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Nandini woke up to the buzzing sound of her alarm that she kept on snoozing, she couldn't sleep the entire night just for the fact that she had to work for two date nights tonight. It wasn't as if she hadn't thought about talking to Manik but every time she thought about talking to him his smiling face flashed in front of her eyes. She had always wanted Manik to feel that way for her and now when finally he was, she had other issues and she cannot blow either of them off so she had to work on a plan.

Walking down the stairs she saw her grams directing the entire house workers for the day works, it was of no doubt that since the time she entered the house it felt more like home. She had always reminded nandini of her mom, always planned. Nandini greeted her entire family that seated down at the breakfast table it was a tradition for the Singhania family to have their meals together.

"Good Morning everyone" she greeted everyone.

"Good Morning kid come sit" her father greeted her back handling her a cup of coffee.

" What's up with granny?" Nandini looked around for the old lady.

" Just working what she loves." her father replied just then Granny entered the dining area all fumed up, "You people have spoiled these workers they don't know how to work" Granny spoke blaring her nose.

" Granny relax they'll understand with time" Nandini gave the old lady a tight hug.

"I know they will but what about you Nandini." Granny patted her cheek.

"What do you mean? Anything wrong with my outfit or something?" asked Nandini.

"No kid you always look best in everything but look at you young kids, you have started calling me granny instead of Amms like you used to as a kid." the lady complained.

"OH God Amms it's just that granny sounds cool" Nandini grinned.

"But Amms sounds with love"

"Sorry my Amms now tell me what do we have for breakfast?" Nandini asked pecking her cheek.

"Everything that you like." the lady directed the servants to keep the dishes on the table.

"Amms I can't these are so oily no no I can't have them." Nandini whined settling back down.

"Diet freak" Spoke Nisha one of Nandini's cousin.

"No I am not" nandini snapped back.

"No now no more dieting. You are getting married Nandini and look at your weight. Look how thin you've become." Granny said in her concerned voice.

"Amms the bride needs to look hot and sexy" Tina spoke, the other cousin.

"Amms don't listen to them I just don't want to have such heavy breakfast." Nandini replied.

" Okay then i can make you some quick sandwiches." Granny got up to leave when Nandini held her hand and said, " Love you Amms"

Nandini had her breakfast and left the house when she found a familiar car standing in her driveway, knocking the window she peeped in.

" Hey Manik what are you doing here? I was just leaving for the office." Nandini spoke.

" I know so I thought I shall pick you up. Come sit." Nandini sat beside Manik infront and they both left for office.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now