Chapter twenty three

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Ginny's P.O.V
My blood was boiling.

G:How dare he did that to you! It's not like he doesn't do that with Hermione. I said furiously.
H:I know love. But you know how protective of you he is. Harry soothed trying to calm me down.
G:You don't blow up every time you see him and Hermione! She's like your sister!

With that I stormed inside the burrow. Once I saw Ron I stopped in my tracks. He looked miserable.

I couldn't help asking "What happened?"

   "I hope you guys are happy you ruined Hermione's and my relationship." Ron glared at me. I burst into tears. Harry put his arm around my waist and with one last glance at Ron lead me upstairs. Having a feeling that I didn't want to deal with all of this he apparated back to his room at the Potter house and I collapsed on the bed. Somehow I ended up on bottom so Harry rolled over and I was on top. He stroked my hair and it felt very soothing.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier" I whispered.

Harry grinned "you must pay me back!"

"How would I do that?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"We can do anything to each other and whoever makes a sound first looses." Harry stated.

I narrowed my eyes. "You're on Potter." I said.

   "Right back at you Weasley" Harry retorted.

"Not for long" I smiled. We went back to the burrow on a broom just in time to hear "Dinner everyone!". We joined hand in hand and walked down the stairs.

Once we got to the kitchen my mum smiled at us. "Harry! You're back!" she exclaimed. She engulfed him in one of her famous hugs. We sat down next to each other. Hermione sat down looking slightly put out. When Ron came in he looked like he could murder someone. He glared at our side of the table and sat down at the opposite end. I scooted as close as I could to Harry and reached under the table and put my hand over his thigh and massaged. He froze.

Then as he slowly relaxed he put his arm behind my back. To everyone else it looked like he was just putting his arm around me but he was sneaking it up my shirt below my tank top. He rubbed circles on my back making be shiver. Scooting my chair away from Harry and  towards Hermione I started talking to her.

By the end of dinner I was stuffed. Slowly I got up and went upstairs to my room. I opened the door and before I could do anything I was pinned against the wall "I love you so much" Harry said. He pressed his lips to mine.

   "I love you too" I mumbled through the kiss.

He was about to take off my shirt when I said "wait. I want to save that for after we get married." Harry nodded in understanding and stopped. We both changed and laid down in bed. He ran his hands through my hair and I snuggled against him.

   "Good night" Harry said softly.

"Goodnight" I said sleepily.

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