Chapter forty one

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Draco's P.O.V.
She looked absolutely stunning. There was a grin plastered all over my face as I followed behind her in the ocean. Once we paddled out of the impact zone, we stopped to look for any good waves. We spotted one at the exact same time. Little did she know, this was all apart of my plan. Both of us caught the wave and were riding side by side when I grabbed her and pushed her off of her board. Together we fell into the ocean and I immediately put a bubble head charm on us. I took her down to where I had a fancier meal waiting for us. It took some time to somehow put a circular dome around us so we were underwater but dry as if on land. There was steaming hot lasagna. Which I knew was her favorite. She grinned at me, and walked over to her chair. I plopped into mine first and she laughed.

"What a gentleman." Hermione sniggered.

"Thank you. I do try." I said stretching my feet out onto the table and wiggling my toes. Her nose scrunched up and I laughed. She eagerly started eating the food and I just watched her. She ate so quickly but somehow got no sauce on the sides of her mouth.(I can honestly never do that)

After she finished I grinned and she smiled at me. "What's the occasion?" She asked.

"Well I was getting to that point but let's have desert first." I clapped my hands twice and slices of cake, pie, cookies, you name it was there. Her eyes widened and took some of everything. I got a slice of apple pie and vanilla ice cream to put on my plate. My mum always made the best pies.

Hermione quickly finished and looked at me expectantly. "So why are we here?"

I took a long breath, then started. "Hermione Granger you captured my heart the moment I saw you. Obviously I couldn't actually talk to you because of my friends. But something about you was so captivating. When the battle finished and I had no reason not to talk to you it was the best feeling in the world. I've grown to somehow love you even more than before and you always make me smile. My heart pounds every time I talk to you. It would be unbearable to not ask this question any later." I got down on one knee and she saw what was coming. I opened the box and said "Hermione Jean Granger, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?"

Hermione's eyes were tearing up. "Yes! I would be honored." We both looked at her hand as I slipped on the ring. "it's beautiful" she whispered.

"Not as beautiful as you!" I said cheekily. "Come on. Let's go relax on the beach." I took her hand and put the bubble head charm on us before we went back to the surface.

She leaned back with her head on my chest and said "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered. We watched the sun set. As the day was ending, a new chapter of life had begun.

A.N. Yay! I finally got an update for this book out. If you guys have extra time, or are looking for a Fanfiction about Hermione I have a book called "one chance". Please check it out! Thanks for reading I love you guys so much!

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