Chapter 59: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

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**Authors note: So to make up for the fact that I stopped uploading for so long I'm uploading more. Also I really want to finish this part of Rin's life by Christmas ;] So with luck and determination I'll be able to move onto Shippuden in the New Year :D So please enjoy :]**


I felt the container move in my arms and glanced down. There it was a faint sense of other charka that was closing in fast.

"Hold on a second!" Sakon stopped on the same branch I did and I put down the container thankful to have a brief break even for this.

"Are we nearly there?"

"No we still have a ways to go but take a look!" We both turned and there they were; the three leaf ninja and the Princess.

"And of course now that we need them Kidomaru and Jirobo aren't here!"

"Sorry just us!" The blonde called.

"Who needs those two when I can take these guys on myself!" Sakon shouted jumping forward. The other two lurched forward but Sakon pushed them back with ease. These guys had no hope not even the Princess could take him on. I tensed then as Sakon caught the arm of blonde and the shadow clone disappeared, it was one of the others. Sakon ducked avoiding it, they were coming for me all along. I moved to ready myself when I felt my body freeze.

"W-What the..." I forced my head slowly and there he was; the shadow freak. He had me pinned. The other ninja, the one with the dog stopped his jutsu as he caught the container Sasuke was in.

"Tayuya don't just stand there, stop that guy!" I tried to move but it was no use I remained where I was and Sakon headed straight for me.

"What are you doing!? Move it!" I felt the shadow release me just as Sakon slammed into me and we fell to the trunk.

"Kiba over here!" I managed to look up as the Princess caught the container.

"Alright let's move guys!" She shouted running back into the forest.

"Little punks!" I shouted after them as Sakon slid off me and got to his feet. I followed and watched as he tapped his foot against the ground his curse mark releasing black dots over his body.

"You think it's that easy!"


I felt it strumming beneath my fingers, the intense power that came from the coffin in my arms. He was alive, that I was certain off. I clutched it tighter as we ran past Akamaru. Kiba stopping only to give him orders as he caught up. I heard the first bomb go off and picked up the pace pulling ahead of the others.

"Akamaru!" I stopped when I heard Kiba shout and turned just as Kiba and the grey haired sound Nin ran for Akamaru. There on the same branch an explosive note had caught flame.

"Kiba get out of there!" I shouted running forward.

"Naruto catch!" Naruto turned as I tossed him the coffin and ran past him stopping only to shield myself from the blast.

"Kiba!" I shouted into the smoke coughing slightly when I inhaled. I felt a hand grab my forearm and I was pulled back into the clear air next to Shikamaru and Naruto.

"Don't be reckless!" I glared at him.

"Kiba and Akamaru are gone and you're telling me not be reckless!" I yelled at him.

"Neji, Choji they could be dead and you're telling me not be reckless! We left them behind and alone how reckless was..." Another yell cut me off and I turned as the red head ran towards us.

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