Chapter fifty two

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"What am I supposed to do Harry? I can't even look at you guys the same without having a part of me wanting to drink your blood. I can't eat meals with you and might not be able to sleep in the same bed with you anymore. The risk is too high for me to be comfortable. Nobody will like me anymore and I'll grow old by myself away from the world. We don't even have what created our love for each other in the first place." I said once we got out. Furiously I blinked back the tears that pricked my eyes.

"Don't be dramatic." Harry protested.

"I'm not! Nobody's going to want their kids around me when I could lose control. You could easily divorce me and have many other beautiful women to chose from and-"

"Ginevra Molly Weasley I've known you since my first year at Hogwarts. We've been through so much together and you're the most beautiful, athletic, smart, and courageous person I know. I would never want anyone else in the world to be my wife but you. If I could propose to you again I would. I love you." He said softly and my scarlet red eyes met his emerald ones.

"I love you too." I whispered. He kissed me and pulled me closer to him but I jerked backwards and away from him.

"Stop." I gasped. My breathing was coming in short intervals and I avoided his gaze. "That's too much. I'm sorry but I just can't."

"It's okay. Let's go home." He held out my hand to help me to her feet but I refused it and got up myself.

"Race you home if you go on your broomstick." I challenged half heartedly. Really I just wanted time to myself.

"You're on." Harry narrowed his eyes. He summoned his broom and it flew into his hand. I mounted my broom and knew I had to win. Or else it would be somewhat humiliating.

"Ready...Set...Go!" Harry shouted. I took off and he did too on his broom. The ground was passing in a blur and he could probably make out my fiery red hair below easily keeping pace with me. He had to go above the trees and flew above a river leading back to our home. I made sure to hide myself from sight so he couldn't see me and went into my full sprint. Easily I pulled away from him and he dragged behind by a lot. Triumphantly after a little bit our home came into view and I dashed in. I looked behind me and he wasn't even in sight. After changing into my pajamas and grabbing a book I settled down in a chair and relaxed.

"I won!" Harry's voice echoed through the hall about twenty minutes later. But I looked completely calm and examined her fingernails when he came into the room.

"Oh Harry! I was beginning to think you had lost your way." I grinned.


"I arrived probably about twenty minutes ago."

"But you were only just keeping pace with me in the beginning." His brow furrowed.

"Oh that? Thanks for starting off like that. It was a nice jog." Laughing I got up and led the way to our room. We both changed into our pajamas and got into bed. My body seized up as I smelled his blood and started to shake with the effort of not moving. 

"Ginny are you okay?" Harry asked touching my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I hissed and backed up to the opposite side of the room. 

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry." Harry apologized.

"It's fine." I said trying to hold my breath and ease into it like I did before. "Don't move." I said slowly. He obeyed and sat silently as I moved towards him again. Once satisfied that I would be fine I climbed back in but made sure to keep a little bit of distance.

"I'm sorry." My heart sunk and I avoided his gaze.

"For what?"

"Everything. I should be better for you. Be perfect for you. I ruined the soul bond and can't even interact with you the way I want to. It's all my fault."

"Ginny for the last time I don't care! Okay? I don't care if you can't be right next to me without wanting to bite me. It doesn't matter that we lost our soul bond. What matters is you and our relationship. I love you so much and wouldn't trade you for anyone else in the world." He said softly before enveloping me in a hug.

At first I was stiff didn't move but was eventually able to relax. Harry waited patiently as I adjusted and once I was okay and relaxed back into him. My face pressed into his chest and this time I didn't focus on the human blood side of him. His familiar scent washed over me and I could breathe properly. He tilted my chin up to look at his face. My eyes met his and I gently moved up and kissed him. This time he made sure to be gentle and calm. I felt my leg automatically swing over his body and trapped him against the bed.

We couldn't get enough of each other. I was beginning to go in a craze just wanting more and more of him. Finally I brought his hands to the bottom of my shirt and encouraged them up.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." I nodded.

~after the whole steamy part because I don't enjoy writing that kind of thing~

"I love you so much." Harry murmured.

"Are you sure you'll be okay if we have a child? We're both quite young." I said thoughtfully.

"If we do I think we'll manage quite fine." Harry gently traced soothing circles on my back.

"Will it be okay even though I'm a vampire?" I gasped suddenly realizing we didn't think of that.

"I'm sure it'll be okay." Harry reassured me.

"No matter what you'll stay with me right?"


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