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Manik's car halted at the main gate of his huge mansion which for him was well just, a mansion and not a home. A mansion where there are just walls and no one to talk to. Alya was the only person who always listened to all his complaints but only when she was in a mood of, which rarely happened, so in short he was all alone in this big house which he never called as his own.  

It was not that he didn't had any family. In the name of a family he had his father who barely talked to him and was always busy in his business meetings, conferences and not to forget the foreign tours. He never thought to work in that company cause for him it was his father's soo he worked all day and night just to start a snall one of his own, a music company to be specific.  

And last but not the least was his mother who was died a long time ago. There wasn't a single person to be with him apart from his step sister, Mukti, who has been his life. Her thought reminded him of her arrival tomorrow after completing her further studies but a point was that  she never liked Alya.  

In this whole house after Mukti was his step mother, Neyonika. She did cared for him. He can always see love for him in her eyes but he cant love her back. She was the lady who took her mom's place. The place which was only secured for his mother. But she stole it. He knew that his mom killed herself cause of his father's extra marital affair with Neyonika so how was he supposed to look over that fact and love her.

Manik entered his house and started climbing the stairs but much to his annoyance a voice stopped him. It was his dad. It was these rare times when his father calls him and is at home

"Manik good you're back. Come lets have dinner." his father invited him.

"No thank you dad. I am not hungry yet." Manik replied with a stern smile.

" Oh Manik please come. See i baked a cake for the desert, specially for you since you love them so much." Neyonika requested him with a sweet smile as she came out from the kitchen still wearing her apron.

"Thank you for the invite. But i really dont want to eat anything." Manik politely refused.

"Manik!" his father called out in a stern voice as he ordered him, "Sit and eat. Also i need to talk to you about something very important."

Manik having no other option sighed and sat on one of the chairs of the big dining table. Why is there a need of one? While an attendent filled his plate with some food.

"So how was your meeting?" his dad initiated a conversation.

"It was pretty good dad. Tomorrow i have a meeting with Mr.Singhania's company." Manik informed.

"Oh it means you need to get up early in the morning. So Neyonika wake him up on time please. You know he is soo lazy when it comes to waking up early." his dad joked around in a taunting manner.

"Yess i will. So Manik at what time should i wake you up and get your breakfast prepared?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"Not needed. I am not a kid anymore so i can wake up without being pampered like one. Now kindly excuse me i still have to do a few additions to the presentation." Manik refused and stood up from the table bidding everyone a good night as he went back to his room. Yes his room, one of the only place in this mansion where he could find solace. Initially it was his mother's room but after her death he took it just to be close to her. The presentation and all the preparations was just a lie since all of his work was done but he just couldn't sit there anymore between them faking to be a happy family.

He changed his clothes after freshing up and pounced upon his bed, grabbed his phone from the side table typing a quick text message to Alya.

"Hey! Had your dinner?" he asked.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now