Chapter two*

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When Harry opened his eyes, he was shocked. He ended up coming out of the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron where Ron was waiting for him. Ron helped him up and they stared at the fireplace. One by one, the Weasley family appeared, and finally ended with Arthur.

"Well let's not waste any time" Mrs. Weasley said briskly. "Our first stop is Gringotts." The group made their way to the wizarding bank. It was a grand structure, and Harry stood in awe of it despite it being his second time there. A building that large and magnificent wasn't something you saw everyday. They walked up to the head goblins desk.

"We need to go to our vault, as well as Harry's here." Mr. Weasley gestured to the boy beside him.

"Logswire, come take these people to their vaults." The head goblin ordered. A short goblin emerged from behind a desk, who had thin chestnut colored hair and light blue eyes.

"Follow me." Logswire instructed and led them over to the carts. He expanded the cart so everybody would fit, and they were off. "Vault number? I already know theirs." Logswire nodded to the Weasleys.

"687." Harry got out quickly

"You'll be the last stop." Logswire informed. He quickly came to a halt and everyone piled out, thankful to be on flat ground no matter how temporary. Mrs. Weasley handed him her key, and he unlocked their vault. The two parents moved quickly to block how small the contents in the vault were but it was too late. Harry noticed how little there was and felt horrible. Surely he could give them some of his money that his parents left for him, but would they want it? Would they think he was looking down on them?

"Vault 687." Logswire announced, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. He decided against it, but couldn't deny the guilty feeling spreading through him as the large contents of his own vault were exposed. He who had never worked nearly as hard as the Weasley family had so much more than them.

"Okay I'm ready." Harry hastily filled his bag with a few small scoops of galleons before closing the vault. Logswire locked it and they all climbed back into the cart. Soon enough they were out of the grimy underground, and back in the fresh air of Diagon Alley.

"Harry! Ron!" Hermione ran up to them happily. She left her parents to trail behind her, looking uncertainly around them. After embracing them both, she introduced her parents to Mr and Mrs. Weasley.

"Nice to meet you." Mr. Weasley shook their hands. "I have some questions if you don't mind." He said eagerly.

"Gilderoy is going to be signing his books at 3 so just be at Flourish and Blotts by then okay?" Mrs. Weasley said quickly before her husband could start interrogating the poor couple, who looked quite startled at all the attention they were receiving from Mr. Weasley.

"Yes." everyone chorused.

"Well I need new robes" Harry said.

"So do I" Ginny said quickly. Hermione looked at Ginny and grinned while Ron just looked mad and stared at the wall moodily.

"How about let's all go and get some new ones then? Okay everyone will have a buddy. Harry dear can you be with Ginny?" Mrs. Weasley asked Harry.

"I guess so." he responded, and tried to contain his overwhelming happiness that sent a tingling sensation all the way from the tips of his fingers to the ends of his toes at the thought of spending more time with Ginny.

"Ron dear, you will be with Hermione" Surprisingly Ron's mood brightened at those words. "Fred with George, don't make me regret this decision you two! Percy you can go with your father and I will go with Ginny. So again, everyone remember you need to always be with your partner and meet at Flourish and Blotts by 3."

Her words were met with a series of "Ok"s.

"Right then off you go." Mrs. Weasley said waving the others away. "So! Where should we go first? How about the robe shop since it's the closest to here." Mrs. Weasley suggested.

"Sure" Harry nodded enthusiastically. He held open the door for Mrs. Weasley and Ginny before heading inside himself.

"Hello dears! What can I get for you?" Madam Malkin inquired cheerfully.

"They both need to be fitted for new robes." Mrs. Weasley's eyes were drifting towards the prices on the far wall nervously, and one could see how much calculating she was doing in her head trying to factor in everything she would have to buy that day. Thankfully for her, the kids didn't notice.

"Okay. Who would like to go first?"

"I can" Harry shrugged. She measured him like how she did in his last year. Around the waist, around the arm (much to Harry's embarrassment), shoulder to foot, arm length, and shoulder to waist.

"All right you just stay here" she told Harry. A few minutes later she came back holding a full length Gryffindor robe. "Try this on dear." Madam Malkin told Harry. Harry slipped it on him and it surprisingly fit perfectly.

"Okay now it's your turn dear" Madam Malkin told Ginny. So Ginny stepped forward and tentatively approached the lady with about a million measuring tapes and pins.

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