Chapter five

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Lily and James sprinted through the gates and through the front doors to Hogwarts. The halls were empty so they assumed it was still summer break. Abandoning all sense of school rules, as if James ever paid attention to those in the first place,

They assumed it was the summer seeing as no one was there in the halls. The couple dashed through the hallways until they reached the gargoyle leading to professor Dumbledore's office.

"Pumpkin pasties, chocolate frogs, lemon drops!" James tried. To their surprise but not really, it opened on lemon drops. Lily and James rushed up the stairs and came upon his door. Lily knocked three times.

"Come in?" Dumbledore sounded confused. Hand in hand they rushed in. Dumbledore stood up immediately and murmured "Expecto Patronum." A phoenix burst out of his wand and flew away.

"Nice Patronous" James commented. Dumbledore's eyes flickered towards the two.  All of a sudden he lunged and shoved them into seats. He then cast a spell that tied ropes around the couple, binding them to the chairs.

All of a sudden Severus Snape came in. Once he saw James he snarled "Crucio!" pointing his wand his old tormentor. Excruciating pain was going through James' body and he grit his teeth together as his body writhed in pain. Faintly James heard Lily scream.

"Snape what have you become?" Lily asked quietly. He slowly turned towards her.

"Why should I tell you imposter?" he sneered. (A.N. I was writing sneered but I pressed the wrong key and it came out as "he sneezed"😂)

"Severus just give them the potion."
Dumbledore said tiredly. Severus walked up to both of them and gave one to Lily. "What is your name?" Dumbledore asked her.

"Lily Potter" Lily said calmly.

"Do you have a son?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Yes of course. His name is Harry." Lily answered.

"Give him the potion now." Dumbledore said pointing to James. Severus choked him and poured it down his throat as if he was trying to resist. "What is your name? Do you have a child? If so what is his/her name?" Dumbledore asked.

"James Potter, yes,  and his name is Harry." James told Dumbledore confidently. Dumbledore looked like he was about to faint.

"So it's actually them. But how?" he muttered. Severus just stared there open-mouthed in disbelief.

"So!  Where's Harry?" James asked breaking the silence.

"Come with me." Dumbledore said leading up the stairs. Lily and James glanced at each other and shrugged. They followed him until they reached what looked like a maze of hallways and rooms.

"Come in this one." Dumbledore said gesturing to the one closest to our right. The two went in and James was amazed. There were two huge desks, a kitchen, a king sized bed, comfy chairs. He couldn't ask for more. "This is all yours." Dumbledore said happily.

"Thank you professor Dumbledore." Lily said.

"Oh but there is one catch" he said quickly which made James groan.

"Why? What's the catch?" he demanded.

"You have to wait until the start of term before you see anyone. Including your trio of friends and Harry."

"No!" Lily shrieked. "Do you know what we did for him! We saved him for heaven's sake and now we have to wait to see him?!"

"Yes. I am sorry but you have to." Dumbledore told her. That made James mad. Really mad.
"Fine then. How many days until the start of term?" he demanded.

"Oh don't worry! I was still technically being truthful but you only have to wait until tomorrow." Dumbledore said cheerfully with a twinkle in his eyes. James was just about ready to kill that man.

"Fine then. Just go." Rudely James turned his back.
Apparently Dumbledore didn't care because on his way out he said "Oh yeah. If you want any food you can just wish for it and it will appear at the countertop. With that he left. Once James saw Lily sobbing he ran towards her.

"Lily honey, what's wrong?" He asked her while rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her.

"I just don't get-hic-why we-hic-have to wait until tomorrow." Lily cried.

"Don't worry we will see him soon." James comforted.

"Can we just go to sleep now? So that tomorrow will come faster?"

"If that is what you wish my love." James said softly. They both changed into their pajamas from two wardrobes. Flower must have brought them. In thanks, James wrote a note for her and left it on a table. They crawled into bed and she leaned her head on his chest.
"Goodnight James" Lily said.

"Goodnight Lily."James said stroking her hair. Soon enough they fell asleep.

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