Chapter 51: The Uchiha Siblings [Naruto]

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**Author's note: Here it is the long awaited chapter. I have finally caught up with Quizilla and to celebrate I will be dedicating the next few chapters to each of my fans that have come from Quizilla and re-read the enitre story. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the brand new chapters. :]**


Sometimes, well most of the time I was afraid of losing Rin. I always seemed to spend too much time in the hospital after missions. She had completed her first official mission as a leader but also pushed her body farther than it was capable of going.

"Kakashi sensei!" I glanced up from my book realizing I was never really reading it in the first place and slid it into my pocket as Sakura ran towards me.

"Are you going to visit Rin again?" I sighed lightly.

"Yeah, by any chance do you know her favourite flower. I was going to pick some up for her but I really have no idea." I explained slightly embarrassed.

"No, she doesn't really talk about things like that." I nodded slightly.

"She's hard to figure out." I admitted.

"Have you seen her yet?" I asked before silence could settle between us but she shook her head.  

"Lady Tsunade and Suki were checking in on her at the time so I didn't get a chance, but Sasuke is up again" She explained. I nodded slightly as silent fell between us.

"Hey, Kakashi Sensei..."


"Don't you think it's little weird, you know how Rin always throws her life away just for Sasuke."

"We'll he's her brother"

"Yeah but she doesn't even think about it, she just acts. I mean would you hesitate if she were in danger?  You know take a moment to think of a plan." I sighed lightly.

"I have more experience than Rin, I'd be able to think of something faster so I wouldn't need to act on impulse like she does." I noticed her nod.

"I guess but sometimes it's like Rin is so much more than what she brings to the table. You should have seen how fast she moved to catch Sasuke before he fell it was almost like you."

"It may have just been her adrenaline."

"I guess..." I glanced down at her.

"What are you really worried about?" She sighed.

"I don't know. I guess if something was to happen to Rin then what would Sasuke have left? He's different around her, you can see it like the burden he holds just became a little lighter and when she's hurting his entire world just stops until she's alright again."

"So you're worried that Sasuke would become nothing without Rin." She nodded slightly and I slid my hands in my pockets.

"Rin is more than a sister to Sasuke. Rin is his entire reason for living, for hope, for feeling anything at all. When Rin was little she was often referred to by elder Uchiha as the light in the Uchiha darkness. I don't know what it means; neither does Rin and most likely neither does Sasuke. The only man that could know is Itachi." She nodded again.

"But it does connect to Sasuke. Right now his life is full of hatred, and anger, and hurt even if he doesn't show it. Rin helps to ease all this, and is probably the only reason he hasn't let himself fall completely into that. Rin is his little light in his otherwise dark life."

"I guess I get it." I smiled slightly.

"It's hard to understand his loss even a little because you've never experienced any but don't worry, they'll be fine Sakura." She smiled slightly.

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