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Nandini reached her home, entering she found her dad sitting on the couch as always reading the business magazines with a coffee in her hand. He saw her walk in and kept the newspaper on the front table and Nandini knew that as always she has to tell him what all happened the whole day.
"Hey dad." Nandini greeted him keeping her stuff down.
"Hey sweetheart." he smiled at her.
"Dad watch out on your age." Nandini widened her eyes as a servant got her a mug of coffee too.
"What do you mean? I am still young everyone knows that." the man laughed.
"yeah right" she rolled her eyes and continued, "So how was your day?"
"As always boring in those meetings." the man handed her a cookie.
"Look i've told you a million times that you can just operate the office from home. I am there right, handling everything. I've studied so that i can remove this burden from your shoulders." Nandini whined in concern.
"Ofcourse so that your eyes get those dark circles. Kid it's your age to have boyfriends and flaunt your beauty. Not to sit in one cabin and run a whole Empire." Her father pt down his mug holding her hands.
"Ohkay fine i surrender. Have you had your medicines?" Nandini asked stroking her thumb over his hand.
"yes. Anything else?" 
"No my child." Nandini giggled, "By the way dad we need to-"
"- go to Malhotra's house for dinner."Mr. Singhania completed her sentence.
"Yes so i'll just get ready." nandini stood up.
"But we still have some time for you to tell me about your meeting. How was it?" the man pulled her back onto the seat.
"It was nice and very productive. They do are amazing people to work with." Nandini replied.
"And manik?" Mr Malhotra raised his brow in question.
"Malhotra uncle's son?"
"Ofcourse who else. It's been a long time since i last saw him." 
"He is good dad. Calm and composed with no ego and definitely no attitude with just a caring nature."Nandini explained with a slight smile.
"ohhhh was he more handsome than me?" the man joked.
"nope because none can beat my dad." Nandini gave him a small kiss on his cheek and got up again. 
"I know, i know. You'll be tired na , go rest for sometime and then we'll leave. It's at 9." the man patted her hand.
"Sure thing. By the way dad where's cabir?" Nandini asked looking around.
"On a date with Navya." Mr Singhania winked.
"I hope this time he don't mess up with her. Last time they had a huge fight." Nandini made a face.
"I hope so too."

Nandini came inside her room and laid on the bed for some beauty sleep while on the other side Manik came to Alya's place and rang the bell. An elderly women opened the door who welcomed him with a warm smile.

"hey aunt lisa"Manik greeted her.
"Hello sir."

"Not again. How many times have i asked you to not call me sir. So where's your Alya 'ma'am'." Manik asked making quote marks in the air.
"She is up in her room sir, getting ready i guess."
"Ooh and uncle-aunty."
"they are out for some business trip." the worker informed.
"Ohkay so i'll wait down here. Can you inform her about my arrival." Manik requested her as he settled on the sofa.
"Sure sir."

Manik made himself comfortable on the couch. Another reason he is with Alya is because her parent's too are workaholic like his. Mr. Malhotra is most of the time busy in their work but still they have a good bonding and Neyonika just forget it. His thoughts came to a halt when he heard clicking of the heels from the staircase.

"Note no 1: convince alya to cancel this dinner programme", thought Manik.

Manik came ahead and they both shared a hug
"You look beautiful today." he complimented.
"Thank you Manik. You too look amazing." Alya kept her arms around his neck.
"Thank you sooo.. i was saying." Manik initiated the conversation but alya stepped in.
"I am soo excited to meet your family, officially ofcourse. I hope you liked my dress. Dad got it for me from the most expensive showroom of chanel." Alya touched their noses.
"Yeah it's pretty." Manik spoke loosing his senses due to the close proximity.
"Just pretty."Alya tilted her head.
"umm no i mean it's beautiful.' manik shaked his head.
"Forget it lets leave." alya took his hand into hers to leave but Manik stopped them.
"umm alya i was thinking why don't we leave this dinner plan and go somewhere else. Just you and me?" Manik suggested.
"No Manik now you have decided so why are you backing out." Alya put some distance between them.
"No i am not baby but-" Manik tried to convince her.
"No it's final and we are going. Look Manik i just want to tell everyone that we are together for forever." Alya made a puppy face to which Manik hummed.
"What hmm now smile and lets go." They both drove towards the destination i.e. Malhotra mansion.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now