Chapter 62: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

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**Authors Note: So this one is shorter and it doesn't have Rin but it does have a flashback to their childhood that I didn't write out as a chapter in Scroll 1 :] I just wanted you guys to know that while Rin is racing to get there the fight is happening :D There wont be a lot of focus on there fight just because most of the flashbacks I've already written in Scroll 1 :] So please vote, message, comment and of course enjoy!!! :]**


"Are you going to run off again?" I shouted at Sasuke's back causing him to stop. I stared slightly wide eyed as he turned slowly and the black marks crossed his face, one of his eyes was darker than the other.

"So it's you" He replied facing me.

"She sent you huh" I couldn't tell who he was talking about, whether it was Rin or Sakura regardless I had promised them both I wouldn't let him get away.

"Like I already told Sakura, it's over, just leave me alone" I couldn't help but glare at him as he began to chuckle.

"Look at you what's with the angry face?" I clenched my fists at his taunting tone recalling all the times we fought together, with our team as a team or even as back up to Rin and Kakashi sensei's constant orders.

"Why, why are you doing this to us Sasuke?" I asked unclenching and clenching my fist.

"I don't get it, what happened to make you like this!? Why are you doing this!?' I shouted at him.

"Why should you care what I do? It's my concern not yours. I have my own path to follow now and neither you nor anyone else can steer me from it. I will tell you this much; my days of playing ninja with you kids at the leaf village are done" I couldn't believe him, how calm he was about it all. We were a team; we had always been a team. What one member does effects the rest of team. All of us; Choji, Neji, Kiba and Akamaru, Shikamaru, and even Rin stayed back to fight for Sasuke.

"All of them, they all risked their lives to save you!" He shrugged then.

"How nice of them" He said turning.

"Rin could be dead right now!" I shouted at him and he stopped mid-step.

"She stayed behind to fight an opponent she wasn't sure she could beat, she stayed behind for you!"

"She's always reckless, reckless and stupid" He replied.

"You can still go back, you can save her Sasuke it's not too late" I tried to assure him and noticed his fist clench.

"Rin does what she wants, ever since we were kids. If she wants to die then let her." I stared at his back in disbelief as he began to walk away. I ran towards him and jumped straight for him.

"You're going to tell me that your sister and your comrades risked their lives for nothing!?" He turned too late as I slammed into him and we slid across the rocks with me above him. I raised my fist and punched with all the strength I had causing his head to turn to the side. I glared down at him as he merely turned back and spit blood on my cheek.

"My comrades huh? My sister? Ask her yourself where she was the six years she was gone, let me know how you feel after and as for my comrades well if I had stayed with comrades like you I wouldn't be as strong as I am. Now I'm going to where Orochimaru is." I picked him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Are you out of your mind!? Orochimaru killed the third Hokage and did everything he could to destroy the leaf village. Do you think he's going to give you whatever you want without a price!? All he wants is to use your body like a new suit of clothes! He doesn't even want you he just can't get Rin or your brother!" It didn't seem to faze him as he met my gaze.

Scroll 2: The Third Uchiha [Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now