Chapter 28: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

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I took a deep breath as the wind rustled through the tree's and blew through my hair. I smiled slightly as I pushed it back behind my ear, it was getting long again and it made me feel safer, like my mom was beside me. I laughed slightly beneath my breath, of all things that could remind me of my mother it as my hair. Sasuke was still in the hospital but getting better and I'm sure training with Kakashi already. According to Sakura and Ino he had disappeared just yesterday but I wasn't worried. Lee was in worse condition than I had been from his fight with Gaara. I wish I could have seen that match, I heard it was incredible. I had just gotten out a week after I got in. I had healed a lot faster than Suki had predicted and not even she could explain why. I didn't care or think much of it, I was just glad to be out of the hospital and have some time to train before the finals. I was fighting Jazmine Haruno who apparently faired very well against Banbu. To be honest I was nervous to fight her, not because I was afraid of losing or afraid of her. I was more worried that I wouldn't be able to fight against her.

"Oi Rin down here!" I glanced down from my branch as Shikamaru walked up to the tree. I smiled slightly, he wanted to meet up today it's why I was out instead of training. He apparently had something important to tell me.

"You're late" I told him as I jumped down from the branch and he chuckled.

"Actually you're early." I smiled and shrugged.

"I was cooped up in the hospital for a week, I'm glad to be outside." He smiled as we began walking.

"So you're fighting Temari from the sand?" He nodded and sighed.

"I have to do extra training now to prepare, but right now Jazmine is covering for me so were okay." I smiled then. 

 "I guess I have Asuma sensei a little freaked out eh?"

"A little is putting it lightly, it's all so troublesome." I giggled gently.

"You'll do great Shikamaru and we'll I can't say the same for Jazmine."

"It doesn't matter about the rest of us; everyone is going just to see the Uchiha Princess and her brother." I shrugged.

"Guess I went too far but thanks to my lack of control I have to learn some new tricks otherwise I'll be stuck."

"I'm sure you'll do fine Rin, you're an Uchiha." I shrugged.

"Maybe but even an Uchiha can be beaten and shouldn't you be rooting for Jazmine." He shrugged then and it fell silent for a bit as we walked down the path through the park.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I glanced at him and noticed a slightly distressed expression as he reached into his pocket.

"There are rumours are all over the village, and even a picture that's been going around." I looked at him slightly confused.  

"What rumours? And what pictures?"

"Yesterday rumours started saying that Kakashi Sensei kissed you in the hospital and this picture was let out earlier today" I took the picture he pulled from his pocket and unfolded it. I froze slightly it was a little blurry but you could tell it was me and even though I was covering most of Kakashi's face you could tell it was him. It was the day Kabuto had tried to kill Sasuke and me. I would have asked who started it, where the picture had come from but part of me already had a suspicion of who and where Kabuto.

"Shikamaru I can explain, I-I mean technically I kissed him and it was just his forehead and..."

"So it's true?" I nodded slightly waiting for his reaction for an explosion but nothing came. Instead, he merely pulled me into his arms wrapping me in a tight hug.

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