"I am ready for this wedding." Nandini replied as everyone looked aurprised.
"Can someone call a doctor. I think i am having a heart attack." Aryaman exclaimed.
"Exactly my child. You don't have to take such a decision under pressure if you don't want to." Her father spoke with concern.
"I agree. Are you sure about it?" Cabir asked.
"To be honest wasn;t sure much before but now-"
"Thank you Nandini. I'll just go and call Raj right now. He'll be so happy."her dad was on cloud nine hearing about her daughter's decision.
"Ok dad. I too will get back to my room. I have an important call to make." saying so Nandini went back to her room and stood at the window reminiscing her decision she had dwelled upon the entire night. Maybe she was ready for a new step in her life.

She was busy in her thoughts when she heard a knock at the door and saw Aryaman standing there with a plate full of pancakes.
"we just had breakfast and since when have you started knocking on my door." Nandini laughed turning to him.
"I thought we could share a little. Also now since you'll be getting married, i do need to make it a habit to knock on your door. Shouldn't i?" he spoke walking inside as he kept the plate on the table.
"No you don't have to. Why are you even saying that?" Nandini sat at the edge of the bed.
"If not then what should i say?" Aryaman too sat down beside her.
"Are you sure Nandini?" he asked in a serious tone.
"for this marriage. Cabir did tell me that you both have met just 2 days ago." his voice was softer this time.
"I know what you are thinking Arya. Even i was thinking about this the entire night but i am happy with this decision. Trust me." she held a piece of the pancake for him.
"It's just that Nandini, we've known each other since we were kids. You are so importan to me and i just want your happiness. For you to be comfortable." Aryaman gladly took the bite.
"And i am happy Arya relax and you don't need to change your habits even after i am married." Nandini joked as she stroked his hand.
"If you are happy then i am too." spoke aryaman as he fed her a bite too.


Same time at the Malhotra mansion Manik was sitting on his bed with his laptop trying to save his dream project. He haven't even slept a bit after yesterday's incident, just drowned him in his work when he heard a knock on his door. His father entered the room and sat just opposite to him.
"Dad. Is everything okay?" it was rarely when his father visited his room so this time surely was something important.
"Yeah i had to talk about something very important with you." Mr Malhotra gave his a son a nervous smile.
"Yes i am listening." Manik kept his laptop beside him.
"I do know what Avinash did in the office yesterday and i am happy with your decision but i want you to understand. Too much anger is never good." His father cleared his throat.
"Dad i know what i am doing and i'll make sure that this scumbag gets what he deserves." Manik fisted his fingers as his knucles turned white thinking about the incident.
"I just wanted to say that please take care of yourself."
"I will dad." Manik replied as the duo exchanged a warm smile. After ages.

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