Chapter eight

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Lily's P.O.V
      The minister appeared about one second after we got there. "Ahh Severus. The potions again." Dumbledore said holding his hand out. Severus put the two vials in Dumbledores hand and walked out.

"So it really is you!" The minister said. "Wait but no! You died! It can't be!"

   "And that it what the potion is for." Dumbledore said. He gave one to me first. "Name? Do you have a child? If so what name and gender?" The minister inquired.

"Lily Potter. Yes I have a child. His name is Harry and he is a boy." I replied promptly.

"Now for James." Dumbledore said happily. He drank it and answered the same questions I did with the same answers. Except that his name was James Potter.

"Merlins beard! It really is you!" He said in shock. He sent a patronus to the ministry saying that James and I were back and to put it in the prophet as soon as possible. He shook hands with both of them and left.

   "Well then! That went well!" Dumbledore said. "You guys can just do whatever until dinner. However you won't be able to meet your son until after that time. But at least you will get to meet your trio of friends while you wait! As I understand it very well, there are a set of twins that are replacing the Marauders at school. They have red hair."Dumbledore said with a wink at James.
James P.O.V
I took Lily's hand and we walked out. Whoever these replacements are better be good. For they are in for the best year of their life! I thought to myself.

~Time skip to dinner~

I was twiddling my thumbs thinking about meeting Harry when I heard two familiar voices. "Why are we here?" Sirius asked.

   "Yeah why did you ask us to come?" Remus chimed in. My heart skipped a beat. I haven't heard those voices in so long!

"I'm sorry but I must ask you for your wands." Dumbledore said. There was a silence and I was tapping my foot on the floor quickly. "Now you may follow me!" He led them into his study only to find me and Lily there. "This is James and Lily." Dumbledore said.

"Impossible!" Sirius exclaimed.

"They must be impostors!" Remus exclaimed reaching for his wand which would've been in his robes if Dumbledore hadn't taken it.

"You might want to talk to them and ask them the questions. Also I need to get down to the feast" Dumbledore said heading out the door.

But then Remus said "No. I want proof first" Dumbledore came back in putting his wand to his head and extracted what looked like a spiderwebish string.

He put it in a circular bowl and said "Ask Remus or Lily" with that he left.

   "That's a pensive that lets you see someone's memories in the past. I don't know what memory he put in there but he must want Sirius and Remus to see" Lily said smartly.

"That's my girl" I said warmly and kissed the top of her head. Both Remus and Sirius made faces.

   "I totally expected that from you Sirius but really Remus? I thought you were more mature than that!" Lily exclaimed.

"You never know with me" Remus said so seriously that I would have believed anything he said next.

      "So we just have to dunk our heads in?" Sirius asked.

   "Yup" Lily and Remus replied in unison. Remus went first and Sirius followed. We waited for a while and finally they came out again.

"It really is you!" Sirius yelled tackling me. Remus hugged Lily and clapped my back. "I still can't believe it! Where have you been...?" Sirius asked. I kept answering as many of their questions as I could until we heard voices outside.

Lily looked at her watch and gasped. The time went by so quickly. It was already probably the end of dinner. I heard two voices. One was Dumbledores and the other belonged to a male. Sounded young too. Could it be? I heard Dumbledore ask for the Wizards wand and opened the door. In walked...

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