Chapter 36: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

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I had only half been paying attention as Sakura explained to the others what happened with Sasuke and Gaara. Most of my mind was focused on the task ahead and keeping pace with Pakun.

“What a drag, I don’t see why you had to pull me into all this.” I sighed glancing back at Shikamaru.

“It can’t be helped, between the choices I had I found it better to have you added to the team rather than Ino or Choji.” I heard him sigh as we turned to the right picking up the pace.

“We’ll then what’s our plan Rin?”

“Still working it out”

“How long till we catch up?” Naruto asked. Pakun sighed.

“If they keep moving at this pace then a while, Rin could move ahead and…”

“No, I won’t just leave my team behind. Sasuke can handle himself.” I told him firmly even though part of me doubted he could beat Gaara alone. I felt a sudden shiver down my spine and a distant chakra.

“Were being followed”  


“Sharp senses Rin, she is correct there are nine ninja following us.” Pakun added.

“What a drag.” Shikamaru contributed. I jumped to the ground the others following taking a few steps forward before stopping.

“I’m going to set a few traps right now step back carefully over your prints. It’ll buy us some time.” They nodded as I jumped back throwing kunai attached to thin metal strings and explosive notes. I jumped up into a tree and made quick hand signs before jumping to the ground and slamming my hand into the dirt.

“Ninja art earth style fallen earth jutsu” I muttered. 

“Pretty advanced ninjutsu” I glanced at Shikamaru as I stood straight.

“Just a trap jutsu” I explained. It thinned the ground and once enough weight was on it then it would cave in taking those above under.

“Alright let’s keep moving!” I shouted jumping back into the trees. I was taking no chances with their lives. We weren’t far when I heard the first of a series of explosions.

“Those are my traps.”

“There back on our trail, but not as many of them, the traps have thinned them out. The ones left seem to be preparing for an ambush.” Pakun explained and I sighed.

“There all probably chunin or higher, we’ll be wiped out when they catch us.” I shook my head at Shikamaru’s comment.

“I won’t let that happen” I assured them and heard Shikamaru sigh.

“Rin why don’t we just ambush them first, you know catch them off guard and gain the advantage?” I would have responded but Shikamaru already began to explain.

“Because she knows just as well as I do that there are two conditions for an ambush to work. First being the ninja on the run must be very quiet and must find the enemy first. Second they have to be able to catch the enemy off guard in a location where they can do a lot of damage and conceal themselves just as quickly.” I nodded slightly.

“We can meet those conditions.”

“No, Orochimaru isn’t careless. These ninja have most likely been trained for this mission not only that we can’t underestimate there tracking ability. There is too much uncertainty to try an ambush.”

“So what you guys are saying is that they know all the cards we hold” I nodded slightly but Shikamaru was the one to respond.

“We can’t be sure but we have to assume. There a team specially trained for this and what are we? A fool, a kunoichi with no particular talent, a mutt, and me the guy who really doesn’t want to be here. Rin is the only one who could stand a chance at combat with those guys but you’ll need her to get through Sasuke’s thick skull leaving one option” I knew before he said it, before he could answer Sakura.

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