Chapter sixteen

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~Time skip to room of requirement 6th year~
Ginny's P.O.V
      "Close your eyes" I whispered. "That way you can't be tempted" He obediently closed his eyes so I chucked the book across the room. It must have landed on a carpet because it made no sound. Then I saw him still waiting with his eyes closed. Without knowing what I was thinking, I approached him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. I felt him smile as he kissed back. "That can stay hidden up here too if you like" I whispered softly backing away. He smiled and told me I love you. I grinned I love you too. We walked out of the room of requirement hand in hand as if nothing had happened.

      Once we reached the portrait we said the password and went in. I grabbed Hermione's hand and rushed up the stairs. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I squealed.

      "What? Okay Ginny. Calm down. Take deep breaths" Hermione said shaking her head at me.

      "I just had my first kiss!" I said trying to calm myself down.

      "With who? Wait! You were with Harry which means..." Hermione said putting two and two together.

    "Yes! He kissed back too!" I yelled.

      "Congratulations!" Hermione pulled me into a hug looking a little envious.

    "Okay okay. Don't go crazy on me now. It's not like I'm getting married." I smiled.

    "Well I mean technically you are. Also, not yet" Hermione said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

      "Hermione!" I said shocked. Suddenly I felt stress and pain that must be coming from Harry. Help me! I heard. "Uh oh. Harry must have told Ron. Come with me!" I grabbed her arm and raced down the stairs. Once I saw they weren't in the common room I rushed up the stairs and burst into their room. Ron was pointing his wand at a bruised Harry. "Ron! What do you think you're doing!" I screamed.

      "He kissed you! He bloody kissed you!" Ron yelled.

      "Oh for Merlins sake! It's not like you don't go around snogging Lavender in public! At least we were alone!" I yelled. Hermione blushed hard. "Am I missing something?" I asked.

    "Well...I mean you see...Ron broke up with her. He's with me now" Hermione stuttered.

      "Oh. Oops. Well that still doesn't give you an excuse to hit and harm Harry!" I said.

      "Okay okay. Jeez. I'm sorry." Ron said rolling his eyes. I grabbed Harry's hand and walked out of the door. He was about to go down the stairs but I grabbed his arm. I put up a finger signaling him to wait. I put my hand on the door handle. On three. One, two, three! I opened the door and burst in to see them snogging on Ron's bed.

      "You see what I mean" I said mildly to a blushing Hermione and a furious Ron. We went out of the room and into the common room. Then we started laughing. "That was brilliant!" Harry said gasping for breath. Room of requirement? I asked. Totally. Harry responded. We walked happily to the room and entered. I'll just say there was a lot of kissing that night.

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