Chapter twelve

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Harry's P.O.V
"You need to come with me." Madam Pomfrey told me. All of a sudden I felt horrible. My hands started to sweat.

"Madam Pomfrey...I don't fe-" but I couldn't finish it. Everything went black. I woke up in the hospital wing with a bunch of people surrounding me.

"Harry honey. We need to tell you something." my supposed mom told me.

"What? That you actually are imposters and this is all some big horrible joke?" I muttered.

"Everyone else can you please leave unless you are Ginny's parents, Harry's parents, Sirius, or Remus?. Sadly that meant that Ron and my friends had to leave but I didn't care that much in my anger.

"Mrs. Weasley is and feels more like a mom to me than you ever will!" I shouted.

At that Ginny's mom said "I don't want to get into this." raising her hands and took a few steps back.

"I am sick and tired of this Harry! We gave up our lives for you! We love you! Why can't you accept that we're back?!" my mom yelled fighting back tears.

"Shouldn't I be able to feel if you are my parents? Know your touch, your voices?" I asked.

"Harry I didn't believe them either at first! But there is a truth serum. In that pensive that I dunked you in, that was them taking it. It's true Harry. It's really them." Sirius told me.

"Could it really be you?" I asked. "No. My parents died you aren't them."  I shook my head

"Harry love. It's us." my "mom" tried to give me a hug. Tentatively I reached out my hands for a hug. She embraced me and suddenly I had a flashback.

It was the night everything happened. My mom held me close to her as Voldemort was breaking the door down. She put me in a crib and looked directly into my eyes. "Harry be safe...Be strong." She then turned around and stood defiantly in front of me. I snapped back into reality and looked into her eyes. Seeing the same ones I saw in my memory my breath caught in my throat.

"It's really you" I whispered looking into her eyes seeing ones very much like mine looking back at me. She held me there for a little while. But when I swept my eyes around the room I gasped. In a bed next to mine I saw Ginny laying down. "Why is Ginny here? What happened to her?!" I asked fearfully.

"She passed you did" Mrs. Weasley said quietly.

"Honey you guys have something called a soul bond. It's when you can share your strength, knowledge, talk to each other in your head, dream together, you also can kind of heal each other, and the bad part, you are seen as married in the ministry's eyes when you are both at least 15 years old." my mum told me. I couldn't believe it. So that meant that I didn't even get a choice? It was like an assignment of who I had to spend the rest of my life with. Could I even be happy like that?

    "Wait what does that have to do with me being passing out?" I asked.

"You have to see each other very often. Or else you will get sick. You didn't over the summer because you were in the same house as her." Mr. Weasley explained.

    "Did you guys tell her yet?" I asked them.

"Yes" my dad said.

"How did she react?" I questioned.

"She took it pretty well." my dad said winking at me as if he knew what I was feeling. Oh god. I thought. Looking over to her bed I saw that her eyes were open and smiling. Inwardly I groaned. Now she will know everything Thinking to myself how annoying that would be. That's right! A tiny voice was heard coming from Ginny in my mind. Letting out a huge sigh I snuggled back into the bed again. This is going to be hard to get used to.

"So tell me about these pranksters of yours." my dad asked Mrs. Weasley. To my amusement I saw Sirius also leaning in to listen about what could be their newest addition to the marauders.

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