Chapter twenty four

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Harry's P.O.V
      "Breakfasts ready everyone! Come down!" Molly yelled up the stairs. After the Burrow burned down all of the guys helped to rebuild a new home which we still called the Burrow. It was even bigger than our old house if that was even possible. I rolled over and groaned. The sunlight just happened to be streaming on that particular spot and it blinded me.

      Ginny who was right next to me made a muffled sound. Wait. Where was she?! I looked under me and laughed. There was a possible arm and red hair sticking out from under me. I rolled off of her and dashed downstairs. I sat down trying to ignore my heart pounding. Then, Ginny burst in. She glared daggers at me but sat down next to me all the same. We ate breakfast in silence. Mostly just because Mrs.Weasley's cooking is so good.

      After we finished I asked if anyone wanted to play quidditch. Well maybe or maybe not, I told them we were playing quidditch outside.(wink wink) I grabbed Ginny's hand and dragged her outside. We were all still in our pj's but I didn't care. I just wanted to feel the wind rushing through my hair and...

      "Hey!" Ginny yelled snapping her finger in front of my face. "I just said that you and Ron were going to be the team captains! Now let Ron go first seeing as you're the most experienced." Ginny said. I frowned. I just knew Ron was going to pick Ginny.
G:Don't worry. I know he'll pick Hermione. Just watch.
H:you're probably right but still...

"I choose Hermione" Ron said.

G: told you.
      I happily linked arms with Ginny and I led our team in a march over to the shed. I tossed her a broomstick and grabbed my own. By the time we were all set we forgot about the parents. I dashed back in to the burrow. Anyone else want to play quidditch with us?! I yelled up the stairs. There were two yes's.

      In a short while I heard them scrambling down the stairs. Then my dad and Sirius appeared from around the corner looking windswept. I raised my eyebrow. "Race" Sirius panted. (Get it?) I led them outside.

    "Okay I want my dad. You guys can have Sirius." I told Ron and Hermione. My mum came outside and acted as the referee having a pleasant conversation with Mrs. Weasley beside her.

      When she tossed up the ball Hermione and my dad raced to grab it. Obviously my dad won and zoomed towards the goal. He shot but Ron saved it. Then passed it to Hermione who desperately raced over to our goal. But she was leaned way to far forward. As I was about to tell her that, so many things happened at once. Sirius spotted the enchanted ball to act like a snitch, Hermione fell off her broom, and Ginny caught the dropped "quaffle" and scored it through the makeshift hoop. I dived towards Hermione while Ginny said "sorry. Chaser instinct."

      "Aresto momentum!" I screamed pointing my wand at Hermione. She slowed down but still hit the ground. I hopped off my broom and raced up to her. I checked her pulse...

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