Chapter 37: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

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“You idiot Rin had it covered!” I ignored Sasuke as I jumped after Rin. I thought she was in danger, it looked like she had been. I reacted on instinct to protect her. Now she was in real danger and I could catch up.

“Chidori!” I heard a voice shout from within the swirling sand. I heard the loud chirping and suddenly a blast of blue chakra shot through the sand. I shielded my eyes from the light until I heard a voice follow the blast.

“Naruto!” I looked back as Rin’s hand reached out from the hole she created. I pushed off the tree and caught her wrist her hand wrapping around mine. I pulled her up into my arms and held her tightly as we both slammed into the ground.

“Ow…” I heard her mutter. I opened my eyes and felt the heat flush to my cheeks realizing how close our faces were and realizing that I had landed on top of her. Her eyes met mine and I noticed the blazing red tone of her sharingan that seemed more intense than Sasuke’s.

“Um Naruto could you get off me, we’re kind of in the middle of something.” I flushed red again as I quickly got off her and got to my feet. I took her hand pulling her to her feet and we both looked up as we heard a scream.

“That was Sakura” She breathed.

“Let’s go!” I kept hold of her hand and pushed her ahead of me as we ran up the trunks and jumped back up to the branches the both of stopping a few feet from each other. Sasuke was still down but Sakura was now being held against a tree trunk by sand.

“Who are these three to you!?” I looked at Gaara glaring slightly.

“There my friends that’s who they are and if you so much lay another finger on them I’ll pulverize you!” I flinched at the sound of Sakura scream and caught Rin’s wrist before she ran forward.

“Well c’mon then!” I pushed Rin back beside Sasuke as I made quick hand signs and slammed my hand on the branch.

“Summoning jutsu!” I pulled back my hand nearly jumping back at the small toad I summoned.

“What you’re not who I wanted!” I looked back at Gaara as he began to transform again, his human qualities disappearing.

“The only way to save her is attacking and defeating me, and I suggest you hurry because every second you waste the sand gets tighter until she’ll be crushed to death.” My eyes widened as the mutant hand remained on Sakura and he grew another. I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced back at Rin.

“I got this…”

“What? Rin you…”

“Stand down, it’s an order. This is still my mission and if I tell you to run then you run and take Sasuke with you. I will not let my comrades die. I’ve lost to much already.” I stared at her and let her push me back as her sharingan eyes looked to Gaara.

“The Uchiha Princess is going to fight me?”

“The Uchiha Princess is going to beat you and bring back the real Gaara!” He laughed a dark laugh as Rin pulled a few kunai from her holster.

“He can barely hear you now, he won’t be able to save you this time.” I noticed Rin smirk.

“Good because I plan on saving him this time.” She ran forward jumping over his sand shuriken. She turned spinning in the air throwing multiple kunai and Shuriken at him. The sand tossing it away.

“Ninja art fire style fireball jutsu!” A fireball shot from the trees slamming full on into Gaara’s sand. Rin shot from the midst of it her fist just missing his face as he jumped back. She ducked under his sand throwing another kunai hitting his back. She swung under the branch and made a single hand sign. I stared slightly surprised as an explosion went off sending Gaara into another tree. She landed on a branch across from the smoke the both of us staring.

“I think you got him!”


I kept my eyes on Gaara as the smoke cleared. I had managed at least on strong hit on him but I needed more. I need something stronger.

“Is my sister and I’m supposed to protect her!” I glanced at Sasuke the moment I heard him shouting and strained to listen.

“I can stall him a little longer, if it ends here then that means this as far I was meant to go. I lost everything once and nearly lost Rin and I don’t ever want to see that again. My trusted comrades falling right in front of me!”

“Y-Your comrades…” I turned facing him.

“Sasuke you’re too weak, what the hell are you doing!?” They both looked to me and I noticed the distressed look in their eyes.

“Rin look out!” I shouted. I turned a moment to late as the sand caught me, covering and encasing me in its grip.

“N-Naruto save Sasuke and Sakura!” I shouted before my head disappeared beneath the sand. I knew the jutsu and I thought I was dead that, that was it. I had been so stupid as to let my guard down in a fight. Madara would have told me I deserved to die and walked away. I had to do something, anything. That was my team out there, it was Kakashi’s team. The team he had given me to protect. I felt a sudden power, something stirring from within me. Something I could use. I managed to wipe the blood from my lip and made the hand signs. This had to work.

“Sand coffin!”

“Summoning jutsu!” I shouted in the same moment. The sand tightened for only a moment until I burst through. I took a deep breath shaking slightly as I laid on a scaly surface.

“Who dare summon me!?” I jumped up staring down realizing the size of the snake I had summoned.

“Orochimaru if that’s you I will make you pay…”

“It’s not Orochimaru!” I nearly screamed when I felt something wrap around my ankle. I hung upside down as the snake held me in front of him.

“A child! A child has the chakra to summon me!? Who are you, you brat!”

“Rin Uchiha!” He seemed to stop then as he met my gaze.

“You’re chakra…” I felt that power, the same power that I had when I was encased in sand and looked down at my hands expecting to see the black marks of the curse mark but instead black chakra seemed to come off my skin. I knew this power, I had used it before only this time, this time I held the control of it and it didn’t control me. I turned slightly when I heard a sudden roar and smoke began to clear.

“The one tailed beast” I heard him mutter. He dropped me on his head and I flinched slightly on impact.

“I am Manda and I will aid you child, but only this once” I smirked slightly. At least this was something.

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