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As soon as Nandini and Cabir were out of sight, Manik turns to face Nandini's dad as he asked, " So who was the director of this great show? You or my dad?" he asked with a smirk.


"What drama?" Nandini's father asked being surprised.
"Uncle i might have not known you for long but i do know my dad and how much he actually cares about you. And him not being worried enough kind of gave up some hint. Also why are you guys even doin gthis? Covering up my mistakes?" Manik said taking a seat beside the man.
"Because that's what's parents do for their kids at times Manik. And i know that you're not a bad kid, Rohan told me about your recent fights and the misunderstandings between you two. Look Nandini is just like her mother, always keeping her pain to herself. But she really cares about you." Mr Singhania explained.  
"But i don't deserve her. Even you know that. Don't you? Nandini deserves someone who loves her, like- like Rohan." Manik's voice slowed down as he looked away.
"No Manik Rohan even though Rohan loves her, for him, he is her friend first and he knows she doesn't reciprocate his feelings. You know when Rohan told me the truth after my checkup, my first instinct was to come and slap you hard." Mr Singhania gave a small laugh.
"And you should have uncle because i am a dumb idiot, i've been making mistakes since the very beginning." Manik joined him.
"Ofcocurse you're dumb but before that you're my kid. And most importantly the love of my little princess's life and love means alot in this world." Mr Singhania lightly slapped his face making him understand his words.
"To be honest uncle, i don't know if i love her or not but she is very important to me. When did that happen? I have no idea but she just is." Manik said honestly.
"This is a part of loving someone Manik. And somewhere you're falling for her, just like i did for Nandini's mom. Even i made mistakes, like really bad ones too but she forgave me because she loved me more than i did maybe. Nandini is the same too, she is just like her mother, calm composed. She will forgive you, only if you're honest about your mistaks." said Mr Singhania.
"I promise uncle, i'll do anything for her forgiveness. This wedding will not be just a wish of yours but it will be the best decision of Nandini's life." Manik's face beamed with a smile as he eyes glistened with a new hope.
"And these two oldie dads are always with you in that." Mr Singhania too smiled as he added, "By the way how was my acting."
"Definitely an oscar worthy." saying so both the men laughed their heart out with fun coversations as Mr Singhania told him tales of his own love life. Nandini's dad slept due to the heavy dose of medicines since he was weak while Manik got himself comfortable on the sofa's texting someone.

The next morning Manik woke up to a pretty bad backache and harsh light on his face when he saw Nandini feeding her dad as the duo talked about anything and everything. Making her so happy into the conversation, Manik couldn't help but smile and be thankfully if he gets to see this view each morning. He cleared his throat to get her attetion which gladly she did.
"And i thought you were on dad's check?" Nandini taunted him.
"I was! i was-" Manik stumbled down the sofa since it was quite linear for him as he stammered in embarresment, "I just shut my eyes like 5 minutes ago. Even i am a human and a human needs some rest."
"Ofcourse just 5 minutes." Nandini forced a smile as she murmured to herself, " I don't understand , if people can't take up responsibilities then why do they even try."
"You said something?" Manik asked controlling his yawn.
"I have better work to do." saying so Nandini went out to get herself some coffee while Manik strolled behind trying to catch up to her pace.

"So no office today?" he asked her.
"For me my family is much more important than my work." she replied turning towards the cafeteria.
"Makes sense. But i thought the designers were coming in today for the inputs." he asked stopping her from going any further.
"You'll find it on your desk when you reach office because i do know how to manage." Nandini started to walked off when Manik grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall being too close to her that he could even hear her perfect rhythmic heartbeat. Her heart jumping up down was something that Nandini's hadn't experienced before, but loosing herself into his eyes kind of wavered that one off. She could now study his details in this morning, sleepy eyes with hairs falling over his forehead in a dishevelled manner. He looked awfully sexy and more when his morning hoarse voice hit her eardrums, " Nandini can we atleast talk?" he requested.

"Manik-" Nandini was out of words because of her close they were. the proximity was making it hard for her to concentrate. As if sensing her, Manik stepped back a little as he said, " Look i know i have hurted you beyond words but can we please start fresh. I just beg for one last chance."
"Manik i don't know, you've said so much and eventually everything takes time to heal." came her honest answer.
"I know but just promise me one thing that you'll atleast try like i will try that this wedding be the best thing for you and that you won't regret or forget it." he begged her as Nandini nodded her head and tried walking off when Manik held her hand again , without turning around to face her he said, " promise?"

"I don't know." Nandini tried not to give into his pleasing voice.
"But i know you will." Nandini went inside the ward room after getting herself a coffe from the cafeteria while Manik came back home since the sofa was too short for him and he was tired with every part of his body feeling sore.

"How's Nandini's father now?" Neyonika asked standing by his room door.
"Better than before. The doctors say that he'll be fine and discharged soon." Manik replied pressong his shoulders to lessen the pain.
"Thank god. By the way Manik i have kept some designs on your table for the wedding dresses just check them once because we don't have enough time." she informed him.
"hey Neyonika? Can't we have a simple wedding?" Manik asked.
"But why?"
"I just want it to be a simple wedding for the known ones so that Nandini's father doesn't have to stress much. And then we can have a big reception for everyone?" he suggested.
"That's a great thinking. I'll go and talk to your dad." she spoke with a proud smile leaving his room. Manik walked to his study table as he looked at the design kept there. He took out something from his drawer as he looked at it for a few minutes but kept it back and went inside the bathroom to have a good shower which could handle off his mind. Since he had something big and difficult to do.

The calender on his room wall read , 7 DAYS TO THE WEDDING.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now